Ubuntu 18.04 stuck 640x480 video with nvidia after upgrade and reboot manager Sun, 01/19/2020 - 21:26 I searched all over and the only solution that worked for me was: $ sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall $ shutdown -r now This upgraded me from nvidia-390 to nvidia-435 successfully on Ubuntu 18.04.3. Now I am back to my full 4K resolution. Worked manager Mon, 07/27/2020 - 09:25 Thanks just did Ubuntu updates and had the same problem, this fixed it! Book traversal links for Ubuntu 18.04 stuck 640x480 video with nvidia after upgrade and reboot Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ‘Bionic Beaver’ - 11 Things To Do After Installing Up Ubuntu 20.04 Mate Fonts to big on 4k monitor
Worked manager Mon, 07/27/2020 - 09:25 Thanks just did Ubuntu updates and had the same problem, this fixed it!
Thanks just did Ubuntu updates and had the same problem, this fixed it!