Build Mobile Apps for Drupal Sites
What are the choices?
Native application - requires skills
Allows you to put your app on the IOS and Android Markets where you can sell
You can have offline content by putting it in a www folder
Setup services 3 on Drupal 7 to get freah content
Out of the box it comes with plugins for camera, maps, contacts,
Use the Drupal Module MAG (Mobile App Generator)
Generate your application
Install the Android SDK
Install PhoneGap
You can use PhoneGAP with the cloud build.
You can add HTML to the app to allow you to take a picture and upload it to your site.
Some tips and Tricks
Do the development in the brower with web-kit, test and debug in the browser, test on each device.
Make sure you test it without being on a private network.
Jeff Wood githup site with Drupal project that will use the camera.
Well it looks very enticing to write your toolkit+phonegap for mobile. But subsequently, I have come to love toolkits like titanium and rubymotion much more. I wrote about my thoughts long back but I have subsequently revised my opinion.