Common MySQL Queries

See also: Guide to Tuning MySQL for Performance

Pivot tables (crosstabs)
Relational division
Aggregates and Statistics
Data comparison
Graphs and Hierarchies
Spherical geometry
Database metadata
Statistics without aggregates
Stored procedures
Join or subquery?
Date and time
Ordering resultsets

MYEntries in italics new or updated in the last month

MySQL Function Reference

Chapter 9 of Get it Done with MySQL 5&6

Basic aggregation


This is the simplest grouping query pattern. For column foo, display the first (smallest), last (largest) or average value of column bar:

SELECT foo, MIN(bar) AS bar
FROM tbl

Return the highest bar value for each foo, ordering top to bottom by that value:

SELECT foo, MAX(bar) AS Count
FROM tbl

Ditto for AVG(), COUNT() etc. The pattern is easily extended for multiple grouping column expressions.

MySQL introduced the SQL extension GROUP_CONCAT(), which makes short work of listing items in groups. For example, given a table of suppliers and the parts they make ...

CREATE TABLE supparts(supID char(2),partID char(2));

list suppliers for each part:

FROM supparts 
| partID | Suppliers   |
| p1     | s1,s2       |
| p2     | s1,s2,s3,s4 |
| p3     | s1          |
| p4     | s1,s4       |
| p5     | s1,s4       |
| p6     | s1          |

If columns other than the GROUP BY column must be retrieved, and if the grouping expression does not have a strictly 1:1 relationship with those columns, then to avoid returning arbitrary values for those non-grouping columns, you must put the GROUP BY query in a subquery and join that result to the other columns, for example:

SELECT s.partID, s, thiscol, s.thatcol, anothercol, x.Suppliers
FROM supparts s
  FROM supparts 
) x USING(partID)

Last updated 25 Jun 2010

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You track squash court bookings and fees. A court booking has one fee, but it has two member references, and those can be the same if one member has brought a guest. For each booking row, the fee is to be split between the two members. What query correctly aggregates fees including cases where the two members of record are the same?

CREATE TABLE bookings (
  court_id int(11) NOT NULL,
  member1 int(11) NOT NULL,
  member2 int(11) NOT NULL,
  time timestamp NOT NULL,
  fee decimal(5,2) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO bookings ( court_id , member1 , member2 , time , fee )
(1, 1000, 1001, '2009-09-09 15:49:38', 3.00), 
(2, 1000, 1000, '2009-09-08 15:50:04', 3.00);

For this data the correct result is

member fees
1000   4.50
1001   1.50

An efficient solution, posted by 'laptop alias' on a MySQL forum:

SELECT member, ROUND(SUM(fee/2),2) AS total
  SELECT member1 AS member, fee FROM bookings
  SELECT member2, fee FROM bookings
) AS tmp
GROUP BY member;

Last updated 09 Sep 2009

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Given a parent table and two child tables, a query which sums values in both child tables, grouping on a parent table column, returns sums that are exactly twice as large as they should be. In this example from the MySQL General Discussion list:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS packageItem,packageCredit,packageItemTax;
CREATE TABLE packageItem (
 packageItemID INT, 
 packageItemName CHAR(20), 
 packageItemPrice DECIMAL(10,2)
INSERT INTO packageItem VALUES(1,'Delta Hotel',100.00);

CREATE TABLE packageCredit (
 packageCreditID INT, 
 packageCreditItemID INT, 
 packageItemType CHAR(10), 
 packageCreditAmount DECIMAL(10,2)

CREATE TABLE packageItemTax (
 packageItemTaxID INT, 
 packageItemTaxItemID INT, 
 packageItemTaxName CHAR(5), 
 packageItemTaxAmount DECIMAL(10,2)

The query ...

  packageItemID             AS Item,
  SUM(packageItemPrice)     AS Price,
  SUM(packageItemTaxAmount) AS Tax,
  SUM(packageCreditAmount)  AS Credit
FROM packageItem
LEFT JOIN packageCredit ON packageItemID=packageCreditItemID
LEFT JOIN packageItemTax ON packageItemTaxItemID=packageItemID
GROUP BY packageItemID
ORDER BY packageItemID;

returns this incorrect result ...

| Item | Price  | Tax   | Credit |
|    1 | 400.00 | 34.00 | 234.00 |

With three child tables, the sums are tripled. Why? The query aggregates across each join. How then to get the correct results? One way is with correlated subqueries:

  packageItemID AS Item, 
  SUM(packageItemPrice) AS Price,
  ( SELECT SUM(c.packageCreditAmount) 
    FROM packageCredit c 
    WHERE c.packageCreditItemID = packageItemID
  ) AS Credit,
  ( SELECT SUM(t.packageItemTaxAmount) 
    FROM packageItemTax t 
    WHERE t.packageItemTaxItemID = packageItemID
  ) AS Tax
FROM packageItem
GROUP BY packageItemID;
| Item | Price  | Credit | Tax   |
|    1 | 100.00 | 117.00 | 17.00 |

Moving the subquery logic to the JOIN level may speed up performance considerably:

  i.packageItemID AS Item,
  SUM(i.packageItemPrice) AS Price,
FROM packageItem i
  SELECT packageCreditItemID, SUM(packageCreditAmount) AS Credit
  FROM packageCredit
) c ON i.packageItemID = c.packageCreditItemID
  SELECT packageItemTaxItemID, SUM(t.packageItemTaxAmount) AS Tax
  FROM packageItemTax t 
) t ON i.packageItemID = t.packageItemTaxItemID
GROUP BY packageItemID;

If subqueries are unavailable or too slow, replace them with temp tables.


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You have a table of grouped ranks ...

CREATE TABLE grps (grp int);
INSERT INTO grps VALUES(1),(2),(3),(4);
CREATE TABLE ranks(grp int,rank int);
INSERT INTO ranks VALUES(1, 4 ),(1, 7 ),(1, 9 ),(2, 2 ),(2, 3 ),(2, 5 ),(2, 6 ),(2, 8 ),(3, 1 ),(4,11 ),(4,12 ),(4,13 );

and you wish to list ranks by group omitting the leading rank in each group. The simplest query for group leaders is ...

SELECT grp, MIN(rank) as top 
FROM ranks r2
| grp  | top  |
|    1 |    4 |
|    2 |    2 |
|    3 |    1 |
|    4 |   11 |

The simplest way to get a result that omits these is an exclusion join from the ranks table to the above result:

SELECT r1.grp, r1.rank
FROM ranks r1
  SELECT grp, MIN(rank) as top 
  FROM ranks r2
  GROUP BY grp
) AS r2 ON r1.grp=r2.grp AND r1.rank =
ORDER BY grp, rank;
| grp  | rank |
|    1 |    7 |
|    1 |    9 |
|    2 |    3 |
|    2 |    5 |
|    2 |    6 |
|    2 |    8 |
|    4 |   12 |
|    4 |   13 |


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Find the values of a table column c1 for which there are a specified number of listed values in another column c2.

To get an overview of the values of c2 for each value of c1:

  GROUP_CONCAT(c2 ORDER BY c2) AS 'C2 values'
FROM table

To retrieve a list of c1 values for which there exist specific values in another column c2, you need an IN clause specifying the c2 values and a HAVING clause specifying the required number of different items in the list ...

FROM table
WHERE c2 IN (1,2,3,4)

This is easy to generalise to multiple column expressions, and a HAVING clause specifying any number of items from the IN list.


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You have an election database with tables for candidates, parties and districts. A candidate belongs to one party; a district may have any number of candidates:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS parties,districts,candidates;
CREATE TABLE parties (
  party char(12) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (party)
INSERT INTO parties VALUES ('Conservative'),('Liberal'),('Socialist'),('Green'),('Libertarian');

CREATE TABLE districts (
  district char(10) DEFAULT NULL
INSERT INTO districts VALUES ('Essex'),('Malton'),('Riverdale'),('Guelph'),('Halton');

CREATE TABLE candidates (
  id int(11) NOT NULL,
  name char(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  district char(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  party char(10) DEFAULT NULL,
(1,'Anne Jones','Essex','Liberal'),(2,'Mary Smith','Malton','Liberal'),
(3,'Sara Black','Riverdale','Liberal'),(4,'Paul Jones','Essex','Socialist'),
(5,'Ed White','Essex','Conservative'),(6,'Jim Kelly','Malton','Liberal'),
(7,'Fred Price','Riverdale','Socialist'),(8,'Bill Green','Guelph','Green'),
(9,'Garth Adams','Halton','Libertarian'),(10,'Sam Adams','Guelph','Liberal'),
(11,'Jill Mackay','Halton','Liberal');

What query shows which parties have candidates in all districts? The simplest solution is to aggregate on party from a join of candidates to districts, and condition the result on each party having a rowcount at least equal to the district count:

SELECT party
FROM candidates
INNER JOIN districts USING (district)
GROUP BY party
HAVING COUNT(party) >= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM districts);
| party   |
| Liberal |

The query pattern is: given a table of x values in table X, a table of y values in table Y, and a table of x-y pairs in table Z, use the following query to find all X.x which are paired with every Y.y in Z:


For a very different solution see relational division.


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In a good introductory tutorial on MySQL subqueries, Jeremy Cole developed a triply nested query to retrieve the name, population, head of state, and number of official languages in countries with the most official languages. The query uses two tables from the MySQL world database:

CREATE TABLE country (
  Name char(52) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  Population int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  HeadOfState char(60) DEFAULT NULL,
  ... other columns ...
CREATE TABLE countrylanguage (
  CountryCode char(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' PRIMARY KEY,
  Language char(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  IsOfficial enum('T','F') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'F',
  Percentage float(4,1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0'

The query needs to aggregate language counts by country twice: once for all language counts by country, and once again to identify countries with the highest number of languages:

SELECT name, population, headofstate, top.num
FROM Country
  SELECT countrycode, COUNT(*) AS num
  FROM CountryLanguage
  WHERE isofficial='T'
  GROUP BY countrycode
  HAVING num = (
    SELECT MAX(summary.nr_official_languages)
    FROM  (
      SELECT countrycode, COUNT(*) AS nr_official_languages
      FROM CountryLanguage 
      WHERE isofficial='T' 
      GROUP BY countrycode
    ) AS summary
) as top ON Country.code=top.countrycode;
| name         | population | headofstate | num |
| Switzerland  |    7160400 | Adolf Ogi   |   4 |
| South Africa |   40377000 | Thabo Mbeki |   4 |

In addition, one of the nested subqueries is buried in a HAVING clause. This is fine with small tables, but if the table being aggregated is very large and the aggregation is complex, performance may be unsatisfactory. Substituting a temporary table for the double nesting can improve performance in two ways:
  • the aggregation needs to be done just once
  • we can use an exclusion join, which is usually faster than a HAVING clause, to find countries with the maximum counts:

  SELECT countrycode, COUNT(*) AS num
  FROM CountryLanguage l1
  WHERE isofficial='T'
  GROUP BY countrycode;

SELECT name,population,headofstate,t3.num
FROM country c
  SELECT t1.countrycode, t1.num
  FROM top t1
  LEFT JOIN top t2 ON t1.num < t2.num
  WHERE t2.countrycode IS NULL
) AS t3 ON c.code=t3.countrycode;
| name         | population | headofstate | num |
| Switzerland  |    7160400 | Adolf Ogi   |   4 |
| South Africa |   40377000 | Thabo Mbeki |   4 |

You notice that we haven't actually used a TEMPORARY table? Indeed we haven't, because of the MySQL limitation that temporary tables cannot be referenced multiple times in a query. Until that's lifted, we get almost as much speed improvement from using a MEMORY table as a temporary table.


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When you have parent-child-grandchild tables, eg companies, users, actions, and your query requirement is for per-parent aggregates from the child table and per-child aggregates from the grandchild table, then cascading joins yield spuriously multiplied counts, and correlated subqueries fail because the second correlated subquery cannot find a visible joining column.

One solution is to use derived tables. Assuming ...

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS companies,users,actions;
CREATE TABLE companies (id int, name char(10));
INSERT INTO COMPANIES VALUES(1,'abc ltd'),(2,'xyz inc');
CREATE TABLE users (id INT,companyid INT);
INSERT INTO users VALUES(1,1),(2,1),(3,1),(4,2),(5,2);
CREATE TABLE actions (id INT, userid INT, date DATE); 
( 1, 1, '2009-1-2'),( 2, 1, '2009-1-3'),( 3, 2, '2009-1-4'),( 4, 2, '2009-1-5'),( 5, 3, '2009-1-6'),
( 6, 3, '2009-1-7'),( 7, 4, '2009-1-8'),( 8, 5, '2009-1-9'),( 9, 5, '2009-1-9'),(10, 5, '2009-1-9');

  • Join companies and users once to establish a derived company-user table.
  • Join them a second time, this time aggregating on to retrieve user counts per company.
  • Join the first derived table to the actions table, aggregating on to retrieve actions per user per company:
Here is the SQL:

SELECT cu1.cname as CpyName, cu2.uCnt as Users, ua.uid as UserNo, ua.aCnt as Actions, ua.Latest
  SELECT AS cid, AS cname, AS uid 
  FROM companies c
  INNER JOIN users u1 ON
) AS cu1
  FROM companies c
  INNER JOIN users u2 ON
) AS cu2 ON cu1.cid=cu2.cid
  SELECT AS uid, COUNT( AS aCnt, MAX( AS latest
  FROM users u3
  INNER JOIN actions a ON
) AS ua ON ua.uid=cu1.uid; 
| CpyName | Users | UserNo | Actions | Latest     |
| abc ltd |     3 |      1 |       2 | 2009-01-03 |
| abc ltd |     3 |      2 |       2 | 2009-01-05 |
| abc ltd |     3 |      3 |       2 | 2009-01-07 |
| xyz inc |     2 |      4 |       1 | 2009-01-08 |
| xyz inc |     2 |      5 |       3 | 2009-01-09 |


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Given the table authorbook(authid INT, bookid INT), what query finds the books who have authors with more than one book in the table?

Even one level of recursion can induce a mild trance. Escape the trance by taking the problem one step at a time. First write the query that finds the authors with multiple books. Then join an outer query to that on authorid, and have the outer query select bookid:

SELECT a1.bookid
FROM authorbook a1
  SELECT authid,count(bookid)
  FROM authorbook a2
  GROUP BY authid
  HAVING COUNT(bookid)>1
) AS a3 ON a1.authid=a3.authid;



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To group rows by a time period whose length in minutes divides evenly into 60, use this formula:

GROUP BY ((60/periodMinutes) * HOUR( thistime ) + FLOOR( MINUTE( thistime ) / periodMinutes ))

where thistime is the TIME column and periodMinutes is the period length in minutes. So to group by 15-min periods, write ...

