Tuning Nagios
In order to allow the Nagios system to run thousands of alert checks per minute, we needed to tune a few things in Nagios.
First we moved the database and program directories /var/lib and /usr/local over to a high speed EMC disk Array.
Create a RAM disk for Nagios tempory files
I created a ramdisk by adding the following entry to the /etc/fstab file:
none /mnt/ram tmpfs size=500M 0 0
Mount the disk using the following commands
# mkdir -p /mnt/ram; mount /mnt/ram
Verify the disk was mounted and created
# df -k
Modify the /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg file with the following tuned parameters
IMPORTANT: Stop ALL Nagios processes including DB and postgres.
Check for any Nagios process that are still running
ps -ef | grep -i nagios
Manually kill any Nagios processes that didn't stop
# kill <process ID>
# sudo /sbin/service nagios stop
# sudo /sbin/service npcd stop
# sudo /sbin/service ndo2db stop
# sudo /sbin/service nagiosxi stop
# sudo /sbin/service mysqld stop
# sudo /sbin/service postgresql stop
# sudo /sbin/service httpd stop
Restart all Nagios processes
# sudo /sbin/service mysqld start
# sudo /sbin/service postgresql start
# sudo /sbin/service nagios start
# sudo /sbin/service npcd start
# sudo /sbin/service ndo2db start
# sudo /sbin/service nagiosxi start
# sudo /sbin/service httpd start