James Calvin Sly Journal

James Calvin Sly Journal

See attached word document at the end of this page

Guide for 1849-1850 Wagon Train

From Great Salt Lake to Sacramento


Adventures during Gold Rush in California

Family Births, Marriages & Deaths


Images &  Transcription

by Jeffrey M. Sly December, 2003


Additional information may be found online at: web3us.com/ged

or by contacting Jeffrey Sly, 373 West 800 South, Salem Utah 84653. 

Email: stompersly@gmail.com

Diary of James Calvin Sly (MS Word Document with Images 2.6mb) New

Guide for 1849-1850 Wagon Train

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1849 June 25th  James C. Sly's Book

and [Journal] of life and his travels in 1849

On the 25th of June I left the

[Great] Salt Lake [City] in

Company with father Thomas

[Gustin] and Wilmer

Brunson as a guide for

a Train of wagons from

the United States to go to the

[Sacramento].  James Stuart

The Captain The first night the we

The 25th camped at herd Creek, about 28 miles

26th [Cross] weaver and Camped on [Ogden] 20 miles

27th at [Clear] Spring 25 miles

28th at [Bear] River 12 miles

Being 85 files from [Salt Lake City]


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On the 29th at the Blue Spring                    25 miles

  The water Brackish

On the 30th at the twin springs                   32 miles

On the 1st of July camped on Cash Creek  27 miles

On the 2nd at Goose Creek                          25 miles

On the 3rd at a spring at the foot

            of the [valley] of the well               32 miles

On the 4th at the Warm Spring                    25 miles

On the 5th at the forks of the [Humbolt]    40 miles

   From the [Bear] river                            206 miles

On the 6th to the 2nd fork                        25 miles

On the 7th to the 2nd [Canyon]                                30 miles

On the 8th to the 3rd [Canyon]                                6 miles

            [across] the hill                           12 miles

            [across] the next hill                    10 miles

On the 9th to the big Bend                       24 miles

            Camped in the Bend                   18 miles

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On the 10th at the 4th canyon                  30 miles

On the 11th at the Sand hill                     32 miles

On the 12th around the bend                   27 miles

On the 13th down the river                      25 miles

On the 14th at the sink                            44 miles

Which Being from the forks                    283 miles

On the 15th we Crossed the Sandy Plains

and Camped on Carson river      36 miles

On the 16th up the river to

the Big Bend                           20 miles

On the 17th to the next Bend                   18 miles

On the 18th at the Big Bend of

                Pilot Fork                                25 miles

On the 19th in Smokey Hollow               10 miles

On the 20th at the Frost Canyons           10 miles

On the 21st at the head of Canyon          5 miles

On the 22nd at the foot of the

                Cierey [Sierra] Nevada            10 miles

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On the 23rd in Lake Valley                      5 miles

and camped at Rock valley                     11 miles

On the 24th at Leek Springs                    16 miles

On the 25th at Sly's Park                       25 miles

  Here we lay by two days and

prospected for gold. But not

finding enough to suit us we

Continued our Journey and

On the 28th we camped at Weuon

town                                                     20 miles

On the 29th to Daylys ranch                   25 miles

            Being from the sink of Humbolt

            to Daylys ranch                          236 miles

Making the distance from

Great Salt Lake City to Daylys ranch on Sacramento

City         810 miles


Adventures during Gold Rush in California

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During this Journey I suffered greatly with canker in the mouth. I eat scarcely any thing during the journey.  On the 1st of August a Company of nine men prevailed upon me to go and prospect for gold and agreed to board me.  I led them to a ban on the Cossumnis River to a mine that had never been opened before, where we were getting considerable gold.  But a friend of theirs having told them that on the Macalimna River about 100 miles distance was a place were it could be picked up in large chunks but that

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the Indians had killed those men that went there and no body dare go there.  Every one of them was up in arms to go to the place where they could make their fortune.  I told them it was nothing but a gold tale and they had better stay where they were.  But father [Gustin] was a most angry and said I must be foolish if I wouldn't go.  I at last consented to go and on the 9th of August we took up our Journey for the great prize.  And on the 10th we arrived at the Big Bear 50 miles below

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the great prize, and I told them as we could get no further with the wagon that if two men would go with me we would go and see the place. Accordingly two of them volunteered and on the 12th we started.  We followed up the river Climb rocks and mountains until we came to the spot.  But to our great astonishment we found no dead men, and worse than all no gold.  And my two friends turned about very humble and said I wish we had taken your advice. 

