Drupalcon session - Drush 5.0 command line utility


By Moshie Weitzman, 

Drush 5.0 will be released today 

Shell alias

In help: angle brakets represent required, square brakets mean option


Drush now has a windows installer sponsered by Microsoft

Drush has a usage traking, uncomment lines to send to mogo lab

Drush Make

by Johnath Headstrom

Drush Make – package manager for your Drupal sites, like a shopping list of all the modules, themes and even patches. D rush Make is now part of Drush core.

Improvements to Drush make, better unit tesed, refactored to use pmdownload, uses cached copies of downloads locally.

Auto completion

Auto-completion press tab to see options, if no options press tab twice

To enable copy drush.complete.sh to /etc/bash/completion.d

Built-in Dev Web Server

Drush 5 has its own built in dev web server, to start it on port 8089 type:

drush rs :8089/ --user=1

arguments include : [name of the site] IP:port/path --core=[commerce_kickstart]

This requires PHP CGI. PHP 5.4 comes with its own webserver

Quick Drupal

To build a throw away site use the command quick drupal

drush qd -y

Queue Command

Mark from Aquia

The queue commands in Drupal 7

Added a default que runner to Drush

Added a command to list your queues

Drush queue-run <name of queue>

Drush queue-list

Default Site

New option to set default site, and to reset default site.

