DynamoDB: Modifying Throughput

Increased throughput at AWS with DynamoDB costs money. To manage cost, we reduce the throughput for DynmoDB at AWS for our Nu Skin Test environment as soon as testing is complete.

URL: https://xxxxxxxxx.signin.aws.amazon.com/console

To Increase DynamoDB Throughput:


Connect to AWS using your credentials for the AWS Test environment

Make sure US West (Oregon) is selected from region dropdown.

From the Console-Home page, select DynamoDB from the list of Amazon Web Services.


Click Tables on the left, and then select basEventsTest.


Click the Capacity tab.


Change the values to match the table below. When done, click Save. You will also need to modify basJobstest and basRecurringJobsTest.

Production values (as of March 31, 2015)

Index/Table Read Capacity Units Write Capacity Units
Table 500 800
sapld-language-index 200 200
Table 50 50
Table 50 50
dow-nextJobDt-index 50 50


After the table shows as ACTIVE again (and not UPDATING), your changes have been made successfully.

When testing is complete, return the throughput to their default values.

Default values

Index/Table Read Capacity Units Write Capacity Units
Table 5 15
sapId-language-index 5 15
Table 5 5
Table 5 5
dow-nextJobDt-index 5 5


LTO Waiting Room

To make changes to the LTO Waiting room, follow the same procedure outlined above with the following changes.

Make sure US East (N. Virginia) is selected from region dropdown.

From the list of Amazon DynamoDB Tables, select queue and click the Modify Throughput button. You will also need to modify wrcust.

The values to match Production (as of November 2015) are:

Index/Table Read Capacity Units Write Capacity Units
queue 600 600
wrcust 600 600

Default values for the Test DynamoDB tables:

Index/Table Read Capacity Units Write Capacity Units
queue 10 10
wrcust 10 10