GROUP BY ( 4 * HOUR( thistime ) + FLOOR( MINUTE( thistime ) / 15 ))

A simpler application of the same logic works for hours. For example, list data by three-hour periods:

CREATE TABLE t(t time,i int);
INSERT INTO t VALUES('01:01:01',1),('02:02:02',2),('05:05:05',5);

GROUP BY period;
| period | i    |
|      0 | 1,2  |
|      1 | 5    |

And the same logic works for months ...

GROUP BY ((12/periodMonths) * YEAR( thisdate ) + FLOOR( MONTH( thisdate ) / periodMonths ))

It could be made to work for weeks with a function that maps the results of WEEK() to the range 1...52.

When the desired grouping period is a value returned by a MySQL date-time function, matters become simpler: just group by the desired value. Thus to group by weeks, write ..

GROUP BY WEEK( datecol)

You can also Group By an expression like

  CEIL( TIME_TO_SEC( TIMEDIFF( timestamp1, timestamp2 )) / (60*60) )

modifying the denominator to suit.

If there is no expression invoking a MySQL date-time function that returns the desired grouping period, you will need to write your own stored function.


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Here is a simple soccer league table setup that was developed in the MySQL Forum by J Williams and a contributor named "Laptop Alias". The teams table tracks team ID and name, the games table tracks home and away team IDs and goal totals for each game. The query for standings is built by aggregating a UNION of home team and away team game results:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS teams, games;
CREATE TABLE teams(id int primary key auto_increment,tname char(32));
CREATE TABLE games(id int primary key auto_increment, date datetime, 
                   hteam int, ateam int, hscore tinyint,ascore tinyint);

INSERT INTO teams VALUES(1,'Wanderers'),(2,'Spurs'),(3,'Celtics'),(4,'Saxons');
(1,'2008-1-1 20:00:00',1,2,1,0),(2,'2008-1-1 20:00:00',3,4,0,2),
(3,'2008-1-8 20:00:00',1,3,1,1),(4,'2008-1-8 20:00:00',2,4,2,1);
SELECT * FROM teams;
| id | tname     |
|  1 | Wanderers |
|  2 | Spurs     |
|  3 | Celtics   |
|  4 | Saxons    |
SELECT * FROM games;
| id | date                | hteam | ateam | hscore | ascore |
|  1 | 2008-01-01 20:00:00 |     1 |     2 |      1 |      0 |
|  2 | 2008-01-01 20:00:00 |     3 |     4 |      0 |      2 |
|  3 | 2008-01-08 20:00:00 |     1 |     3 |      1 |      1 |
|  4 | 2008-01-08 20:00:00 |     2 |     4 |      2 |      1 |

-- Standings query:
  tname AS Team, Sum(P) AS P,Sum(W) AS W,Sum(D) AS D,Sum(L) AS L,
  SUM(F) as F,SUM(A) AS A,SUM(GD) AS GD,SUM(Pts) AS Pts 
    hteam Team, 
    1 P,
    IF(hscore > ascore,1,0) W,
    IF(hscore = ascore,1,0) D,
    IF(hscore < ascore,1,0) L,
    hscore F,
    ascore A,
    hscore-ascore GD,
    CASE WHEN hscore > ascore THEN 3 WHEN hscore = ascore THEN 1 ELSE 0 END PTS
  FROM games
    IF(hscore < ascore,1,0),
    IF(hscore = ascore,1,0),
    IF(hscore > ascore,1,0),
    ascore-hscore GD,
    CASE WHEN hscore < ascore THEN 3 WHEN hscore = ascore THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
  FROM games
) as tot
JOIN teams t ON 
| Team      | P    | W    | D    | L    | F    | A    | GD   | Pts  |
| Wanderers |    2 |    1 |    1 |    0 |    2 |    1 |    1 |    4 |
| Spurs     |    2 |    1 |    0 |    1 |    2 |    2 |    0 |    3 |
| Saxons    |    2 |    1 |    0 |    1 |    3 |    2 |    1 |    3 |
| Celtics   |    2 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    1 |    3 |   -2 |    1 |


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You have four tables to track revenue and expenses—bankaccount, cash, accountitem, accountcategory:

drop table if exists accountitem,accountcategory,bankaccount,cash;
create table accountitem(
  itemid int primary key auto_increment,itemname char(32),itemcatid int
create table accountcategory(
  categoryid int primary key auto_increment,categoryname char(32),isexpense bool
create table bankaccount(
  id int auto_increment primary key,amount decimal(12,2),itemid int,entrydate date
create table cash(
  id int auto_increment primary key,amount decimal(12,2),itemid int,date date

You need monthly expense totals. The solution uses two query patterns—
  • sum across a join of cash and bank tables for totals
  • pivot on month to break out monthly totals

  if(month=1, m.Amt+n.Amt,0 ) As `Jan`,  -- pivot by month
  if(month=2, m.Amt+n.Amt,0 ) As `Feb`,
  if(month=3, m.Amt+n.Amt,0 ) As `Mar`,
  if(month=4, m.Amt+n.Amt,0 ) As `Apr`,
  if(month=5, m.Amt+n.Amt,0 ) As `May`,
  if(month=6, m.Amt+n.Amt,0 ) As `Jun`,
  if(month=7, m.Amt+n.Amt,0 ) As `Jul`,
  if(month=8, m.Amt+n.Amt,0 ) As `Aug`,
  if(month=9, m.Amt+n.Amt,0 ) As `Sep`,
  if(month=10,m.Amt+n.Amt,0 ) As `Oct`,
  if(month=11,m.Amt+n.Amt,0 ) As `Nov`,
  if(month=12,m.Amt+n.Amt,0 ) As `Dec`
from (
  select Month(a.Date) As Month, sum(a.Amount) as Amt 
  from cash            a
  join accountitem     b on a.itemid=b.itemid 
  join accountcategory c on b.ItemCatID=c.CategoryID 
  where c.IsExpense=1 
  Group By Month
) As m join (                            -- join cash & bank data
  select Month(a.EntryDate) As  Month, sum(a.Amount ) AS Amt
  from BankAccount     a
  join accountitem     b on a.itemid=b.itemid 
  join accountcategory c on b.ItemCatID=c.CategoryID 
  where c.IsExpense=1
  Group By Month
) As n using(Month);

Last updated 16 Feb 2010

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Employee sales commission rates increase with sales totals according to specified bands of sales total amounts—like a graduated income tax in reverse. To compute total commissions due each employee, we need to aggregate twice: first to get sales per employee, then to get commissions per employee:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sales, commissions;
CREATE TABLE sales(employeeID int,sales int);
INSERT INTO sales VALUES(1,2),(1,5),(1,7),(2,9),(2,15),(2,12);
SELECT * FROM sales;
| employeeID | sales |
|          1 |     2 |
|          1 |     5 |
|          1 |     7 |
|          2 |     9 |
|          2 |    15 |
|          2 |    12 |
CREATE TABLE commissions(
  comstart DECIMAL(6,2),
  commend DECIMAL(6,2),
  comfactor DECIMAL(6,2),
  pct INT
SELECT * FROM commissions;
| comstart | commend | comfactor | pct  |
|     1.00 |   10.00 |      0.10 |   10 |
|    11.00 |   20.00 |      0.20 |   20 |
|    21.00 |   30.00 |      0.30 |   30 |
|    31.00 |   40.00 |      0.40 |   40 |

The first problem is to work out how commission ranges map to sales totals to determine base amounts for calculation of each part-commission. We assume the ranges are inclusive, ie a range that starts at 1 euro is meant to include that first euro:
  • if amt < comstart, base amount = 0
  • if amt <= commend, base amount = amt-comstart+1
  • if amt > commend, base amount = commend - comstart+1
This is a nested IF():


The second problem is how to apply every commission range row to every employee sales sum. That's a CROSS JOIN between aggregated sales and commissions:

  SELECT employeeID,SUM(sales) AS amt
  FROM sales
  GROUP BY employeeID
) AS s
JOIN commissions
ORDER BY s.employeeID;
| employeeID | amt  | comstart | commend | comfactor | pct  |
|          1 |   14 |     1.00 |   10.00 |      0.10 |   10 |
|          1 |   14 |    11.00 |   20.00 |      0.20 |   20 |
|          1 |   14 |    21.00 |   30.00 |      0.30 |   30 |
|          1 |   14 |    31.00 |   40.00 |      0.40 |   40 |
|          2 |   36 |    31.00 |   40.00 |      0.40 |   40 |
|          2 |   36 |     1.00 |   10.00 |      0.10 |   10 |
|          2 |   36 |    11.00 |   20.00 |      0.20 |   20 |
|          2 |   36 |    21.00 |   30.00 |      0.30 |   30 |

Now check how the formula applies on every commission band for every sales total:

    IF( s.amt < c.commend, s.amt-c.comstart+1, c.commend-c.comstart+1 )
  ) AS base,
  c.comFactor AS ComPct,
  ) * comFactor AS Comm
  SELECT employeeID,SUM(sales) AS amt
  FROM sales
  GROUP BY employeeID
) AS s
JOIN commissions c
ORDER BY s.employeeID,comstart;
| employeeID | amt  | comstart | commend | base  | ComPct | Comm   |
|          1 |   14 |     1.00 |   10.00 | 10.00 |   0.10 | 1.0000 |
|          1 |   14 |    11.00 |   20.00 |  4.00 |   0.20 | 0.8000 |
|          1 |   14 |    21.00 |   30.00 |  0.00 |   0.30 | 0.0000 |
|          1 |   14 |    31.00 |   40.00 |  0.00 |   0.40 | 0.0000 |
|          2 |   36 |     1.00 |   10.00 | 10.00 |   0.10 | 1.0000 |
|          2 |   36 |    11.00 |   20.00 | 10.00 |   0.20 | 2.0000 |
|          2 |   36 |    21.00 |   30.00 | 10.00 |   0.30 | 3.0000 |
|          2 |   36 |    31.00 |   40.00 |  6.00 |   0.40 | 2.4000 |

Finally, SUM formula results to aggregate commissions on aggregated sales:

  ROUND(s.amt,2) AS Amount,
  ROUND( SUM(IF(s.amt<=c.comstart,0,
  ) * c.pct/100),2 ) AS Commissions
  SELECT employeeID,SUM(sales) AS amt
  FROM sales
  GROUP BY employeeID
) AS s
JOIN commissions c
GROUP BY s.employeeID;
| employeeID | Amount | Commissions |
|          1 |  14.00 |        2.00 |
|          2 |  36.00 |        8.00 |

Here is another example. We track passenger flight bookings in three tables: flight, booking, passenger. To report all destinations per passenger, retrieve DISTINCT passenger-destination combos, then count them:

DROP TABLES IF EXISTS flight, booking, passenger;
CREATE TABLE flight(flight CHAR(12),source CHAR(12),destination CHAR(12));

CREATE TABLE booking(flight CHAR(5),seat CHAR(2),passenger_id INT NOT NULL);

CREATE TABLE passenger(passenger_id INT, name VARCHAR(12));
INSERT INTO passenger VALUES (1,'john'),(2,'bill'),(3,'david');

SELECT x.*,COUNT(b.passenger_id) bookings
  SELECT DISTINCT p.passenger_id,, d.destination 
  FROM passenger p
  CROSS JOIN flight d 
) x
LEFT JOIN flight  d ON d.destination = x.destination
LEFT JOIN booking b ON b.passenger_id = x.passenger_id AND b.flight = d.flight
GROUP BY passenger_id, destination;
| passenger_id | name  | destination | bookings |
|            1 | john  | london      |        2 |
|            1 | john  | madrid      |        0 |
|            1 | john  | paris       |        1 |
|            2 | bill  | london      |        1 |
|            2 | bill  | madrid      |        0 |
|            2 | bill  | paris       |        0 |
|            3 | david | london      |        0 |
|            3 | david | madrid      |        0 |
|            3 | david | paris       |        0 |

Last updated 15 Nov 2009

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Given tables parent(id int not null primary key, etc...) and child (id int not null primary key, pid int not null references parent (id), etc...), how do we write a query that retrieves only one child row per pid even when the child table has multiple matching rows? MySQL permits use of GROUP BY even when the SELECT list specifies no aggregate function, so this will work:

from parent p 
join child c on
group by;

But is it accurate? No, because it displays only the first value it happens to find. For further discussion see Within-group aggregates.


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You want to report all unique values of a column and skip all rows repeating any of these values.

FROM foo


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You have a table in which each row references one text and one keyword in the text ...

CREATE TABLE keywords (txtID int, keyword char(8));
INSERT INTO keywords VALUES(1 , 'foo'),(2 , 'bar'),(1 , 'foo'),(2 , 'foo');

... and you want a list of texts which include every keyword.

You might think you have to join and match. You don't. All you need to do is count the distinct keywords which occur for each text, then for each text compare that number with the entire list of distinct keywords:

FROM keywords
| txtID | N |
|     2 | 2 |


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You have a products table with columns item, supplier, price. Multiple suppliers offer various prices for the same item. You need to find the supplier with the lowest price for each item.

CREATE TABLE products(item int,supplier int,price decimal(6,2));
INSERT INTO products VALUES(1,1,10),(1,2,15),(2,2,20),(2,1,21),(2,2,18);
SELECT * FROM products;
| item | supplier | price |
|    1 |        1 | 10.00 |
|    1 |        2 | 15.00 |
|    2 |        2 | 20.00 |
|    2 |        1 | 21.00 |
|    2 |        2 | 18.00 |

Your first thought may be to GROUP BY item, but that is not guaranteed to return the correct supplier value for each minimum item price. Grouping by both item and supplier will return more information than you want. Nor can you write WHERE price=MIN(...) because the query engine will evaluate the WHERE clause before it knows the MIN value.

This is the problem of aggregating within aggregates. It is sometimes called the 'groupwise aggregates' problem, but the term 'groupwise' is ambiguous. We think better names for it are subaggregates, inner aggregates, or within-group aggregates.

It's easy to show that the within-group aggregates problem is a form of the problem of returning values from non-grouping columns in an aggregate query. Suppose you write ...

SELECT item,supplier,MIN(price)
FROM products
GROUP BY item;

Will this reliably return the correct supplier per item? No. Unless there is exactly one supplier per item, the supplier value returned will be arbitrary. To retrieve the correct supplier for each item, you need more logic.

One way to model the within-aggregates problem is via an left self exclusion join...