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We might have had two or three hundred dollars in our [packs].  We then started back and arrived in camp on the 18th after a tedious journey of six days.  On the 20th we started back to the Cossumnis.  We arrived there on the 23rd and the company broke up.  And father Gustin and Willmer Brunson and my self in company with two other men went to work.  On Friday the 8th of September father Gustin was taken sick with a fever.  On Tuesday the 12th he seemed much better and talked

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of going to work.  But on Wednesday 13th he got so much worse that I called a Doctor and on Sunday 17th he died at 15 minutes before 8 o'clock in the morning. On the 8th of October we left that place and moved 12 miles up the river.  Willmer and my self was taken sick and I began to think that all sorts of bad luck attended us.  About the 12th of November the rainy season commenced and we were with out a tent or any thing to cover us.  We moved down the river 15 miles and I left Willmer with some friends

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and went to the city for a tent and our winter provisions.  It was a very rainy time and all the creeks were high.  And after fording some six streams some of them to my waist, there and back again, I arrived on the Cossumnes again on the 23rd of November.  The rain continued to the first of December and all the mines is idle on account of the high water.

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15th  Feb We had our gold stole from us which reduced us to poverty

1st March I was taken with Scurvy very sick

On the 12 father Bun was taken sick and died on the 17th 1850

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Family Births

Names and Births

of James C. Sly's Family

Names & Births

James C. Sly son of Joshua &

Eliza Sly was born Aug 8th 1807

 in Town Sodus Wayne County

 New York State

Mary Bassett Born April 19th 1808 daughter of Nemiah & Mary Basset

in the Town Ranclervile State

of New York

Neamiah Sly Born

November 19th 1829 in the Town of Sandinia, Erie Co.

State New York

Margriet Fuller daughter of David & Elizabeth Fuller

Was Born February 28th 1805 in the Town of Niagara Province

Upper Canada


David C. Sly Born April

The 6th 1832 in the Town of

Granthim, Upper Canada


Susannah Gustin Born

May 23rd 1832 in the Town of

Try Fountain Cost Indianna

[Vernner, Van Buren, Iowa]

Daughter of Thomas  & Mary Gustin


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Amos Sly Born January

The 19th 1850 in Great Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah Territory, Son of James C. & Susannah Sly


Lodemina Sly Daughter of J. C. &

Susannah Sly was Born

April 15th 1852 in the City of

Manti, San Pete Co., Utah State


James C. Sly Junior Born

March the 27th 1854

In the Town of Nephi,

Juab Co., Utah Territory


Mary Catherine Sly

Born August 30th 1856

In Nephi City, Juab Co., UT

Daughter of J. C. & Susannah Sly

Nancy Bruster Daughter of

Thomas and Mary Gustin was born March 21st 1842 Town Vernon, Van Buren Co., Iowa State


Nancy Eliza daughter of

James Calvin and Nancy Sly

Born in the City of Santaquin, Utah

Co., Utah Territory

On the 5th of December 1857


Thomas Gustin Son of James C.

and Susannah Sly Born Sept 16th

1858 in Santaquin, Utah County

Utah Territory


Solloman Son of James C. &

Nancy B. Sly was Born February

The 21st 1860 in the Town of Moroni,

San Pete Co., Utah Territory

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Susannah Daughter of James C. and Susannah Sly

was Born March 15th  1861

In the Town of Moroni, San Pete Co., Utah Territory


Calvana Daughter of James C. and Nancy Sly

Born April the 9th 1862


Mary Jane Daughter of James C. and Nancy Sly Born

the 15th of June 1864

Daniel Samuel Son of James C & Susannah Sly

Born Sept 7 1864 at Chicken Creek, Juab Co., Utah








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Family Marriages


James C. Sly was married to Mary Bassett January 25th 1829 in the Town of Manchester, Ontario Co., State of New York

James C. Sly was married to Margriet J. [Jane] Fuller September 1st 1831 in the Town Granthim, Upper Canada

James C. Sly was Married to Susannah Gustin March the 25th 1849 in Great Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

