Apache Solr on Drupal
These are guides to installing Apache Solr and integrating it with Drupal
With Drupal 7 I was forced to move from Luceen to Apache Solr for my search engine. I found that there are lots of documents on how to do Solr 1.4.1 with Drupal 6 but but with Drupal 7 not so much. I also wanted the added complexity of running mutilple Drupal sites off of one multicore Solr instance for Test and another set of Drupal sites off of another Solr instance with just one Tomcat server for both.
Overview of the how I setup this up
- Install two Drupal 7 and one Drupal 6 sites for Test, the same for Production
- Install one Tomcat server to host Solr for all sites in test and production
- Create two Solr applications each with 3 cores
- Install and configure all the Drupal modules for Solr
Since this is really about Solr I will expect you to already know about setting up Drupal and will only cover steps #3-5
(If you need help setting up Drupal 7 see my seperate How to on Drupal 7 or my other guides here)