## MySQL Backup Script v3 - Jan, 2017 - Now supports PHP7
## For more documentation and new versions, please visit:
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## Updated for PHP7 by Jeff Sly (
## Origonally Created by Dagon Design (
## Much credit goes to Oliver Mueller (
## for contributing additional features, fixes, and testing.
## Usage Instructions
## This script requires two files to run:
## backup_dbs.php - Main script file
## backup_dbs_config.php - Configuration file
## Be sure they are in the same directory.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## Do not edit the variables in the main file. Use the configuration
## file to change your settings. The settings are explained there.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## A few methods to run this script:
## - php /PATH/backup_dbs.php
## - BROWSER: http://domain/PATH/backup_dbs.php
## - ApacheBench: ab "http://domain/PATH/backup_dbs.php"
## - lynx http://domain/PATH/backup_dbs.php
## - wget http://domain/PATH/backup_dbs.php
## - crontab: 0 3 * * * root php /PATH/backup_dbs.php
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## For more information, visit the website given above.
error_reporting( E_ALL );
// Initialize default settings
$MYSQL_PATH = '/usr/bin';
$MYSQL_HOST = 'localhost';
$MYSQL_USER = 'root';
$MYSQL_PASSWD = 'visitor1';
$BACKUP_DEST = '/db_backups';
$BACKUP_TEMP = '/tmp/backup_temp';
$VERBOSE = true;
$BACKUP_NAME = 'mysql_backup_' . date('Y-m-d');
$LOG_FILE = $BACKUP_NAME . '.log';
$ERR_FILE = $BACKUP_NAME . '.err';
$COMPRESSOR = 'bzip2';
$EMAIL_BACKUP = false;
$DEL_AFTER = false;
$EMAIL_FROM = 'Backup Script';
$EMAIL_SUBJECT = 'SQL Backup for ' . date('Y-m-d') . ' at ' . date('H:i');
$EMAIL_ADDR = 'root@localhost.localdomain';
$EXCLUDE_DB = 'information_schema';
$USE_NICE = 'nice -n 19';
$FLUSH = false;
$OPTIMIZE = false;
// Load configuration file
$current_path = dirname(__FILE__);
if( file_exists( $current_path.'/backup_dbs_config.php' ) ) {
require( $current_path.'/backup_dbs_config.php' );
} else {
echo 'No configuration file [backup_dbs_config.php] found. Please check your installation.';
# functions
* Write normal/error log to a file and output if $VERBOSE is active
* @param string $msg
* @param boolean $error
function writeLog( $msg, $error = false ) {
// add current time and linebreak to message
$fileMsg = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s: ') . trim($msg) . "\n";
// switch between normal or error log
$log = ($error) ? $GLOBALS['f_err'] : $GLOBALS['f_log'];
if ( !empty( $log ) ) {
// write message to log
fwrite($log, $fileMsg);
if ( $GLOBALS['VERBOSE'] ) {
// output to screen
echo $msg . "\n";
} // function
* Checks the $error and writes output to normal and error log.
* If critical flag is set, execution will be terminated immediately
* on error.
* @param boolean $error
* @param string $msg
* @param boolean $critical
function error( $error, $msg, $critical = false ) {
if ( $error ) {
// write error to both log files
writeLog( $msg );
writeLog( $msg, true );
// terminate script if this error is critical
if ( $critical ) {
die( $msg );
$GLOBALS['error'] = true;
} // function
# main
// set header to text/plain in order to see result correctly in a browser
header( 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"' );
header( 'Content-disposition: inline' );
// set execution time limit
if( ini_get( 'max_execution_time' ) < $MAX_EXECUTION_TIME ) {
set_time_limit( $MAX_EXECUTION_TIME );
// initialize error control
$error = false;
// guess and set host operating system
if( strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN' ) {
$os = 'unix';
$backup_mime = 'application/x-tar';
$BACKUP_NAME .= '.tar';
} else {
$os = 'windows';
$backup_mime = 'application/zip';
$BACKUP_NAME .= '.zip';
// create directories if they do not exist
if( !is_dir( $BACKUP_DEST ) ) {
$success = mkdir( $BACKUP_DEST );
error( !$success, 'Backup directory could not be created in ' . $BACKUP_DEST, true );
if( !is_dir( $BACKUP_TEMP ) ) {
$success = mkdir( $BACKUP_TEMP );
error( !$success, 'Backup temp directory could not be created in ' . $BACKUP_TEMP, true );
// prepare standard log file
$log_path = $BACKUP_DEST . '/' . $LOG_FILE;
($f_log = fopen($log_path, 'w')) || error( true, 'Cannot create log file: ' . $log_path, true );
// prepare error log file
$err_path = $BACKUP_DEST . '/' . $ERR_FILE;
($f_err = fopen($err_path, 'w')) || error( true, 'Cannot create error log file: ' . $err_path, true );
// Start logging
writeLog( "Executing MySQL Backup Script v1.4" );
writeLog( "Processing Databases.." );
# DB dumps
$excludes = array();
if( trim($EXCLUDE_DB) != '' ) {
$excludes = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $EXCLUDE_DB ) );
// Loop through databases
$db_conn = @mysqli_connect( $MYSQL_HOST, $MYSQL_USER, $MYSQL_PASSWD, 'drupal22' ) or error( true, mysqli_connect_error(), true );