SELECT p1.item,p1.supplier,p1.price
FROM products AS p1
LEFT JOIN products AS p2 ON p1.item  = p2.item AND p1.price > p2.price
WHERE p2.item IS NULL;

...because in the resultset built by joining on left item = right item and left price > right price, the left-sided rows for which there is no greater right-sided price are precisely the per-item rows with the smallest prices.

Another solution is to derive an intermediate table of aggregated minimum prices. Before MySQL 4.1, it has to be a temporary table:

  item INT,
  minprice DECIMAL DEFAULT 0.0
  SELECT item, MIN(price) 
  FROM products 
  GROUP BY item;

to which you then join the products table to find the matching suppliers:

SELECT products.item, supplier, products.price 
FROM products 
JOIN tmp ON products.item = tmp.item
WHERE products.price=tmp.minprice;

From MySQL 4.1 on, the temporary table can be a correlated subquery. This is the most intuitively obvious syntax for the problem. Often it's also the slowest solution:

SELECT item, supplier, price
FROM products AS p1
WHERE price = (
  SELECT MIN(p2.price)
  FROM products AS p2
  WHERE p1.item = p2.item

Another solution, sometimes the fastest of all, is to move the aggregating subquery from the WHERE clause to the FROM clause:

SELECT p.item, p.supplier, p.price
FROM products AS p
  SELECT item, MIN(price) AS minprice
  FROM products
  GROUP BY item
) AS pm ON p.item = pm.item AND p.price = pm.minprice;

Some users have trouble mapping elements of this model to their instance of the problem. There are five elements (or sets of them):

(i) a table, which might be a view, a single physical table, or a table derived from joins
(ii) one or more grouping columns,
(iii) one or more columns to aggregate,
(iv) one or more columns not mentioned in the GROUP BY clause,
(v) an aggregating job to do, typically MIN() or MAX().

In the product/minimum price solution above:

(i) table tbl = product
(ii) grouping column grouping_col = item
(iii) column to aggregate = col_to_aggregate = price
(iv) non-aggregated columns other_detail, ...etc... = supplier
(v) aggregating function = MIN().

Finally, here is a radically different model of the problem. It can find both within-group minima and within-group maxima in a single query. This model aggregates the concatenated within-group grouped column value and the within-group grouping column name in a single string, then uses SUBSTR() to break them apart in the result:

  SUBSTR( MIN( CONCAT( LPAD(price,6,0),supplier) ), 7)   AS MinSupplier,
    LEFT( MIN( CONCAT( LPAD(price,6,0),supplier) ), 6)+0 AS MinPrice,
  SUBSTR( MAX( CONCAT( LPAD(price,6,0),supplier) ), 7)   AS MaxSupplier,
    LEFT( MAX( CONCAT( LPAD(price,6,0),supplier) ), 6)+0 AS MaxPrice
FROM  products
GROUP BY item;
| item | MinSupplier | MinPrice | MaxSupplier | MaxPrice |
|    1 | 1           |       10 | 2           |       15 |
|    2 | 2           |       18 | 1           |       21 |

Try all solutions to find which is fastest for your version of the problem.

To find the top or bottom N per group, you might think the LIMIT clause would work, but LIMIT is limited in subqueries. See Within-group quotas.

Last updated 15 Jan 2010

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We have a wages table holding wage rates by waiter and startdate, and a tips table which tracks hours worked and tips received per waiter per day. The requirement is to report wages and concurrent tips per waiter per day.

CREATE TABLE wages( id int, waiter int, start date, rate decimal(6,2));
( 1, 4, '2005-01-01', 5.00 ),
( 2, 4, '2005-03-01', 6.00 ),
( 3, 5, '2007-01-05', 7.00 ),
( 4, 5, '2008-03-20', 8.00 ),
( 5, 5, '2008-04-01', 9.00 );
  id int, 
  date date, 
  waiter int, 
  hours_worked smallint, 
  tabs smallint, 
  tips decimal(6,2)
( 1, '2008-02-29', 4, 6.50, 21, 65.25 ),
( 2, '2008-03-06', 5, 6.00, 15, 51.75 ),
( 3, '2008-03-21', 4, 2.50, 5, 17.85 ),
( 4, '2008-03-22', 5, 5.25, 10, 39.00 );
SELECT * FROM wages;
| id   | waiter | start      | rate |
|    1 |      4 | 2005-01-01 | 5.00 |
|    2 |      4 | 2005-03-01 | 6.00 |
|    3 |      5 | 2007-01-05 | 7.00 |
|    4 |      5 | 2008-03-20 | 8.00 |
|    5 |      5 | 2008-04-01 | 9.00 |
| id   | date       | waiter | hours_worked | tabs | tips  |
|    1 | 2008-02-29 |      4 |            7 |   21 | 65.25 |
|    2 | 2008-03-06 |      5 |            6 |   15 | 51.75 |
|    3 | 2008-03-21 |      4 |            3 |    5 | 17.85 |
|    4 | 2008-03-22 |      5 |            5 |   10 | 39.00 |

For the above dataset, the result which correctly matches wages and tips would be:

| tid  | Date       | Hrs  | tabs | tips  | wid  | waiter | rate | start      |
|    1 | 2008-02-29 |    7 |   21 | 65.25 |    2 |      4 | 6.00 | 2005-03-01 |
|    2 | 2008-03-06 |    6 |   15 | 51.75 |    3 |      5 | 7.00 | 2007-01-05 |
|    3 | 2008-03-21 |    3 |    5 | 17.85 |    2 |      4 | 6.00 | 2005-03-01 |
|    4 | 2008-03-22 |    5 |   10 | 39.00 |    4 |      5 | 8.00 | 2008-03-20 |

Why is this different from an ordinary within-groups aggregate? The correct wage rate for a tips row is not the wages row for that waiter with the latest date; it is the wages row having the latest date before the date in the given tips row.

One way to proceed is to build a temporary table from a join of wages to tips on waiter and wages.start <, then exclusion-join that result to itself to remove all rows except those with the latest wage rate per tips row. A two-step:

-- wages-tips join removing later wage changes:
SELECT AS tid, AS Date, t.hours_worked AS Hrs,t.tabs,, AS wid, w.waiter, w.rate, w.start
FROM tips t
JOIN wages w ON w.waiter=t.waiter AND w.start<;
-- self-exclusion join to remove obsolete wage rows:
FROM tmp t1
LEFT JOIN tmp t2 ON t1.tid=t2.tid and t1.start<t2.start
WHERE t2.waiter is null
ORDER BY t1.Date;
| tid  | Date       | Hrs  | tabs | tips  | wid  | waiter | rate | start      |
|    1 | 2008-02-29 |    7 |   21 | 65.25 |    2 |      4 | 6.00 | 2005-03-01 |
|    2 | 2008-03-06 |    6 |   15 | 51.75 |    3 |      5 | 7.00 | 2007-01-05 |
|    3 | 2008-03-21 |    3 |    5 | 17.85 |    2 |      4 | 6.00 | 2005-03-01 |
|    4 | 2008-03-22 |    5 |   10 | 39.00 |    4 |      5 | 8.00 | 2008-03-20 |

That's fine, but can we skip the temp table? Yes—by adding the condition wages.start <= to each side of the exclusion join:

SELECT AS tid,, t.hours_worked AS Hrs,t.tabs,, AS wid, w.waiter, w.rate, w.start
FROM tips t
JOIN wages w ON w.waiter=t.waiter AND w.start <=
LEFT JOIN wages w2 ON w.waiter=w2.waiter AND w2.start< AND w.start<w2.start

Much simpler, and it gives the same result as the two-step.


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A table has multiple rows per key value, and you need to retrieve, say, the first or earliest two rows per key. For example:

CREATE TABLE test( id INT, entrydate DATE );
( 1, '2007-5-01' ),( 1, '2007-5-02' ),( 1, '2007-5-03' ),( 1, '2007-5-04' ),
( 1, '2007-5-05' ),( 1, '2007-5-06' ),( 2, '2007-6-01' ),( 2, '2007-6-02' ),
( 2, '2007-6-03' ),( 2, '2007-6-04' ),( 3, '2007-7-01' ),( 3, '2007-7-02' ),
( 3, '2007-7-03' );

One approach is to rank rows with user variables and pick off the top two for each key in the WHERE clause:

SELECT tmp.ID, tmp.entrydate
    ID, entrydate,
    IF( @prev <> ID, @rownum := 1, @rownum := @rownum+1 ) AS rank,
    @prev := ID
  FROM test t
  JOIN (SELECT @rownum := NULL, @prev := 0) AS r
) AS tmp
WHERE tmp.rank <= 2
ORDER BY ID, entrydate;
| ID   | entrydate  |
|    1 | 2007-05-01 |
|    1 | 2007-05-02 |
|    2 | 2007-06-03 |
|    2 | 2007-06-04 |
|    3 | 2007-07-01 |
|    3 | 2007-07-02 |

This is pretty much the same query pattern as the user variable method of emulating Row_Number(). The join in the subquery is just a device for resetting the variables after reading a row.

If the groups are fairly small, another feasible approach is to self-join and count. With appropriate ordering, the first two rows per ID are the rows which, for a given ID, have two or fewer rows with earlier dates. If we use an inequality join with the COUNT(*) function to find the earlier rows per ID ...

SELECT, t1.entrydate, COUNT(*) AS earlier
FROM test AS t1
JOIN test AS t2 ON AND t1.entrydate >= t2.entrydate
GROUP BY, t1.entrydate
| id   | entrydate  | earlier |
|    1 | 2007-05-01 |       1 |
|    1 | 2007-05-02 |       2 |
|    1 | 2007-05-03 |       3 |
|    1 | 2007-05-04 |       4 |
|    1 | 2007-05-05 |       5 |
|    1 | 2007-05-06 |       6 |
|    2 | 2007-06-01 |       1 |
|    2 | 2007-06-02 |       2 |
|    2 | 2007-06-03 |       3 |
|    2 | 2007-06-04 |       4 |
|    3 | 2007-07-01 |       1 |
|    3 | 2007-07-02 |       2 |
|    3 | 2007-07-03 |       3 |

... then we get our result by removing rows where the 'earlier' count exceeds 2:

SELECT, t1.entrydate, count(*) AS earlier
FROM test AS t1
JOIN test AS t2 ON AND t1.entrydate >= t2.entrydate
GROUP BY, t1.entrydate
HAVING earlier <= 2;
| id   | entrydate  | earlier |
|    1 | 2007-05-01 |       1 |
|    1 | 2007-05-02 |       2 |
|    2 | 2007-06-01 |       1 |
|    2 | 2007-06-02 |       2 |
|    3 | 2007-07-01 |       1 |
|    3 | 2007-07-02 |       2 |

This is about as efficient as the first method with a small table, but it compares every within-group row to every other within-group row. As the size N of a group increases, execution time increases by N*N. If the query takes one minute for groups of 1,000, it will take 16 minutes for groups of 4,000, and more than four hours for groups for 16,000. The solution does not scale.

What to do? Forget GROUP BY! Manually assemble the desired query results in a temporary table from simple indexed queries, in this case, two rows per ID:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE earliers( id INT, entrydate DATE);
INSERT INTO earliers 
  SELECT id,entrydate FROM test WHERE id=1 ORDER BY entrydate LIMIT 2;
INSERT INTO earliers 
  SELECT id,entrydate FROM test WHERE id=2 ORDER BY entrydate LIMIT 2;
INSERT INTO earliers 
  SELECT id,entrydate FROM test WHERE id=3 ORDER BY entrydate LIMIT 2;

You need one INSERT statement per grouping value. To print the result, just query the earliers table:

SELECT * FROM earliers
ORDER BY id, entrydate;
| id   | entrydate  |
|    1 | 2007-05-01 |
|    1 | 2007-05-02 |
|    2 | 2007-06-01 |
|    2 | 2007-06-02 |
|    3 | 2007-07-01 |
|    3 | 2007-07-02 |

Most useful reports run again and again. If that's the case for yours, automate it in a stored procedure: using a cursor and a prepared statement, auto-generate an INSERT statement for every grouping value, and return the result:

CREATE PROCEDURE listearliers()
  DECLARE curdone, vid INT DEFAULT 0;
  CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE earliers( id INT, entrydate DATE);
  SET @sql = 'INSERT INTO earliers SELECT id,entrydate FROM test WHERE id=? ORDER BY  entrydate LIMIT 2';
  OPEN idcur;
    FETCH idcur INTO vid;
    IF NOT curdone THEN
        SET @vid = vid;
        PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
        EXECUTE stmt USING @vid;
        DROP PREPARE stmt;
    END IF;
  CLOSE idcur;
  SELECT * FROM earliers ORDER BY id,entrydate;
CALL listearliers();

Last updated 04 May 2010

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To count and average scores in bands of 10, ie 0-9,10-19 etc:

create table scores(score int);
insert into scores values(5),(15),(25),(35);

SELECT 10  * FLOOR( score / 10  ) AS  Bottom,
       10  * FLOOR( score / 10  ) + 9 AS Top, 
       Count( score ),
       Avg( score ) 
FROM scores
GROUP BY 10  * FLOOR( score / 10  );
| Bottom | Top  | Count( score ) | Avg( score ) |
|      0 |    9 |              1 |       5.0000 |
|     10 |   19 |              1 |      15.0000 |
|     20 |   29 |              1 |      25.0000 |
|     30 |   39 |              1 |      35.0000 |

Here is an example from a MySQL forum. You have a table of IDs and point scores, and you wish to show the distribution of counts across ranges. A traditional way of doing this is to build a table of ranges, then join from ranges to scores:

drop table if exists points,ranges;
create table points (
  id int not null auto_increment primary key,
  points int not null
create table ranges (
  low int not null,
  high int not null
insert into points (points) values 
insert into ranges (low, high) values

select r.low, r.high, count(
from ranges r
left join points p on p.points between r.low and r.high
group by r.low, r.high;

That's fine, but the ranges should be consistent, eg 0-49,50-99,100-149..., and if you keep a simple utility table of ints 0..9, you never need to build another range table:

drop table if exists ints,ranges;
create table ints(i tinyint);
insert into ints values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);

select ranges.low, ranges.high, count(
from (
  select ( t.i*100 + u.i*10 + v.i ) as low,( t.i*100 + u.i*10 + v.i ) + 49 as high
  from ints t
  join ints u
  join ints v
  where (t.i*100 + u.i*10 + v.i) mod 50 = 0 and (t.i*100 + u.i*10 + v.i) < 701
) ranges
left join points p on p.points between ranges.low and ranges.high
group by ranges.low;
| low | high | count( |
|   0 |   50 |           0 |
|  51 |  100 |           0 |
| 101 |  150 |           0 |
| 151 |  200 |           0 |
| 201 |  250 |           1 |
| 251 |  300 |           0 |
| 301 |  350 |           2 |
| 351 |  400 |           1 |
| 401 |  450 |           4 |
| 451 |  500 |           3 |
| 501 |  550 |           3 |
| 551 |  600 |           2 |
| 601 |  650 |           1 |
| 651 |  700 |           0 |

Last updated 15 Oct 2009

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Each row of a games table records one game score for a team:

CREATE TABLE games(id INT, teamID INT, score INT);

How would we write a query that returns the average of the top 50% of scores per team?