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Holy Matrimony in the House of the Lord James Calvin Sly Son of Joshua and Eliza Sly was Married and sealed for time and all Eternity with Susannah daughter of Thomas and Mary Gustin by Orcen Pratt one of the twelve apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, on the 1st August 1851

And Also with Nancy Gustin on the 19th January 1856 by Isacc Morley Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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in Nephi City, Juab County, Ut



Nancy Eliza Sly was married to Thomas Bithell in August 1874

Calvana Sly was married to John B. Dilborn September 17, 1877

Nancy Eliza Sly Second marriage was to John W. Dale the 27 of July 1876

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Amos Sly was married to Jane Ann Morgan January 2, 1873

Oliver Harris was married to Lodemia Sly September 13, 1869

George Holfines was married to Mary Catherine Sly September 27, 1875

Thomas J. Sly was married to Cathrine B Patterson March the 8, 1880

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Family Deaths


Died on the 25th of July 1830: Mary B Sly wife of J C Sly and daughter of Nemiah and Sariah Bassett in the town of Lockport St NY, Niagara County

On the 25th August 1830 Nemiah son of J. C. and Mary Sly in town Lockport, Niagara Co, NY

On the 18th  August 1832 David Son of Margriet J. (Fuller) and J. C. Sly in the town of Niagara Canada West

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Died on the 19th  November 1856 James son of James C and Susannah Sly in Nephi City Juab Co. UT

James C. Sly died at Chicken Creek, Juab Co, UT Aug 31st 1864 Aged 57 years.

Daniel Sly died on the 28th of May 1867 at Chicken Creek Aged 3 years 7 months and 21 days

Died on the 17th of May 1868 Jane Ollerton Aged 2 years 5 months and 22 days


Died on the 18th  of February 1875 George Son of Susannah and Seth Ollerton Died in Levan, Juab Co, UT

Died on the 15th of October 1876 Eliza (Nancy Elizabeth Sly) Dale at Ophir City Utah Age 19 years



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Mary Jane Sly

Died on the 27th of September 1865 daughter of James C. and Nancy Sly

Died on the 18th of October 1865 Mary (Peterson) Gustin Aged 60 years

Susannah Gustin (Sly) Ollerton J. C. Sly's 3rd wife died June 18, 1919 age 87 years 1 month. At North Creek Beaver Co. UT --- Buried at Beaver Cemetery

Catherine B. (Patterson) Sly died Dec. 4, 1924 age 71 years 4 months at McCormick Millard Co, UT.  Buried at Beaver Cemetery

Thomas Gustin Sly died Aug 23 1927 age 68 years 11 mo. Died at Milford, Beaver Co, UT Buried at Beaver Cemetery

Susannah Banks (Sly) Waters daughter of Catherine and Thomas Sly died Mar 10, 1914 age 22 years.  Died at Richfield, Beaver Co, UT.  Buried at Beaver Cemetery

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Seth Ollerton married to Susannah Sly the 22 January 1865 at Chicken Creek

Seth Ollerton died 26th day of Oct 1897

Names & Births of Seth Ollerton's Family

Jane Ollerton Born on the 28th of Nov 1866 daughter of Seth and Susannah (Sly) Ollerton

Edward Jossiah Ollerton Born on the 20th of May 1868 son of Seth and Susannah Ollerton

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George Ollerton Born on the 11 of February 1873 Son of Susannah and Seth Ollerton

Laura Bithell Born on the 12 of September 1875 daughter of Eliza (Nancy Elizabeth Sly) and Thomas Bithell

John C. Dale Born on the 9th  of October 1876 son of Eliza (Nancy Elizabeth Sly) and John W. Dale

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Edward J. Ollerton and Craigie M. Chalk were united in the holy bonds of matrimony the 26th day of June 1893

Frank C. Ollerton son of Craigie & Ed. Was born April 9th 1895, was blessed by Bro. Clausen the first Thursday in June 1895,

Edward William son of Craigie and Edward Ollerton Born Sept 23rd 1897.  Blessed by Winnifred Moody April 3rd 1898.

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James C. Sly Tail from Great Salt Lake to

Sly Park California 1849-1850

(800+ miles)

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Additional information may be found on Jeff's Home Page at: web3us.com

Ancestors of Jeffrey M. Sly and Elizabeth Kohls

Prepared by:

Jeffrey M. Sly
373 West 800 South
Salem, Utah 84653