#$db_result = mysql_list_dbs($db_conn);
if (!($db_result=mysqli_query($db_conn,$sql))) {
printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db_conn));
$db_auth = " --host=\"$MYSQL_HOST\" --user=\"$MYSQL_USER\" --password=\"$MYSQL_PASSWD\"";
while ($db_row = mysqli_fetch_object($db_result)) {
$db = $db_row->Database;
if( in_array( $db, $excludes ) ) {
// excluded DB, go to next one
// dump db
unset( $output );
exec( "$MYSQL_PATH/mysqldump $db_auth --opt $db 2>&1 >$BACKUP_TEMP/$db.sql", $output, $res);
if( $res > 0 ) {
error( true, "DUMP FAILED\n".implode( "\n", $output) );
} else {
writeLog( "Dumped DB: " . $db );
if( $OPTIMIZE ) {
unset( $output );
exec( "$MYSQL_PATH/mysqlcheck $db_auth --optimize $db 2>&1", $output, $res);
if( $res > 0 ) {
error( true, "OPTIMIZATION FAILED\n".implode( "\n", $output) );
} else {
writeLog( "Optimized DB: " . $db );
} // if
} // if
// compress db
unset( $output );
if( $os == 'unix' ) {
exec( "$USE_NICE $COMPRESSOR $BACKUP_TEMP/$db.sql 2>&1" , $output, $res );
} else {
exec( "zip -mj $BACKUP_TEMP/$ $BACKUP_TEMP/$db.sql 2>&1" , $output, $res );
if( $res > 0 ) {
error( true, "COMPRESSION FAILED\n".implode( "\n", $output) );
} else {
writeLog( "Compressed DB: " . $db );
if( $FLUSH ) {
unset( $output );
exec("$MYSQL_PATH/mysqladmin $db_auth flush-tables 2>&1", $output, $res );
if( $res > 0 ) {
error( true, "Flushing tables failed\n".implode( "\n", $output) );
} else {
writeLog( "Flushed Tables" );
} // if
} // while
# Archiving
// TAR the files
writeLog( "Archiving files.. " );
chdir( $BACKUP_TEMP );
unset( $output );
if( $os == 'unix' ) {
exec("cd $BACKUP_TEMP ; $USE_NICE tar cf $BACKUP_DEST/$BACKUP_NAME * 2>&1", $output, $res);
} else {
exec("zip -j -0 $BACKUP_DEST/$BACKUP_NAME * 2>&1", $output, $res);
if ( $res > 0 ) {
error( true, "FAILED\n".implode( "\n", $output) );
} else {
writeLog( "Backup complete!" );
// first error check, so we can add a message to the backup email in case of error
if ( $error ) {
$msg = "\n*** ERRORS DETECTED! ***";
if( $ERROR_EMAIL ) {
$msg .= "\nCheck your email account $ERROR_EMAIL for more information!\n\n";
} else {
$msg .= "\nCheck the error log {$err_path} for more information!\n\n";
writeLog( $msg );
# post processing
// do we email the backup file?
writeLog( "Emailing backup to " . $EMAIL_ADDR . " .. " );
$headers = "From: " . $EMAIL_FROM . " <root@localhost>";
// Generate a boundary string
$rnd_str = md5(time());
$mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$rnd_str}x";
// Add headers for file attachment
$headers .= "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n" .
"Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n" .
" boundary=\"{$mime_boundary}\"";
// Add a multipart boundary above the plain message
$body = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n" .
"--{$mime_boundary}\n" .
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" .
file_get_contents($log_path) . "\n\n";
// make Base64 encoding for file data
$data = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($BACKUP_DEST.'/'.$BACKUP_NAME)));
// Add file attachment to the message
$body .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n" .
"Content-Type: {$backup_mime};\n" .
" name=\"{$BACKUP_NAME}\"\n" .
"Content-Disposition: attachment;\n" .
" filename=\"{$BACKUP_NAME}\"\n" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" .
$data . "\n\n" .
$res = mail( $EMAIL_ADDR, $EMAIL_SUBJECT, $body, $headers );
if ( !$res ) {
error( true, 'FAILED to email mysql dumps.' );
// do we delete the backup file?
writeLog( "Deleting file.. " );
if ( file_exists( $BACKUP_DEST.'/'.$BACKUP_NAME ) ) {
$success = unlink( $BACKUP_DEST.'/'.$BACKUP_NAME );
error( !$success, "FAILED\nUnable to delete backup file" );
// see if there were any errors to email
if ( ($ERROR_EMAIL) && ($error) ) {
writeLog( "\nThere were errors!" );
writeLog( "Emailing error log to " . $ERROR_EMAIL . " .. " );
$headers = "From: " . $EMAIL_FROM . " <root@localhost>";
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\";\n";
$body = "\n".file_get_contents($err_path)."\n";
$res = mail( $ERROR_EMAIL, $ERROR_SUBJECT, $body, $headers );
if( !$res ) {
error( true, 'FAILED to email error log.' );
# cleanup / mr proper
// close log files
// if error log is empty, delete it
if( !$error ) {
unlink( $err_path );
// delete the log files if they have been emailed (and del_after is on)
if ( file_exists( $log_path ) ) {
$success = unlink( $log_path );
error( !$success, "FAILED\nUnable to delete log file: ".$log_path );
if ( file_exists( $err_path ) ) {
$success = unlink( $err_path );
error( !$success, "FAILED\nUnable to delete error log file: ".$err_path );
// remove files in temp dir
if ($dir = @opendir($BACKUP_TEMP)) {
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if (!is_dir($file)) {
// remove temp dir