Linux Administrators Essentials
How to encrypt a file
gpg -e (or --encrypt) -r recipient file_name
gpg -d (or --decrypt) file_name
gpg -c (-symmetric) file prompts for password
How to SCP a file to a vpn location
scp <file> <username>@<IP address or hostname>:<Destination>
How to create static entry for host in DNS, in the file: /etc/resolv.conf
If you need to mount a file at startup what file do you set this up in?
How to tell which ports are listening and which have connections
netstat –nat all Internet connections
sudo netstat -atpn all Connections currently in use
netstat –tulpn all listening ports
netstat –tue all established connections
more /etc/services list of services with ports
How to test connectivity between machines, like for email,
telnet localhost 25
netcat localhost 25
Test if port is open for each of the 3 email protocols and what are they? IMAP, POP, SMTP?
IMAP uses port 143, but SSL/TLS encrypted IMAPs uses port 993.
POP uses port 110, pop3 but SSL/TLS encrypted POP3s uses port 995.
SMTP uses port 25, but SSL/TLS encrypted SMTP uses port 465.
Configured NFS, and Samba, in what files are the configs?
#vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
sudo mount -t cifs //ip_address/myshare /opt/CIFS -o username=samb_user,noexec
#vim /etc/default/nfs-common
sudo mount –t nfs4 ip_or_host_name:/ /opt/NFSMount
What are the couple of modules in Apache we enabled and what do they do? Modrewrite and ? How do you enable them?
sudo a2ensite default-ssl Enable SSL
sudo a2enmod rewrite Enable mod rewrite
or copy from /etc/apache2/mods-available to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
How to enable sites, looked at apache config, know how to change default port apache listens on
sudo a2ensite sitename
sudo a2dissite sitename
or create a link ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/conf
Understand public and private key encryption, if you want to encrypt a file and send it to someone what key (public or private) do you use? Using asymmetric cryptography
If you encrypt (“lock”) something with your private key, anyone can decrypt it with your public key (“unlock”), but this serves as a proof you encrypted it: it’s “digitally signed” by you.
Any person can encrypt a message using the receiver's public key. That encrypted message can only be decrypted with the receiver's private key
gpg --encrypt file_name
gpg --decrypt file_name
gpg –list-keys
gpg -e (or --encrypt) -r recipient file_name
SNMP, Mibs and traps, what they are
SNMP uses MIB to provide information about a device and all associated features
Trap – A client will decide if something interesting happened, based on Traps, and send that information to the server
snmpd (the Daemon) snmp (the tools)
snmpwalk -c public -v1 localhost | less
TCPdump and Tshark, what are the switches for: adapters, write to file, read from file, source port, destination port
sudo tcpdump host localhost and dst port 2049
-n switch can be used to prevent domain name resolution.
-v option will provide more verbose data, the more v’s you add, the more verbose it gets.
-w switch will save data to a file,
-r switch will read a file in
tshark -i eth0 -c 50 -w /var/tmp/capture.pcap not tcp port 22 and not host
-c is the count for how many packets to capture,
-w is the file to capture to and the filter statements are at the end.
forward and reverse lookup zone, he will give us an IP and we should know its reverse zone lookup
nslookup IP-address for reverse lookup use IP to find name
dig -t MX Show mail record types
dig record types: NS - Name server, SOA - Start of Authorit, CNAME - pointer for an alias, A - Basic host record (dig will also search each server listed in /etc/resolv.conf)
From HW5 sys stats packge, what package is it
sudo sar -n DEV 1 1 This shows Network -n network
sudo sar -b 1 1 This shows Disk IO
sudo sar 1 1 This shows CPU -p processor
sudo sar -u 1 1 This shows CPU -u utilization
sudo sar -S 1 1 This shows Swap -S
What port is used for http (80) https (443)
80 http
443 https
NTP (Network Time Protocol) which daemon is running for it on debian, named differently the file you used to use to set which servers to use to get time but no longer used in the new one
timesyncd replaces ntpd and ntpdate
timedatectl status
service systemd-timesyncd
stop, restart and reload a daemon service
sudo service apache2 restart
sudo service apache2 stop
sudo service apache2 reload
sudo systemctl start apache2.service
sudo journalctl -u apache2
standard typical web has 3 servers, DB-App-Web, which is apache and which is tomcat
Tomcat - Java application server
Apache – Web server
Where main bind config file is and its path
template for zone sudo cp /etc/bind/db.local /etc/bind/
sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart
Name of bind daemon
or sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart
Basic Bind record types
Record format: priority, host, points to, TTL
A record: for the name server
CNAME: Canonical or alias
MX record: mail exchange
NS record: name server
SPF record: Sender Policy Framework = list of email server FQDN (fully qualified Domain)
PTR record: reverse lookup for each A record
DNS records
From test 1, know the commands to configure UFW (uncomplicated fireWall) to allow ports for email, 3 protocols
sudo ufw allow 25 (or by name nfs samba )
From Advanced Networking, know the command to tcp to figure our what OS and what other stuff is at a network address/port
tshark -c 5 -w vartmp/jeff.pcap not tcp port 22
tshark -r vartmp/jeff.pcap
Last question is easy
Copy a file
scp <file> <username>@<IP address or hostname>:<Destination>