Six Tell Tale Signs: Have You Outgrown Your ERP Software?

Here are six signs for you to ponder that may indicate that you have grown out of your current ERP software:

1.   Slow Performance for reports, updates, and/or data entry

The amount of data amassed and stored in your accounting system is causing the software you’ve come to rely on to function slowly.  A slow performing accounting system is a business hindrance, and a more powerful solution may not be difficult to find.

2.  Heavy Dependence on External Applications

Are you creating reports with Excel because your accounting software can’t generate them the way you want?  Instead of a click of a button your wasting time manually creating reports. The Accounting & ERP Software itself should generate 90% of the report requirements with the push of a button.

3.  Manual Entry & Compilation of Data

Do you need to re-keyed your website orders into your Accounting Software?  Are you taking orders by hand and then manually entering them into the system?  Are you keeping a set of customers in your database and also in your accounting software?  Have you added multiple warehouses that your software can’t support?

These are common occurrences encountered as businesses grow and eventually outgrow their accounting software’s capabilities.  If you are creating little tricks and codes to accommodate shortcomings like this, it may be time to look into something new.

4.  Requirements for Customization

Your complex accounting needs call for customization of a system that it would be more effective to simply replace.  If the cost of accounting software customization approaches the cost of the problem which needs to be resolved, a different package may be something to consider as part of your long-term strategy.

5.  Multiple Databases & Multiple Systems Required for Managing the Business

Is your business data is scattered across different systems and databases instead of being integrated into one functional program. Integrations can overcome having to have several systems with double up information.

6.  Lack of Real-Time or Timely Access to Information 

If you lack real-time access to your vital business data, across locations or in just one location, a new accounting package can help you gain visibility.  Or, if you have to wait until the end of the day or the end of the month before being able to review key financial reports, something may be amiss in your system.

An organization’s information system provides  key data for  managing and making critical decisions that impact the future of your business.  A system that runs slowly, requires a lot of manual manipulation, needs “outside the system” analysis and reporting, and has consistent requirements for enhancement may not be the best fit.  These inefficiencies are not something you have to put up with. Find out what is available and what it would take to get you and your business on track, running efficiently and exceeding yours and your customers needs.