## MySQL Backup Script Configuration File
## Use this file to configure your settings for the script.
## For more documentation and new versions, please visit:
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## Created by Dagon Design (
## Much credit goes to Oliver Mueller (
## for contributing additional features, fixes, and testing.
## General Options
// Remember to always use absolute paths without trailing slashes!
// On Windows Systems: Don't forget volume character (e.g. C:).
// Path to the mysql commands (mysqldump, mysqladmin, etc..)
$MYSQL_PATH = '/usr/bin';
// Mysql connection settings (must have root access to get all DBs)
$MYSQL_HOST = 'localhost';
$MYSQL_USER = 'root';
// Backup destination (will be created if not already existing)
$BACKUP_DEST = '/opt/db_backups';
// Temporary location (will be created if not already existing)
$BACKUP_TEMP = '/tmp/backup_temp';
// Show script status on screen while processing
// (Does not effect log file creation)
$VERBOSE = true;
// Name of the created backup file (you can use PHP's date function)
// Omit file suffixes like .tar or .zip (will be set automatically)
$BACKUP_NAME = 'mysql_backup_' . date('Y-m-d');
// Name of the standard log file
$LOG_FILE = $BACKUP_NAME . '.log';
// Name of the error log file
$ERR_FILE = $BACKUP_NAME . '.err';
// Which compression program to use
// Only relevant on unix based systems. Windows system will use zip command.
$COMPRESSOR = 'bzip2';
## Email Options
// Email the backup file when finished?
$EMAIL_BACKUP = false;
// If using email backup, delete from server afterwards?
$DEL_AFTER = false;
// The backup email's 'FROM' field
$EMAIL_FROM = 'Backup Script';
// The backup email's subject line
$EMAIL_SUBJECT = 'SQL Backup for ' . date('Y-m-d') . ' at ' . date('H:i');
// The destination address for the backup email
## Error Options
// Email error log to specified email address
// (Will only send if an email address is given)
// Subject line for error email
## Advanced Options
## Be sure you know what you are doing before making changes here!
// A comma separated list of databases, which should be excluded
// from backup
// information_schema is a default exclude, because it is a read-only DB anyway
$EXCLUDE_DB = 'information_schema,performance_schema';
// Defines the maximum number of seconds this script shall run before terminating
// This may need to be adjusted depending on how large your DBs are
// Default: 18000
// Low CPU usage while compressing (recommended) (empty string to disable).
// Only relevant on unix based systems
// Default: 'nice -n 19'
$USE_NICE = 'nice -n 19';
// Flush tables between mysqldumps (recommended, if it runs during non-peak time)
// Default: false
$FLUSH = false;
// Optimize databases between mysqldumps.
// (For detailed information look at
// Default: false
$OPTIMIZE = false;
## End of Options