The per-team median value is its middle value--lower than the highest 50% and higher than the lowest 50% of values for that team--so a shortcut is to query the team medians, then aggregate on a join that selects per-team scores above the medians.

How to find per-team medians? If a resultset has an odd number of rows, at least one row has the true median score. If it has an even number of rows, the median score is an average of two central values. The following query adapts Joe Celko's formula in "SQL for Smarties" averaging "low" and "high" medians:

SELECT p1.teamid, AVG(P1.score) AS median
FROM games AS P1, games AS P2
WHERE p1.teamid=p2.teamid
GROUP BY p1.teamid
  SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score <= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= ((COUNT(*) + 1) / 2)
  SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score >= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= (COUNT(*)/2 + 1)
OR (
  SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score >= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= ((COUNT(*) + 1) / 2)
  SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score <= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= (COUNT(*)/2 + 1)
| teamid | median |
|      1 | 4.5000 |
|      2 | 6.8333 |

Now join games to medians accepting only top-half values:

SELECT g.teamid, AVG(g.score) AS Top50Avg
FROM games g
JOIN medians m ON g.teamid = m.teamid AND g.score >= m.median
GROUP BY g.teamid
| teamid | Top50Avg |
|      2 |   7.2500 |
|      1 |   5.5000 |
DROP TABLE medians;

Yes, all the logic can be moved into one query:

SELECT g.teamid, AVG(g.score) AS Top50Avg
FROM games g
  SELECT p1.teamid, AVG(P1.score) AS median
  FROM games AS P1, games AS P2
  WHERE p1.teamid=p2.teamid
  GROUP BY p1.teamid
    SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score <= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= ((COUNT(*) + 1) / 2)
    SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score >= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= (COUNT(*)/2 + 1)
  OR (
    SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score >= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= ((COUNT(*) + 1) / 2)
    SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score <= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= (COUNT(*)/2 + 1)
) AS m ON g.teamid = m.teamid AND g.score >= m.median
GROUP BY g.teamid


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Probably more bunk has been written about correlation than about any other statistic. We'll keep this short and straight. At its simplest, correlation is a statistical measure of non-random, linear association between pairs of values in a dataset. It's denoted by r, and varies from -1 through +1, where -1 indicates perfect inverse correlation (the regression line goes down left to right), 0 indicates no correlation (there is no regression line; it's just a scatterplot), and +1 indicates perfect direct correlation (the regression line goes up left to right).

For an example we'll use a bit of imaginary data:

drop table if exists t;
create table t (id int, x int, y float);
insert into t values
(1 , 68, 4.1),(2 , 71, 4.6),(3 , 62, 3.8),(4 , 75, 4.4),(5 , 58, 3.2),
(6 , 60, 3.1),(7 , 67, 3.8),(8 , 68, 4.1),(9 , 71, 4.3),(10, 69, 3.7),
(11, 68, 3.5),(12, 67, 3.2),(13, 63, 3.7),(14, 62, 3.3),(15, 60, 3.4),
(16, 63, 4.0),(17, 65, 4.1),(18, 67, 3.8),(19, 63, 3.4),(20, 61, 3.6);

If you like to think about such problems concretely, you can think of id as a subject's id, x as a subject's height, and y as a subject's score on a self-confidence questionnaire, so we would be computing a correlation between height and self-confidence.

There are many correlation formulas. Most commonly used is the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, which is valid only for normally distributed data (data which roughly fits a bell curve). A good Wikipedia page offers several formulas for the Pearson coefficient. Note that when the data skews significantly from a normal distribution, you very likely need a different formula.

That's one problem with correlation: it isn't always a valid number to calculate. Another problem is that computing just the correlation coefficient is never enough. You also need to find the probability that the coefficient you calculated is significantly different from 0; that is something you look up in a statistical table, and it's outside our scope here. You will probably also want the slope of the relationship or regression line, its intercept with the Y axis, and the coefficient of regression, which is the proportion of observed variation due to correlation.

For this example we assume a normal distribution and no missing values.

Calculation of the correlation coefficient needs two passes: a first to calculate basic statistical quantities, then a second to calculate the slope, intercept and correlation coefficient from those basic quantities. Calculating the coefficient of regression requires a third pass.

If we're computing correlation in a database like MySQL, then, you'd expect Views will be useful. Unfortunately we're immediately bitten by two limitations in the MySQL implementation of Views: subqueries in the FROM clause of a View are not supported, and neither are parameters.

Then do we need to encapsulate correlation in a stored procedure? We could, but we needn't because of how r calculates. We like a more direct solution. The algorithm is:

1. Calculate the required basic statistics.
2. Use the results of #1 to calculate slope, intercept and r.
3. Use the slope and intercept from #2 to calculate the coefficient of regression.
4. Collect and display the results.

In this solution we do it all in one query ...

1. The innermost query does step 1,
2. The query that references the inner query does step 2,
3. The next outer query calculates the regression coefficient by cross-joining the step 2 query result, which is one logical row, with the original table.
4. The outermost query displays the result:

Read the query inside out:

SELECT                                       -- Step 4
  N, Slope, avgY - slope*avgX AS Intercept, 
  Correlation, CoeffOfReg
  SELECT                                     -- Step 3
    N, avgX, avgY, slope, intercept, Correlation, 
    FORMAT( 1 - SUM((y - intercept - slope*x)*(y - intercept - slope*x))/
            ((N-1)*varY), 5 ) AS CoeffOfReg
  FROM t AS t2
  JOIN (
    SELECT                                   -- Step 2
      N, avgX, avgY, varY, slope,
      Correlation, avgY - slope*avgX AS intercept
    FROM (
        N, avgX, avgY, varY,
        FORMAT(( N*sumXY - sumX*sumY ) / 
               ( N*sumsqX - sumX*sumX ), 5 )           AS slope,
        FORMAT(( sumXY - n*avgX*avgY ) / 
               ( (N-1) * SQRT(varX) * SQRT(varY)), 5 ) AS Correlation
      FROM (
        SELECT                               -- Step 1
          COUNT(x)    AS N,
          AVG(x)      AS avgX,
          SUM(x)      AS sumX,
          SUM(x*x)    AS sumsqX,
          VAR_SAMP(x) AS varX,
          AVG(y)      AS avgY,
          SUM(y)      AS sumY,
          SUM(y*y)    AS sumsqY,
          VAR_SAMP(y) AS varY,
          SUM(x*y)    AS sumXY
        FROM t
      ) AS sums
    ) AS calc
  ) stats
) combined;
| N  | Slope   | Intercept           | Correlation | CoeffOfReg |
| 20 | 0.07066 | -0.8661640047683719 | 0.73064     | 0.53383    |

Last updated 22 May 2009

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SELECT col_name, COUNT(*) AS frequency 
FROM tbl_name
GROUP by col_name
ORDER BY frequency DESC;


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Statistically, the median is the middle value--the value that is smaller than that found in half of all remaining rows, and larger than that found in the other half:

SELECT l1.hours As Median
FROM BulbLife As l1, bulbLife AS l2
GROUP BY l1.Hours
HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN l2.hours <= l1.hours THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= (COUNT(*)+1) / 2 
   AND SUM(CASE WHEN l2.hours >= l1.hours THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= (COUNT(*)/2) + 1;

An anonymous reader pointed out that this will cost O(N*N), ie it does not scale, so we posted a MySQL implementation of Torben Mogenson's algorithm for calculating the median, which is said to be amongst the fastest. It also proved too slow. Now Joe Wynne has offered an algorithm which appears to be correct, and which does scale. Here it is as a MySQL stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE Median( tbl CHAR(64), col CHAR(64), OUT res DOUBLE )
  DECLARE arg CHAR(64);
  SET @sql = CONCAT( 'SELECT ((COUNT(*))/2) INTO @c FROM ', tbl );
  PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
  EXECUTE stmt;
  IF @a = @c THEN 
      SET @a = @a-1;
      SET @b = 2;
      SET arg = CONCAT( 'AVG(', col, ')' );
      SET @b = 1;
      SET arg = col;
  SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT ', arg, ' INTO @res FROM (SELECT ', col, ' FROM ', tbl, 
                    ' ORDER BY ', col, ' LIMIT ?,?) as tmp');
  PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
  EXECUTE stmt USING @a, @b;
  SET res=@res;

Why don't we make it a function? Because MySQL functions do not (yet?) allow dynamic SQL.


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Statistically, the mode is the most frequently occurring value. Given tables parent(id int) and child(pid int, cid int), where references as a foreign key, what query finds the most often represented in the child id, that is, the modal count of

SELECT pid, COUNT(*) AS frequency
FROM child
ORDER BY frequency DESC


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Without MSSQL's RANK() aggregate function, how do we display rank order in a MySQL query, for example from a table like this?

CREATE TABLE votes( name CHAR(10), votes INT );

The query is a two-step:
1. Join the table to itself on the value to be ranked, handling ties
2. Group and order the result of the self-join on rank:

SELECT, v1.votes, COUNT(v2.votes) AS Rank
FROM votes v1
JOIN votes v2 ON v1.votes < v2.votes OR (v1.votes=v2.votes and =
GROUP BY, v1.votes
| name  | votes | Rank |
| Green |    50 |    1 |
| Black |    40 |    2 |
| White |    20 |    3 |
| Brown |    20 |    3 |
| Jones |    15 |    5 |
| Smith |    10 |    6 |

Suppose you want to know the vote count for White and the names and tallies for the next highest and next lowest counts:

SELECT, s1.votes, COUNT( rank, 
  IF( = 'White','<-',' ') AS 'Near Ranks'
FROM votes s1
JOIN votes s2 ON s1.votes < s2.votes or (s1.votes=s2.votes and =
GROUP BY, s1.votes
) a
  SELECT, s1.votes, COUNT( rank,
    IF( = 'White', '<-',' ') AS 'Near Ranks'
  FROM votes s1
  JOIN votes s2 ON s1.votes < s2.votes or (s1.votes=s2.votes and =
  GROUP BY, s1.votes
  ORDER BY rank
) b ON a.rank BETWEEN b.rank-1 AND b.rank+1
WHERE = 'White';
| name  | votes | rank | Near Ranks |
| Black |    40 |    2 |            |
| White |    20 |    3 | <-         |
| Brown |    20 |    3 |            |

But these methods don't scale; they're O(N2) or worse, especially if non-trivial calculation is needed to compute rank. If you do not need to identify ties in the ranking column, writing a temporary ordering table and then querying it is often much faster:

SET @i=0;
SELECT idcol,valuecol,@i:=@i+1 AS rank
ORDER BY valuecol DESC; 

Baron Schwartz has a useful page on optimising rankings for leaderboards. It requires maintenance of a ranking computation table, as described on his page under "How to maintain the rank column". That table has this structure:

CREATE TABLE score_ranked (
  gamer INT NOT NULL,
  game INT NOT NULL,
  score INT) NOT NULL,
  rank_in_game INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  PRIMARY KEY (gamer,game),
  KEY (game,score),
  KEY (score),
  KEY (game,rank_in_game)

If you use Baron's schema, you will find the following query, developed on a MySQL forum by Rick James, reasonably efficient for retrieving top score sums for all games:

  @seq := 0,          -- raw 1,2,3,...
  @rank := 0,         -- allow for ties
  @prev := 999999999; -- catch ties
SELECT  Rank, gamer, point
    @seq := IF(@prev = point, @seq, @seq + 1) AS seq,
    @rank := IF(@prev = point, @rank, @seq) AS Rank,
    @prev := point as prev,   # I forgot this
  FROM (
    SELECT gamer, SUM(score) as point
    FROM score_ranked s
    GROUP BY  gamer
    ORDER BY  point DESC
  ) x
) y
WHERE Rank <= 10
ORDER BY Rank, gamer;

Last updated 19 Nov 2009

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Backslashes multiply weirdly:

SELECT 'a\b' RLIKE 'a\b'; 

returns 1, as does...

SELECT 'a\\b' RLIKE 'a\\\\b'; 

because in a pair of backslashes, the second is not escaped by the first, so to compare two literals you double each backslash in the RLIKE argument. But if you are querying a table for such a string from the MySQL client, this doubling happens twice--once in the client, and once in the database--so to find a column value matching 'a\\b', you need to write...

SELECT desc FROM xxx WHERE desc RLIKE 'aa\\\\\\\\bb';

That's eight backslashes to match two!


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This query UNIONs queries for matching column names from two tables, and keeps just those rows which occur once in the union. Those are the rows unique to one table or the other. Customise your column list { id, col1, col2, col3 ...} as desired.

  MIN(TableName) as TableName, id, col1, col2, col3, ...
  SELECT 'Table a' as TableName,, a.col1, a.col2, a.col3, ...
  FROM a
  SELECT 'Table b' as TableName,, b.col1, b.col2, b.col3, ...
  FROM b
) AS tmp
GROUP BY id, col1, col2, col3, ...


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SQL is set-oriented, but it can solve row-by-row problems. Suppose you need to retrieve only the rows that differ from immediatel previous rows given some ordering spec:

drop table if exists t;
create table t (
  p char(3),
  d date
insert into t values
select * from t order by d;
| p    | d          |
| 50%  | 2008-05-01 | *
| 30%  | 2008-05-02 | *
| 30%  | 2008-05-03 |
| 50%  | 2008-05-04 | *
| 50%  | 2008-05-05 |
| 20%  | 2008-05-06 | *
| 20%  | 2008-05-07 |
| 50%  | 2008-05-08 | *
| 70%  | 2008-05-09 | *
| 70%  | 2008-05-10 |

We want to retrieve only rows whose `p` values differ from immediately previous values (marked by * above). As with running sums. we get the desired listing by tracking row-to-row value changes with user variables:

set @p='';
set @d='';
select p 'Pct Changed',d Date from (
    if( p<>@p, d, @d ) as d,
  from t 
  order by d
) as t 
group by d; 
| Pct Changed | Date       |
| 50%         | 2008-05-01 |
| 30%         | 2008-05-02 |
| 50%         | 2008-05-04 |
| 20%         | 2008-05-06 |
| 50%         | 2008-05-08 |
| 70%         | 2008-05-09 |


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The steps are: (i) recreate the table, populating a new column from an incrementing user variable, then (ii) alter the table to add auto_increment and primary key properties to the new column. So given table t with columns named `dt` and `observed`...

SET @id=0;
  SELECT @id:=@id+1 AS id, dt, observed FROM t ORDER BY dt;


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To change a foreign key, first drop it, then declare the new, revised foreign key. The syntax for declaring a foreign key is ...

[CONSTRAINT [constraint_name]] 
FOREIGN KEY [key_name] (keycol_name,...) reference_definition

and the syntax for dropping one is ...

DROP FOREIGN KEY constraint_name

Notice that you can omit the CONSTRAINT when you declare a foreign key, but the only way to DROP a foreign key is to reference it by the constraint_name which you probably never specified!

There should be a circle of hell reserved for designers who build inconsistencies like this into their tools. The only way round this one is to run SHOW CREATE TABLE to find out what the foreign key's constraint_name is, so you can write the DROP statement. Here is a wee test case:
drop table if exists a,b;
create table a(i int primary key)engine=innodb;
create table b(i int,foreign key(i) references a(i)) engine=innodb;
show create table\G

  `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  KEY `i` (`i`),
  CONSTRAINT `b_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`i`) REFERENCES `a` (`i`)

-- drop and recreate the FK:
alter table b drop foreign key b_ibfk_1;
alter table b add foreign key(i) references a(i) on update cascade;
show create table b\G

Create Table: CREATE TABLE `b` (
  `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  KEY `i` (`i`),

drop table a,b;


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To compare columns by name and ordinal position in tables test.t1 and test.t2:

  MIN(TableName) AS 'Table',
  column_name AS 'Column',
  ordinal_position AS 'Position'
    't1' as TableName,
  FROM information_schema.columns AS i1
  WHERE table_schema='test' AND table_name='t1'
    't2' as TableName,
  FROM information_schema.columns AS i2
  WHERE table_schema='test' AND table_name='t2'
) AS tmp
GROUP BY column_name
ORDER BY ordinal_position;

For MySQL 5.0.2 or later here is a query that lists all table structure differences between any two tables. It selects all information_schema.columns rows for one table, does the same for the second table, UNIONs these two queries, then uses HAVING to pick only those rows where the COUNT(*) in the union is 1—that is, where any column of one table differs from its mate.

To avoid having to cut and paste database and table names, save it as a stored procedure in any database (other than information_schema):

-- Uncomment if MySQL version is 5.0.6-5.0.15:
-- SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_routine_creators=TRUE;
CREATE PROCEDURE CompareTableStructs (
  IN db1 CHAR(64), IN tbl1 CHAR(64), IN db2 CHAR(64), IN tbl2 CHAR(64)
  MIN(TableName) AS TableName,
    tbl1 as TableName,
  FROM information_schema.columns AS i1
  WHERE table_schema=db1 AND table_name=tbl1
    tbl2 as TableName,
  FROM information_schema.columns AS i2
  WHERE table_schema=db2 AND table_name=tbl2
) AS tmp
GROUP BY column_name
ORDER BY column_name ;


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One of EF Codd's rules for relational databases is the no-back-door rule: all info about tables should be accessible only by a query on tables. Since version 5, the MySQL implementation of information_schema (I_S) helps meet Codd's requirement. I_S supplies metadata in tables, so it's the first place to look for how to compare the structures of two databases.

Elsewhere on this page there is a simple query template for comparing data in two structurally similar tables:

SELECT MIN(TableName) as TableName, id, col1, col2, col3, ...
  SELECT 'Table a' as TableName,, a.col1, a.col2, a.col3, ...
  FROM a
  SELECT 'Table b' as TableName,, b.col1, b.col2, b.col3, ...
  FROM b
) AS tmp
GROUP BY id, col1, col2, col3, ...

To apply this logic to the comparison of two database structures:
  • write temp tables collecting desired I_S metadata on each database
  • map the compare-data query template to those two metadata tables
This logic is easiest to re-use when it is parameterised in a stored procedure, in a system database:

USE sys;
CREATE PROCEDURE CompareDBs( vdb1 VARCHAR(64), vdb2 VARCHAR(64) )

  FROM information_schema.tables t1
  JOIN information_schema.columns c1 USING (table_schema,table_name)
  WHERE t1.table_schema=vdb1 
  ORDER BY t1.table_name,c1.column_name;

  FROM information_schema.tables t1
  JOIN information_schema.columns c1 USING (table_schema,table_name)
  WHERE t1.table_schema=vdb2 
  ORDER BY t1.table_name,c1.column_name;

  FROM (
      a.table_schema AS SchemaName,a.table_name AS TableName,a.table_type,a.engine,
    FROM desc1 a
      b.table_schema AS SchemaName,b.table_name AS TableName,b.table_type,b.engine,
    FROM desc2 b
  ) AS tmp
  GROUP BY TableName,table_type,engine,column_name,ordinal_position,column_type,column_default,is_nullable,column_key
  ORDER BY TableName,column_name,SchemaName;   

  DROP TEMPORARY TABLE desc1, desc2;


Call it as follows:

CALL compareDBs('db1','db2');

MEMORY tables would it speed it up, but unfortunately MySQL MEMORY tables do not support BLOB/TEXT columns.


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  table_schema AS 'Db Name',
  Round( Sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 / 1024, 3 ) AS 'Db Size (MB)',
  Round( Sum( data_free ) / 1024 / 1024, 3 ) AS 'Free Space (MB)'
FROM information_schema.tables
GROUP BY table_schema ;

Last updated 18 Jun 2010

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Starting with MySQL 5, you can find all tables which have foreign key references to a given table with an information_schema query, here encapsulated in a stored procedure which takes two arguments, a database name and a table name. When the table argument is blank or NULL, the procedure returns all parent-child links where the parent table is in the specified database; otherwise it returns parent-child links for the specified parent table:

CREATE PROCEDURE ListChildren( pdb CHAR(64), ptbl CHAR(64) )
  IF ptbl = '' OR ptbl IS NULL THEN
      c.table_schema as 'Parent Schema',
      u.referenced_table_name as 'Parent Table',
      u.referenced_column_name as 'Parent Column',
      u.table_schema as 'Child Schema',
      u.table_name as 'Child Table',
      u.column_name as 'Child Column'
    FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
    JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS u USING(constraint_schema,constraint_name)
    WHERE c.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' 
      AND u.referenced_table_schema = pdb
      c.table_schema, u.referenced_table_name, u.referenced_column_name,
      u.table_schema, u.table_name, u.column_name;
      c.table_schema as 'Parent Schema',
      u.referenced_table_name as 'Parent Table',
      u.referenced_column_name as 'Parent Column',
      u.table_schema as 'Child Schema',
      u.table_name as 'Child Table',
      u.column_name as 'Child Column'
    FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
    JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS u USING(constraint_schema,constraint_name)
    WHERE c.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' 
      AND u.referenced_table_schema = pdb
      AND u.referenced_table_name = ptbl
      c.table_schema, u.referenced_table_name, u.referenced_column_name,
      u.table_schema, u.table_name, u.column_name;

Unfortunately it performs slowly, not because of how it is written, but because of how MySQL has implemented information_schema. Indeed a bug report page is devoted to the issue. It says MySQL AB will not be speeding up information_schema query performance any time soon.

In theUsual we worked around this problem with a PHP function that queries information_schema if that is required, but by default parses the results of iterative SHOW TABLES commands. The SHOW TABLES method logic is simple, and will port readily to another application language. It runs 10-50 times faster than the equivalent information_schema query.

The following version looks for child tables in one database; it slows down a bit when modified to search all server DBs, but even then it is much faster than its information_schema equivalent. It assumes an available connection object $conn:

function childtables( $db, $table, $via_infoschema=FALSE ) {
  GLOBAL $conn;
  $ret = array();
  if( $via_infoschema ) {
    $res = mysql_query( childtablesqry( $db, $table )) || die( mysql_error() );
    if( !is_bool( $res )) 
      while( $row = mysql_fetch_row( $res )) 
        $ret[] = $row;
  else {
    $tables = array();
    $res = mysql_query( "SHOW TABLES" );
    while( $row = mysql_fetch_row( $res )) $tables[] = $row[0];
    $res = mysql_query( "SELECT LOCATE('ANSI_QUOTES', @@sql_mode)" );
    $ansi_quotes = $res ? mysql_result( $res, 0 ) : 0;
    $q = $ansi_quotes ? '"' : "`";
    $sref = ' REFERENCES ' . $q . $table . $q . ' (' . $q;
    foreach( $tables as $referringtbl ) {
      $res = mysql_query( "SHOW CREATE TABLE $referringtbl" );
      $row = mysql_fetch_row( $res );
      if(( $startref = stripos( $row[1], $sref )) > 0 ) {
        $endref = strpos( $row[1], $q, $startref + strlen( $sref ));
        $referencedcol = substr( $row[1], $startref+strlen($sref), 
                                 $endref-$startref-strlen($sref) );
        $endkey = $startref; 
        while( substr( $row[1], $endkey, 1 ) <> $q ) $endkey--;
        $startkey = --$endkey;
        while( substr( $row[1], $startkey, 1 ) <> $q ) $startkey--;
        $referencingcol = substr( $row[1], $startkey+1, $endkey - $startkey );
        $ret[] = array( $db, $referringtbl, $referencingcol, $referencedcol );
  return $ret;

function childtablesqry( $db, $table ) {
  return "SELECT c.table_schema,u.table_name,u.column_name,u.referenced_column_name " .
         "FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c " .
         "INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS u " .
         "USING( constraint_schema, constraint_name ) " .
         "WHERE c.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' " .
         "AND u.referenced_table_schema='$db' " .
         "AND u.referenced_table_name = '$table' " .
         "ORDER BY c.table_schema,u.table_name";

Last updated 02 Aug 2009

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List tables which are referenced by foreign key constraints in a given table.This is a simple query on two information_schema tables: table_constraints and key_column_usage. It is easy to parameterise, so we show it in stored procedures. The first sproc lists all foreign key references in a database. The second lists all foreign key references for a table.

CREATE PROCEDURE ListParentsForDb( pdb CHAR(64) )
   u.table_schema AS 'Schema',
   u.table_name AS 'Table',
   u.column_name AS 'Key',
   u.referenced_table_schema AS 'Parent Schema',
   u.referenced_table_name AS 'Parent table',
   u.referenced_column_name AS 'Parent key'
  FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
  INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS u
  USING( constraint_schema, constraint_name )
  WHERE c.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
    AND c.table_schema = pdb
  ORDER BY u.table_schema,u.table_name,u.column_name;

CREATE PROCEDURE ListParentsForTable( pdb CHAR(64), ptable CHAR(64) )
   u.table_schema AS 'Schema',
   u.table_name AS 'Table',
   u.column_name AS 'Key',
   u.referenced_table_schema AS 'Parent Schema',
   u.referenced_table_name AS 'Parent table',
   u.referenced_column_name AS 'Parent key'
  FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
  INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS u
  USING( constraint_schema, constraint_name )
  WHERE c.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
    AND c.table_schema = pdb
    AND u.referenced_table_name = ptable
  ORDER BY u.table_schema,u.table_name,u.column_name;


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To retrieve primary keys of db.tbl...

SELECT k.column_name 
FROM information_schema.table_constraints t 
JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage k 
USING (constraint_name,table_schema,table_name)
WHERE t.constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY' 
  AND t.table_schema='db'
  AND t.table_name='tbl'

For pre-5 versions of MySQL:

WHERE key_name='primary';


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This is based on a query Mark Leith posted to the MySQL General Discussion list.

  s.schema_name AS 'Schema',
  SUM(t.data_length) AS Data,
  SUM( t.index_length ) AS Indexes,
  SUM(t.data_length) + SUM(t.index_length) AS 'Mb Used',
  IF(SUM(t.data_free)=0,'',SUM(t.data_free)) As 'Mb Free',
  IF( SUM(t.data_free)=0,
      100 * (SUM(t.data_length) + SUM(t.index_length)) / ((SUM(t.data_length)+SUM(t.index_length) + SUM(IFNULL(t.data_free,0))) )
    ) AS 'Pct Used',
  COUNT(table_name) AS Tables
FROM information_schema.schemata s
LEFT JOIN information_schema.tables t ON s.schema_name = t.table_schema
GROUP BY s.schema_name 


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  t.table_schema AS 'Database'
  ,t.table_name AS 'Table'
  ,t.table_type AS 'Table Type'
  ,c.column_name AS 'Column'
  ,c.data_type AS 'Data Type'
FROM information_schema.tables t
JOIN information_schema.columns c ON t.table_schema = c.table_schema AND t.table_name = c.table_name
WHERE t.table_schema NOT IN( 'mysql','information_schema')
ORDER BY t.table_schema,t.table_type,t.table_name,c.ordinal_position;


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Given two databases named @db1 and @db2:

  MIN(table_name) as TableName, 
  SELECT 'Table a' as TableName, 
  FROM information_schema.columns c1
  WHERE table_schema=@db1
  SELECT 'Table a' as TableName, 
  FROM information_schema.columns c2
  WHERE table_schema=@db2
) AS tmp
GROUP BY tablename,
ORDER BY tablename,column_name;


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CREATE PROCEDURE ListDbUsers( dbname CHAR(64) )
  SELECT host,user
  FROM mysql.user
  WHERE Select_priv = 'Y' 
       OR Insert_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Update_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Delete_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Create_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Drop_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Reload_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Shutdown_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Process_priv = 'Y' 
     OR File_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Grant_priv = 'Y' 
     OR References_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Index_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Alter_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Show_db_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Super_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Create_tmp_table_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Lock_tables_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Execute_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Repl_slave_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Repl_client_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Create_view_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Show_view_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Create_routine_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Alter_routine_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Create_user_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Event_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Trigger_priv = 'Y' 
  SELECT host,user
  FROM mysql.db
  WHERE db=dbname
    AND (
     Select_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Insert_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Update_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Delete_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Create_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Drop_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Grant_priv = 'Y' 
     OR References_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Index_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Alter_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Create_tmp_table_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Lock_tables_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Create_view_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Show_view_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Create_routine_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Alter_routine_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Execute_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Event_priv = 'Y' 
     OR Trigger_priv = 'Y' 
  SELECT host,user
  FROM mysql.tables_priv
  WHERE db=dbname
  SELECT host,user
  FROM mysql.columns_priv
  WHERE db=dbname;
CALL ListDbUsers( 'test' );


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It's sometimes necessary to rename a database. MySQL 5.0 has no command for it. Simply bringing down the server to rename a database directory is not safe. MySQL 5.1.7 introduced a RENAME DATABASE command, but the command left several unchanged database objects behind, and was found to lose data, so it was dropped in 5.1.23.

It seems a natural for a stored procedure using dynamic (prepared) statements. PREPARE supports CREATE | RENAME TABLE. As precautions:
  • Before calling the sproc, the new database must have been created.
  • The procedure refuses to rename the mysql database.
  • The old database is left behind, minus what was moved.

CREATE PROCEDURE RenameDatabase( oldname CHAR (64), newname CHAR(64) )
  DECLARE version CHAR(32);
  IF STRCMP( oldname, 'mysql' ) <> 0 THEN
      SELECT table_name INTO sname
      FROM information_schema.tables AS t
      WHERE t.table_type='BASE TABLE' AND t.table_schema = oldname
      LIMIT 1;
      SET rows = FOUND_ROWS();
      IF rows = 1 THEN
        SET @scmd = CONCAT( 'RENAME TABLE `', oldname, '`.`', sname,
                            '` TO `', newname, '`.`', sname, '`' );
        PREPARE cmd FROM @scmd;
        EXECUTE cmd;
        SET changed = 1;
      END IF;
    UNTIL rows = 0 END REPEAT;
    IF changed > 0 THEN
      SET @scmd = CONCAT( "UPDATE mysql.db SET Db = '",
                          "' WHERE Db = '", oldname, "'" );
      PREPARE cmd FROM @scmd;
      EXECUTE cmd;
      DROP PREPARE cmd;
      SET @scmd = CONCAT( "UPDATE mysql.proc SET Db = '",
                          "' WHERE Db = '", oldname, "'" );
      PREPARE cmd FROM @scmd;
      EXECUTE cmd;
      DROP PREPARE cmd;
      SELECT version() INTO version;
      IF version >= '5.1.7' THEN
        SET @scmd = CONCAT( "UPDATE mysql.event SET db = '",
                            "' WHERE db = '", oldname, "'" );
        PREPARE cmd FROM @scmd;
        EXECUTE cmd;
        DROP PREPARE cmd;
      END IF;
      SET @scmd = CONCAT( "UPDATE mysql.columns_priv SET Db = '",
                          "' WHERE Db = '", oldname, "'" );
      PREPARE cmd FROM @scmd;
      EXECUTE cmd;
      DROP PREPARE cmd;
    END IF;

Last updated 16 Jun 2010

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Generate SQL to replace 'old_text' with 'new_text' in all character columns in 'dbname':

Select Concat( 'update ', table_schema, '.', table_name, 
               ' set ', column_name, 
               '=replace(', column_name, ',''old_text'',''new_text'');'
From information_schema.columns
Where (data_type Like '%char%' or data_type like '%text' or data_type like '%binary')
  And table_schema = 'dbname';

Last updated 23 May 2010

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MySQL added a Show Create Trigger command in 5.1.21. If you use an earlier MySQL version, here is a stored procedure which behaves like Show Create Trigger:

CREATE PROCEDURE ShowCreateTrigger( IN db CHAR(64), IN tbl CHAR(64) ) 
        'CREATE TRIGGER ',trigger_name, CHAR(10),  
        action_timing,' ', event_manipulation, CHAR(10), 
        'ON ',event_object_schema,'.',event_object_table, CHAR(10), 
        'FOR EACH ROW', CHAR(10), 
        action_statement, CHAR(10) 
      ) AS 'Triggers' 
    FROM information_schema.triggers 
    WHERE event_object_schema = db 
      AND event_object_table = tbl; 

And here is a stored procedure which lists all triggers in a database:

CREATE PROCEDURE ListTriggers( IN db CHAR(64) ) 
      trigger_name AS 'Trigger',  
      event_object_table AS 'Table' 
    FROM information_schema.triggers 
    WHERE event_object_schema = db; 

If you have a collection of generic stored procs like these, it's most convenient to keep them in one place for easy accessibility. We keep ours in a sys database.

Last updated 09 Oct 2009

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Fill in schema and table names in ...

FROM information_schema.tables
where table_schema='???' AND table_name='???';

Last updated 09 Oct 2009

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The MySQL SHOW TABLES command is fine, but sometimes we want a little more information.

This simple stored procedure lists the table name, engine type, version, collation and rowcount for every table in a database. (Individual databases come and go, so we keep all such database-wide stored routines in a system database.)

    table_name AS 'Table',
    IFNULL(engine, 'VIEW') AS Engine,
    version AS Version,
    table_collation AS Collation,
    table_rows AS Rows
  FROM information_schema.tables
  WHERE table_schema=DATABASE();

If you often want to list tables in a DB not currently USEd, here is a parameter-driven version:

CREATE PROCEDURE showtablesDB( IN dbname CHAR(64) )
    table_name AS 'Table',
    IFNULL(engine, 'VIEW') AS Engine,
    version AS Version,
    table_collation AS Collation,
    table_rows AS Rows
  FROM information_schema.tables
  WHERE table_schema=dbname;

For a sys database of ours, this shows ...

| Table       | Engine | Version | Collation         | Rows |
| dbsize      | VIEW   |    NULL | NULL              | NULL |
| dcal        | MEMORY |      10 | latin1_swedish_ci |    0 |
| digits      | MyISAM |      10 | latin1_swedish_ci |   10 |
| errors      | MEMORY |      10 | latin1_swedish_ci |    0 |
| ints        | MyISAM |      10 | latin1_swedish_ci |   10 |
| results     | MEMORY |      10 | latin1_swedish_ci |    0 |
| theusualfks | MyISAM |      10 | latin1_swedish_ci |    5 |
| viewparams  | MyISAM |      10 | latin1_swedish_ci |    2 |

Last updated 22 Nov 2009

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Given a birthdate in @dob, here is a simple formula for age in years:

DATE_FORMAT(FROM_DAYS(TO_DAYS(now()) - TO_DAYS(@dob)), '%Y') + 0;

and here is one for age in years to two decimal places (ignoring day of month):

ROUND((((YEAR(now()) - YEAR(@dob)))*12 + (((MONTH(now()) - MONTH(@dob)))))/12, 2)


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Given a clinic of physicians, patients and appointments, how to find an available appointment time for a given physician?

This is a variant of the [Not] Exists query pattern. Though we can write it with subqueries, performance will be crisper with a join. But finding data that is not there requires a join to data which is there. So in addition to tables for appointments, doctors and patients, we need a table of all possible appointment datetimes. Here's a schema illustrating the idea ...

  d DATE,
  t TIME
CREATE TABLE a_drs (        -- DOCTORS
  did INT                   -- doctor id
CREATE TABLE a_pts (        -- PATIENTS
  pid INT
  aid INT,                  -- appt id
  did INT,                  -- doctor id
  pid INT,                  -- patient id
  d DATE,
  t TIME

Now we can apply the [Not] Exists query pattern. To find free appointment datetimes for a given doctor in a given datetime range, we left join possible appointments to existing appointments on date and time and doctor, add Where conditions for desired appointment datetimes, and finally add a Where condition that the appointment slot be null, i.e. free...

SELECT d.did, a.d, a.t
FROM a_dt AS a
LEFT JOIN a_appts AS ap USING (d,t) 
LEFT JOIN a_drs AS d 
   ON a.d = ap.d 
  AND a.t = ap.t 
  AND ap.did = d.did 
  AND ap.did = 1
WHERE a.d BETWEEN desired_start_date AND desired_end_date
  AND a.t BETWEEN desired_start_time AND desired_end_time
  AND ap.aid IS NULL;


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The simplest support for counting business days between any two dates is a calendar table calendar(d date,isholiday bool) populated for all days in all possibly relevant years. Then the following query gives the inclusive number of business days between dates dStart and dStop:

FROM calendar
  AND isholiday=0;

If that solution is not available, you have to do with a weekday count, which this function (corrected 6 Jul 2009) computes:

SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;
DELIMITER |                                     
CREATE FUNCTION BizDaysInclusive( d1 DATE, d2 DATE )                           
RETURNS INT                                                                         
  DECLARE dow1, dow2, days INT;
  SET dow1 = DAYOFWEEK(d1);
  SET dow2 = DAYOFWEEK(d2);
  SET days = FLOOR( DATEDIFF(d2,d1)/7 ) * 5 +                                         
               WHEN dow1=1 AND dow2=7 THEN 5 
               WHEN dow1 IN(7,1) AND dow2 IN (7,1) THEN 0
               WHEN dow1=dow2 THEN 1 
               WHEN dow1 IN(7,1) AND dow2 NOT IN (7,1) THEN dow2-1 
               WHEN dow1 NOT IN(7,1) AND dow2 IN(7,1) THEN 7-dow1
               WHEN dow1<=dow2 THEN dow2-dow1+1
               WHEN dow1>dow2 THEN 5-(dow1-dow2-1)
               ELSE 0
  RETURN days;
SELECT BizDaysInclusive('2009-8-1','2009-9-15');
| BizDaysInclusive('2009-8-1','2009-9-15') |
|                                       32 |

So does the following algorithm, posted by Elowie Cruz on a MySQL forum; for ease of use we encapsulate it in a stored procedure:

SELECT dd.iDiff, dd.iDiff - dd.iWeekEndDays AS iWorkDays, dd.iWeekEndDays
    ((dd.iWeeks * 2) + 
    IF(dd.iSatDiff >= 0 AND dd.iSatDiff < dd.iDays, 1, 0) + 
    IF (dd.iSunDiff >= 0 AND dd.iSunDiff < dd.iDays, 1, 0)) AS iWeekEndDays
  FROM (
      FLOOR(dd.iDiff / 7) AS iWeeks,
      dd.iDiff % 7 iDays,
      5 - dd.iStartDay AS iSatDiff,
      6 - dd.iStartDay AS iSunDiff
    FROM (
        1 + DATEDIFF(d2, d1) AS iDiff,
        WEEKDAY(d1) AS iStartDay
      ) AS dd
  ) AS dd
) AS dd ;
CALL DayCount( '2009-8-1','2009-9-15');
| iDiff | iWorkDays | iWeekEndDays |
|    46 |        32 |           14 |

Last updated 10 Jul 2009

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Date arithmetic is deceptively hard. One way to appreciate the difficulties is to read Chapter 21 in our book. Another is to try to calculate the number of Tuesdays (or another weekday) between two dates. It's not a back-of-the-napkin problem.

An earlier formula we had for this problem sometimes gave incorrect results. As a debugging aid, we wrote a brute force calculator for the problem:

SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;

    WHILE D1 <= d2 DO
        IF DAYOFWEEK(d1) = daynum THEN
          SET days=days+1;
        END IF;
        SET d1 = ADDDATE(d1, INTERVAL 1 DAY);
  RETURN days;
  AS 'Sats from 2008-3-16 through 2008-3-28';

You would not want to use that function on long date spans in a big table, but it will do for testing.

Now, how to count the number of Tuesdays, say, between two dates? The basic logic is:

1. Count weeks between the two dates.

2. If beginning and ending weekdays are the same, then if they're Tuesday, the answer is weeks+1, otherwise it's just weeks.

3. Otherwise, if the beginning weekday <= the ending weekday, then if Tuesday is between them, the answer is weeks+1, otherwise it's just weeks.

4. Otherwise the ending weekday is less than the starting weekday; if Tuesday >= the starting weekday or <= the ending weekdayy, the answer is weeks+1, otherwise it's just weeks.

For a convenient datasource, we'll use the two date columns orderdate and shippeddate in the orders table of the NorthWind database, and we'll use our brute force function DayCount() to check results:

SET @day = 3;
  DATE_FORMAT(orderdate,'%y%m%d') AS OrdDt,
  DATE_FORMAT(shippeddate,'%y%m%d') AS ShipDt,
  LEFT(DAYNAME(orderdate),3) AS D1,
  LEFT(DAYNAME(shippeddate),3) AS D2,
  @dow1 := DAYOFWEEK(orderdate) AS 'dw1',
  @dow2 := DAYOFWEEK(shippeddate) AS 'dw2',
  @days := DATEDIFF(shippeddate,orderdate) AS Days,
  @wks  := FLOOR( @days / 7 ) AS Wks,
  FLOOR( IF( @dow1 = @dow2, IF( @day = @dow1, @wks+1, @wks),
             IF( @dow1 < @dow2, IF( @day BETWEEN @dow1 AND @dow2, @wks+1, @wks),
                 IF( @day >= @dow1 OR @day <= @dow2, @wks+1, @wks ) 
       ) AS Res,
  DayCount(DATE(orderdate),DATE(shippeddate),@day) AS Chk
FROM orders
HAVING !ISNULL(res-chk) AND res-chk <> 0;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

No errors. We get the same result for @day = 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

But the formula is buried in the specifics of one table, so abstract it to a reusable function:

CREATE FUNCTION NamedDaysBetween( d1 DATE, d2 DATE, daynum SMALLINT ) 
  DECLARE dow1, dow2, wks, days INT;
    SET dow1 = DAYOFWEEK( d1 );
    SET dow2 = DAYOFWEEK( d2 );
    SET days = DATEDIFF( d2, d1 );
    SET wks  = FLOOR( days / 7 );
    SET days = IF( dow1 = dow2, IF( daynum = dow1, wks+1, wks),
                   IF( dow1 < dow2, IF( daynum BETWEEN dow1 AND dow2, wks+1, wks),
                       IF( daynum >= dow1 OR daynum <= dow2, wks+1, wks ) 
  RETURN days;

Again check it against lots of date value pairs:

  nameddaysbetween(orderdate,shippeddate,3) - daynamecount(orderdate,shippeddate,3) 
  AS diff
FROM orders
HAVING !ISNULL(diff) AND diff <> 0;
Empty set (0.00 sec)


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Assuming a calendar table calendar(date DATE) with one row per date through the relevant period...

SET @d = NOW();
SELECT MIN(date) AS 1stFridayOfMonth
FROM calendar 
WHERE YEAR(date) = IF( MONTH(@d) = 12, 1+YEAR(@d), YEAR(@d) )
  AND MONTH(date) = IF( MONTH(@d) = 12, 1, MONTH(@d) + 1 )
  AND WEEKDAY(date)=4;


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The week number of a given date @d, when weeks are defined as starting on Mondays and when we agree to number weeks of the year from 1 through 53, is given by WEEK(@d, 2). Here is a way to get the date of Monday in that week:

set @d='2008-1-31';
select makedate( left(yearweek(@d),4),week( @d, 2 ) * 7 ) as 1stdayOfWeek;
| 1stdayOfWeek |
| 2008-01-28   |
set @d='2008-7-15';
select makedate( left(yearweek(@d),4),week( @d, 2 ) * 7 ) as 1stdayOfWeek;
| 1stdayOfWeek |
| 2008-07-14   |


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Find the difference between two datetime values in seconds, minutes, hours or days. If dt1 and dt2 are datetime values of the form 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss', the number of seconds between dt1 and dt2 is


To get the number of minutes divide by 60, for the number of hours divide by 3600, and for the number of days, divide by 3600 * 24.


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CREATE FUNCTION PeriodLen( dt1 datetime, dt2 datetime ) RETURNS CHAR(128)
  DECLARE yy,mm,d0,dd,hh,mi,ss,t1 BIGINT;
  SET d0 = TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY,dt1,dt2); 
  SET dd = d0 MOD (yy*mm);
  SET t0 = TIMESTAMPADD(DAY,d0,dt1);
  SET t1 = TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(dt2,t0));
  SET hh = FLOOR(t1/3600);
  SET mi = FLOOR(t1/60) - 60*hh;
  SET ss = t1 - 3600*hh - 60*mi;
  RETURN CONCAT( yy, ' years ', mm, ' months ', dd, ' days ', hh, ' hours ', mi, ' mins ', ss, ' secs' );
SELECT PeriodLen( '2000-6-1 20:34:35',now() );
| PeriodLen( '2000-6-1 20:34:35',now() )             |
| 8 years 11 months 19 days 17 hours 49 mins 22 secs |

Last updated 22 May 2009

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Given a bookings table where each row specifies one reservation period for one property, find the unbooked periods for a given property:

CREATE TABLE bookings( ID int, propertyID int, startDate date, endDate date );
SELECT * FROM bookings; 
| ID   | propertyID | startDate  | endDate    |
|    1 |          1 | 2007-01-01 | 2007-01-15 |
|    2 |          1 | 2007-01-20 | 2007-01-31 |
|    3 |          1 | 2007-02-10 | 2007-02-17 |

Reservation systems usually adopt the closed-open convention of representing when reservations begin and end. For example, if you book a hotel room for 22 May through 24 May, the hotel expects you to stay overnight on 22 May and 23 May, but not on 24 May. Apart from that difference, this is the same pattern as Finding missing numbers in a sequence.

  a.enddate AS 'Available From',
  Min(b.startdate) AS 'To'
FROM bookings AS a 
JOIN bookings AS b ON a.propertyID=b.propertyID AND a.enddate < b.startdate
WHERE a.propertyID=1
GROUP BY a.enddate
HAVING a.enddate < MIN(b.startdate);
| Available From | To         |
| 2007-01-15     | 2007-01-20 |
| 2007-01-31     | 2007-02-10 |

This query cannot see reservation dates earlier than the first existing reservation date, or later than the last. Usually, you would want a calendar table to provide those limits, but you can fake them with a union. If the allowable reservation period is 1 Dec 2006 through 1 Jul 2007, union the left side of the join with a made-up row for 1 Dec 2006, and union the right side of the join with a made-up row for 1 Jul 2007:

  a.enddate AS 'Available From',
  Min(b.startdate) AS 'To'
  SELECT 0,1 as propertyID,'2006-12-01' as startdate,'2006-12-01' as enddate
  SELECT * FROM bookings
) AS a
  SELECT * FROM bookings
  SELECT 0,1,'2007-07-01' as startdate,'2007-07-02' as enddate
) AS b ON  a.propertyID=b.propertyID AND a.enddate < b.startdate
WHERE a.propertyID=1
GROUP BY a.enddate
HAVING a.enddate < MIN(b.startdate);
| Available From | To         |
| 2006-12-01     | 2007-01-01 |
| 2007-01-15     | 2007-01-20 |
| 2007-01-31     | 2007-02-10 |
| 2007-02-17     | 2007-07-01 |


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You have a table of visits, and you would like to display the time periods during which there are visit time overlaps.

drop table if exists visits;
create table visits(id int primary key,start datetime,end datetime);
insert into visits values
(1, '2008-09-01 15:01', '2008-09-01 15:04'),
(2, '2008-09-01 15:02', '2008-09-01 15:09'),
(3, '2008-09-01 15:12', '2008-09-01 15:15'),
(4, '2008-09-01 16:11', '2008-09-01 16:23'),
(5, '2008-09-01 16:19', '2008-09-01 16:25'),
(6, '2008-09-01 17:52', '2008-09-01 17:59'),
(7, '2008-09-01 18:18', '2008-09-01 18:22'),
(8, '2008-09-01 16:20', '2008-09-01 16:22'),
(9, '2008-09-01 18:17', '2008-09-01 18:23');

There are five period overlaps in this data:

1     |-----|
2        |-----|
3                 |--|
4                       |-----|
5                          |-----|
6                                  |---|
7                                        |---| 
8                           |---|
9                                       |-----|

One solution is to use a View to identify starting and stopping events, then define an Overlaps View:

SELECT start AS time, 1 AS value, id FROM visits
SELECT end AS time, -1 AS value, id FROM visits;

SELECT time t, (SELECT SUM(value) FROM events WHERE time <=t ) as visitcount
FROM events;

SELECT t, visitcount
FROM overlaps
WHERE visitcount>1
| t                   | visitcount |
| 2008-09-01 15:02:00 |          2 |
| 2008-09-01 16:19:00 |          2 |
| 2008-09-01 16:20:00 |          3 |
| 2008-09-01 16:22:00 |          2 |
| 2008-09-01 18:18:00 |          2 |

But that doesn't show us when overlap periods end. There is a fuller and more straightforward solution: join visits to itself on the criteria that

(i) the first of each joined pair of visits started no earlier than the second,
(ii) the first visit started before the second ended, and
(iii) the second visit started before the first ended:

Thanks to Brian Moretta for pointing out the need for LEAST() to catch all endpoints:

SELECT, v1.start,, LEAST(v1.end,v2.end) AS end
FROM visits v1
JOIN visits v2 ON <> and v1.start >= v2.start and v1.start < v2.end 
ORDER BY v1.start;
| id | start               | id | end                 |
|  2 | 2008-09-01 15:02:00 |  1 | 2008-09-01 15:04:00 |
|  5 | 2008-09-01 16:19:00 |  4 | 2008-09-01 16:23:00 |
|  8 | 2008-09-01 16:20:00 |  4 | 2008-09-01 16:22:00 |
|  8 | 2008-09-01 16:20:00 |  5 | 2008-09-01 16:22:00 |
|  7 | 2008-09-01 18:18:00 |  9 | 2008-09-01 18:22:00 |

Last updated 05 Sep 2009

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A table that tracks time periods may require period uniqueness. That means it has no sequenced duplicates.

If a table has columns processID, start_date and end_date, those three columns are period unique if there exists no pair of rows with the same processID and overlapping start_date and end_date values. If there is such a pair of rows, the table exhibits sequenced duplication.

Another way of saying it: if an instant is the smallest datetime unit of start_date and end_date columns, then if there are no sequenced duplicates, there is exactly one processID value at any instant.

Here is a query to find sequenced duplicates for those columns:

SELECT t.processid 
FROM tbl t 
  SELECT * FROM tbl AS t3 
  WHERE t3.processid IS NULL 

  SELECT * FROM tbl AS t1 
  WHERE 1 < ( 
    SELECT COUNT(processid) 
    FROM tbl AS t2 
    WHERE t1.processid = t2.processid 
      AND t1.start_date < t2.end_date 
      AND t2.start_date < t1.end_date 



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You rent vacation properties, tracking bookings with a table like this:

CREATE TABLE bookings( ID int, propertyID int, startDate date, endDate date );
INSERT INTO bookings VALUES (1,1,'2007-1-1','2007-1.15'),(2,1,'2007-1-20','2007-1.31');
SELECT * FROM bookings;
| ID   | propertyID | startDate  | endDate    |
|    1 |          1 | 2007-01-01 | 2007-01-15 |
|    2 |          1 | 2007-01-20 | 2007-01-31 |

You need a query indicating whether a given property is available for a given period of time.

Hotels & property renters usually adopt what is called the 'closed-open' convention for bookings, eg a booking from 22 May through 24 May means you sleep there the nights of 22 and 23 May. To show that property P is available for the desired closed-open period dStart to dEnd, you need to prove there is no booked period for P that overlaps dStart through dEnd. Until you're used to thinking about periods, it's easier to analyse graphically. There are four ways a booked reservation can overlap the desired date range ...

             dStart        dEnd
        startDate            endDate

but there are just two ways a booked reservation can not overlap:

             dStart        dEnd
       |-----|                |-----|
     |-----|                    |-----|

So the period dStart through dEnd is available if there is no row where ...

!(endDate <= dStart OR startDate >= dEnd)

or equivalently ...

endDate > dStart AND startDate < dEnd

Here is a simple stored procedure for testing the query:

CREATE PROCEDURE isavailable( iProperty int, dStart date, dEnd date )
SELECT IF( COUNT(1),'No','Yes' ) AS Available
FROM bookings
WHERE propertyID = iProperty 
  AND startDate < dEnd 
  AND endDate > dStart;

CALL isavailable(1,'2006-12-27','2007-1-20');
| Available |
| No        |

CALL isavailable(1,'2007-1-10' ,'2007-1-16');
| Available |
| No        |

CALL isavailable(1,'2007-1-16' ,'2007-1-17');
| Available |
| Yes       |

CALL isavailable(1,'2007-1-22' ,'2007-1-23');
| Available |
| No        |

CALL isavailable(1,'2007-1-22' ,'2007-2-2');
| Available |
| No        |

CALL isavailable(1,'2007-2-1' ,'2007-2-2');
| Available |
| Yes       |

CALL isavailable(1,'2006-12-1' ,'2007-2-1');
| Available |
| No        |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


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Unix_Timestamp( datetimevalue ) / (60*60*24) ) + 2440587.5


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Given a date value in datetimecol ...

  @refday := datetimecol,
  @dow := DAYOFWEEK(@refday) AS DOW,
  @subtract := IF( @dow = 1, 2, IF( @dow = 2, 3, 1 )) AS MINUS, 
  @refday - INTERVAL @subtract DAY AS LastBizDay
FROM ... etc


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You need a calendar table for joins to datetime data in other tables:

create table calendar ( dt datetime primary key );

An elegant method of generating any desired number of sequential values, posted by Giuseppe Maxia on his blog, is ...
  • Create three dummy rows in a View.
  • Cross join them to make 10 dummy rows.
  • Cross join those to make 100, 1,000 or however many you need.
So to give the calendar table a million rows at one-hour intervals starting on 1 Jan 1970:

create or replace view v3 as select 1 n union all select 1 union all select 1;
create or replace view v as select 1 n from v3 a, v3 b union all select 1;
set @n = 0;
drop table if exists calendar;
create table calendar(dt datetime primary key);
insert into calendar
  select cast('1970-1-1 00:00:00' + interval @n:=@n+1 hour as datetime) as dt
  from v a, v b, v c, v d, v e, v; 

If you prefer to do it one query without user variables, or if your MySQL version does not support Views, make a general-purpose utility table of integers 0 through 9. We keep such utility objects in a sys database and make it available to all users:

create table sys.ints(i tinyint);
insert into sys.ints values(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);

From sys.ints you can generate any desired sequence of dates or datetimes. For example to report monthly sales totals for 2009 from the table sales(date d, amount decimal(10,2)), write:

select a.yearmonth, sum(ifnull(b.amount,0)) as total
from (
  select concat( '2009-', lpad((u.i + t.i * 10), 2, 0)) as yearmonth
  from sys.ints u, sys.ints t
  where (u.i + t.i * 10) between 1 and 12
) a
left join sales b on a.yearmonth=date_format(b.d,'%Y-%m')
group by a.yearmonth;

Generate a thousand daily dates starting today:

SELECT CURDATE() + INTERVAL t.i*100 + u.i*10 + v.i DAY AS Date
FROM sys.ints AS t 
JOIN sys.ints AS u
JOIN sys.ints AS v
WHERE ( t.i*100 + u.i*10 + v.i ) < 1000

This can be done down to the level of seconds:

drop table if exists secs;
create table secs
select sec_to_time( t.i*10000 + u.i*1000 + v.i*100 + w.i*10 + x.i ) as sec
from sys.ints t
join sys.ints u
join sys.ints v
join sys.ints w
join sys.ints x
where sec_to_time( t.i*10000 + u.i*1000 + v.i*100 + w.i*10 + x.i ) < '24:00:00'
order by sec;

You can use such a query as a View, as an inline derived table, or as input to a CREATE TABLE statement.

A slightly more elaborate method, giving the calendar table an auto-increment key that can also be used as a surrogate for datetime interval calculations:

  CREATE TABLE calendar (
    date DATE,
    UNIQUE days (date)

Calculate the number of days needed in the calendar, eg

  SELECT DATEDIFF('2010-12-31','1989-12-31');   # 7670, or 21*365 plus 5

Find a table with that many rows, 7670 in this case. Add a row to the calendar table for every day in the range:

  INSERT INTO calendar (id) 
  SELECT NULL FROM [name of table with 7670  rows] LIMIT 4018;

Populate the date column by incrementing the starting date:

  UPDATE calendar SET date = ADDDATE('1989-12-31',id);

The calendar table now has one row for each day from 1990-01-01 through 2010-12-31. Keep the auto_increment ID column for quick day counts in the range, or drop the column if you don't need that.

To make the calendar table a diary, make the period one leap year, add month, day and text columns, update month and day values with MONTH(date) and DAYOFMONTH(date) respectively, and if the diary is to be used from year to year, drop the date field.
[Based on a SQL Tip by Arthur Fuller and a MySQL list tip by Michael Stassen]

To automate all this, write a stored procedure, for example:

  date_hour DATETIME,
  KEY ( date_hour ) 
CREATE PROCEDURE timespopulate( startdate DATETIME, num INT )
  WHILE ctr < num DO
      INSERT INTO times VALUES ( DATE_ADD( startdate, INTERVAL ctr HOUR) );
      SET ctr = ctr + 1;
CALL timespopulate( '2007-1-1, 31*24 );

Or, you can have the sproc do your counting:

CREATE PROCEDURE calendar( pstart datetime, pstop datetime, pminutes int )
  DECLARE thisdate datetime;
  CREATE TABLE cal( dt datetime ); 
  SET thisdate=pstart;
  INSERT INTO cal VALUES(pstart);
  WHILE thisdate < pstop DO
    SET thisdate = adddate( thisdate, INTERVAL pminutes MINUTE );
    INSERT INTO cal VALUES( thisdate );
-- make cal for 2007, 20-min intervals:
CALL calendar('2007-1-1 00:00:00', '2007-2-1 00:00:00', 20);

Last updated 24 Jun 2010

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You have a visits table (id int, start datetime, end datetime), and you wish to track peak visit counts. A simple solution is to self-join on non-matching IDs and overlapping visit times, group by ID, then order by the resulting counts:

SELECT,group_concat( as Overlaps, count( as OverlapCount
FROM visits a
JOIN visits b on < and a.start < b.end and b.start < a.end
ORDER BY OverlapCount DESC;


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To scope a query to the calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) of a date value @d, write ...

... WHERE d BETWEEN AddDate(@d,-DayOfWeek(@d)+1) and AddDate(@d,7-DayOfWeek(@d)) ...

Last updated 29 Dec 2009

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You track resource booking periods. You need a query to report daily usage for a given resource.

First the problem of calculating per-diem usage. Call the starting datetime of a booked period pStart, and its ending datetime pEnd. Then for a given date pDate, if the period began before pDate. then pDate usage begins at 00:00:00, otherwise it starts at pStart; likewise if the period extends past pDate, then pDate usage ends at midnight on pDate, otherwise it ends at pEnd. Therefore the period begins at...

IF( pStart < pDate, CAST(pDate AS DATETIME ), pStart )

and ends at...

IF( DATE(pEnd) > pDate, CAST(ADDDATE(pDate, 1) AS DATETIME), pEnd )

so pDate usage in seconds is given by...

UNIX_TIMESTAMP( IF( pStart < pDate, CAST(pDate AS DATETIME ), pStart ));

To help keep the query as uncluttered as possible, encapsulate the above calculation in a stored function...

SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;
CREATE FUNCTION DaySeconds( pStart datetime, pEnd datetime, pDate date ) RETURNS INT
        UNIX_TIMESTAMP( IF( pStart < pDate, CAST(pDate AS DATETIME ), pStart ));

SELECT CEIL(DaySeconds('2008-1-1 10:05:00','2008-1-1 10:59:30','2008-1-1')/60) AS Mins;
| Mins |
|   55 |

Now for the query. To report usage per day over a period, we need a calendar table. For a test, make one for the first 100 days of the year 2008:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ints,calendar;
INSERT INTO ints VALUES(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
CREATE TABLE calendar(date date);
SET @n=0;
INSERT INTO calendar SELECT ADDDATE('2008-1-1',@n:=@n+1) FROM sys.ints a JOIN sys.ints b;

Now some test bookings data:

CREATE TABLE bookings( id INT PRIMARY KEY, resourceID int, startdate datetime, enddate datetime );
(1,1,'2008-02-03 17:05','2008-02-03 19:00'),
(2,1,'2008-02-04 17:05','2008-02-04 18:00'),
(3,1,'2008-02-04 19:30','2008-02-04 20:00'),
(4,1,'2008-02-05 23:05','2008-02-06 01:00'),
(5,2,'2008-02-05 14:05','2008-02-05 15:00');

Obtain usage per day for resourceID=1 by running DaySeconds() against a JOIN of calendar and bookings:

 SUM( CEIL(( DaySeconds( b.startdate, b.enddate, ) / 60 ))) AS 'Mins Used'
FROM calendar c
JOIN bookings b ON BETWEEN DATE(b.startdate) AND DATE(b.enddate)
WHERE b.resourceID = 1
| date       | Mins Used |
| 2008-02-03 |       115 |
| 2008-02-04 |        85 |
| 2008-02-05 |        55 |
| 2008-02-06 |        60 |

To report over a date range, join the above to the calendar table on a date range:

SELECT, IFNULL( sums.N, 0 ) AS 'Mins Used'
FROM calendar AS c
 SELECT AS date,
   SUM( CEIL(( DaySeconds( b.startdate, b.enddate, ) / 60 ))) AS N
 FROM calendar c
 JOIN bookings b ON BETWEEN DATE(b.startdate) AND DATE(b.enddate)
 WHERE b.resourceID = 1
) AS sums ON =
WHERE BETWEEN '2008-02-01' AND '2008-02-10';
| date       | Mins Used |
| 2008-02-01 |         0 |
| 2008-02-02 |         0 |
| 2008-02-03 |       115 |
| 2008-02-04 |        85 |
| 2008-02-05 |        55 |
| 2008-02-06 |        60 |
| 2008-02-07 |         0 |
| 2008-02-08 |         0 |
| 2008-02-09 |         0 |
| 2008-02-10 |         0 |

{based on a contribution by Daniel Patterson]


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A table tracks attendance at some location:

drop table if exists t;
create table t(interval_id int,start datetime,end datetime, att int);
insert into t values
(1,'2007-01-01 08:00:00','2007-01-01 12:00:00',5 ),
(2,'2007-01-01 13:00:00','2007-01-01 17:00:00',10),
(3,'2007-01-01 10:00:00','2007-01-01 15:00:00',15),
(4,'2007-01-01 14:00:00','2007-03-07 19:00:00',20);
select * from t;
| interval_id | start               | end                 | att  |
|           1 | 2007-01-01 08:00:00 | 2007-01-01 12:00:00 |    5 |
|           2 | 2007-01-01 13:00:00 | 2007-01-01 17:00:00 |   10 |
|           3 | 2007-01-01 10:00:00 | 2007-01-01 15:00:00 |   15 |
|           4 | 2007-01-01 14:00:00 | 2007-03-07 19:00:00 |   20 |

In this table, att is a delta: it tracks entrances. Actual attendance is SUM(att) at any given moment. For example, if the attendance sum is x at a given moment, then after we add a row with att=y and start/end datetimes embracing that moment, attendance will be x+y. So to retrieve total attendance at 01330h on 1 Jan 2007, we write:

WHERE t.start <= '2007-01-01 13:30:00' AND t.end >= '2007-01-01 13:30:00';
| SUM(att) |
|       25 |

Then how would we extract maximum attendance during a given period, for example, maximum attendance between 1300h and 1700h?

SQL does not deal efficiently with time. Some SQL dialects offer time series enhancements to the language; MySQL does not.

And, querying time series data for aggregate statistics gets complicated very quickly.

It gets a bit simpler with a calendar table that has a row for every possible datetime value. For our example, assume a granularity of one hour and a query period of one day. Naturally a real system would require a range of dates and perhaps a finer time granularity:

create table cal(id int,dt datetime);
insert into cal values(1,'2007-1-1 01:00:00');
insert into cal values(2,'2007-1-1 02:00:00');
insert into cal values(3,'2007-1-1 03:00:00');
insert into cal values(4,'2007-1-1 04:00:00');
insert into cal values(5,'2007-1-1 05:00:00');
insert into cal values(6,'2007-1-1 06:00:00');
insert into cal values(7,'2007-1-1 07:00:00');
insert into cal values(8,'2007-1-1 08:00:00');
insert into cal values(9,'2007-1-1 09:00:00');
insert into cal values(10,'2007-1-1 10:00:00');
insert into cal values(11,'2007-1-1 11:00:00');
insert into cal values(12,'2007-1-1 12:00:00');
insert into cal values(13,'2007-1-1 13:00:00');
insert into cal values(14,'2007-1-1 14:00:00');
insert into cal values(15,'2007-1-1 15:00:00');
insert into cal values(16,'2007-1-1 16:00:00');
insert into cal values(17,'2007-1-1 17:00:00');
insert into cal values(18,'2007-1-1 18:00:00');
insert into cal values(19,'2007-1-1 19:00:00');
insert into cal values(20,'2007-1-1 20:00:00');
insert into cal values(21,'2007-1-1 21:00:00');
insert into cal values(22,'2007-1-1 22:00:00');
insert into cal values(23,'2007-1-1 23:00:00');
insert into cal values(24,'2007-1-1 24:00:00');

To accumulate the maximum attendance sum, collect target values for defined periods in an inner query, and sum them from the outer query:

SELECT SUM( att ) 
    t.start AS PeriodStart,
    t.end AS PeriodEnd,
    MIN(cal.dt) + INTERVAL 1 HOUR AS CountBegin,
    MAX(cal.dt) AS CountEnd,
  FROM t
  JOIN cal ON cal.dt >= t.start AND cal.dt < t.end
  GROUP BY PeriodStart, PeriodEnd
  HAVING CountBegin < '2007-01-01 17:00:00' AND CountEnd > '2007-01-01 11:00:00'
) AS periods;
| SUM( att ) |
|         45 |

If the data is more complicated, eg if we also need to track exits, the period logic needs refinement but the principle remains the same.


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SELECT SEC_TO_TIME( SUM( TIME_TO_SEC( time_col ))) AS total_time 
FROM tbl;

Summing values like '12:65:23' produces meaningless results.


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Given a date and its weekday number (1=Sunday, ..., 7=Saturday), there are three possibilities:
1. Today is Thursday: then next Thursday is 7 days from now.
2. Today is before Thursday: then next Thursday is (5 minus today's weekday number) from now.
3. Today is after Thursday: then next Thursday is 7 + (5 minus today's weekday number).

set @d=curdate();
set @n = dayofweek(curdate());
  @d:=adddate(curdate(),0) as date, 
  @n:=dayofweek(adddate(curdate(),0)) as weekday, 
  adddate(@d,if(@n=5,7,if(@n<5,5-@n,7+5-@n))) as thurs;
| date       | weekday | nextthurs  |
| 2008-03-10 |       2 | 2008-03-13 |

It's easily encapsulated in a function:

set global log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;
drop function if exists dateofnextweekday;
delimiter |
create function dateofnextweekday( d date, which tinyint ) returns date
  declare today tinyint;
  set today = dayofweek(d);
  return adddate( d, if( today=which,7,if(today<which,which-today,7+which-today)));
end |
delimiter ;

While we're at it, we might as well have a function to return the most recent given weekday for a given date ...

delimiter go
create function dateoflastweekday( d date, which tinyint ) returns date
  declare today tinyint;
  set today = dayofweek(d);
  return adddate( d, if(today=which,-7,if(today>which,which-today,which-today-7) ));
delimiter ; 

Last updated 02 Dec 2009

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You have a table that tracks a value and the time when the value was measured ...

drop table if exists changes;
create table changes(time time,value int);
insert into changes values
('00:00', 0 ),
('01:05', 1 ),
('01:09', 1 ),
('01:45', 1 ),
('02:24', 0 ),
('12:20', 1 ),
('12:40', 0 ),
('14:32', 0 ),
('18:20', 1 ),
('18:21', 1 ),
('20:40', 0 );

and you need a query to show the rows where the value changes.

For how to retrieve a rank ordering we can subsequently use, see Rank order. Here we need rank ordering on time. We get it by joining each row R to rows with equal or earlier times and counting those rows:

  SELECT a.*, COUNT(a.value) AS rank
  FROM changes a
  JOIN changes b ON a.time >= b.time
  GROUP BY a.time;
| time     | value | rank |
| 00:00:00 |     0 |    1 |
| 01:05:00 |     1 |    2 |
| 01:09:00 |     1 |    3 |
| 01:45:00 |     1 |    4 |
| 02:24:00 |     0 |    5 |
| 12:20:00 |     1 |    6 |
| 12:40:00 |     0 |    7 |
| 14:32:00 |     0 |    8 |
| 18:20:00 |     1 |    9 |
| 18:21:00 |     1 |   10 |
| 20:40:00 |     0 |   11 |

Now if we left join this result to itself on matching values and the left rank >= the right rank, and if we exclude rows with NULLs on the right side, we are left with just the rows for which the next value is different:

SELECT a.time, a.value
FROM tmp a
LEFT JOIN tmp b ON a.value=b.value AND a.rank=b.rank+1
| time     | value |
| 00:00:00 |     0 |
| 01:05:00 |     1 |
| 02:24:00 |     0 |
| 12:20:00 |     1 |
| 12:40:00 |     0 |
| 18:20:00 |     1 |
| 20:40:00 |     0 |

On MySQL 4.1 or later, this can all be done in one step:

SELECT a.time, a.value
  SELECT t1.*, COUNT(*) AS rank
  FROM changes t1
  LEFT JOIN changes t2 ON t1.time >= t2.time
  GROUP BY t1.time
) AS a
  SELECT t1.*, COUNT(*) AS rank
  FROM changes t1
  LEFT JOIN changes t2 ON t1.time >= t2.time
  GROUP BY t1.time
) AS b ON a.rank = b.rank+1 AND a.value = b.value
ORDER BY a.time;

(Every week or so, someone on a MySQL forum poses this question, and a forum regular who goes by the name 'laptop alias' posts a solution very like the above.)


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"The" month of a week is ambiguous if the week straddles months. If we adopt the convention that the month of a week is the month of its beginning Sunday, then on 29 Nov 2009 ...

SET @weekno = Month CurDate() );
SET @date = AddDate('2009-01-01', 7*@weekno );
SET @day = DayOfWeek( @date );
SET @datecomp = IF( @day = 1, @date, AddDate( @date, 1-@day ));
SELECT @date,@day,@datecomp,Month(@datecomp) AS month;
| @date      | @day | @datecomp  | month |
| 2009-12-03 |    5 | 2009-11-29 |    11 |

It's easy to encapsulate into a stored function. We might as well parameterise the daynumber which the function is to use as a criterion:

SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;
  SET vdate = AddDate(Concat( pyear, '-01-01'), 7*pweek );
  SET vday = DayOfWeek( vdate );
  SET vdate = IF( vday = 1, vdate, AddDate( vdate, 1-vday ));
  RETURN Month( vdate );
SELECT MonthOfWeek( Year(CurDate()), Week( CurDate() ), 1 );

Last updated 30 Nov 2009

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List all possible home-away encounters of teams listed in a table.
SELECT AS Visiting, AS Home
FROM teams AS t1
WHERE t1.ID <> t2.ID;


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You have a schedule table (period, day, subject, room) with a primary key period,day to avoid duplicate bookings. You wish to display the schedule as periods, subjects and rooms in rows, and days of the week in columns.

  MAX(IF(day=1, CONCAT(subject,' ',room), '')) AS Mon,
  MAX(IF(day=2, CONCAT(subject,' ',room), '')) AS Tue,
  MAX(IF(day=3, CONCAT(subject,' ',room), '')) AS Wed,
  MAX(IF(day=4, CONCAT(subject,' ',room), '')) AS Thu,
  MAX(IF(day=5, CONCAT(subject,' ',room), '')) AS Fri
FROM schedule
GROUP BY period

MAX() chooses existing over blank entries, and GROUP BY lines everything up on the same row.


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FROM tbl

Change the HAVING condition to >1 to list duplicate values, etc.


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Display every Nth row in tbl where id>id is sequential in MySQL before version 4.1:

FROM tbl
HAVING MOD(id, N) = 0;


FROM tbl a
JOIN tbl b ON = AND MOD(, N ) = 0;

In MySQL 4.1 and later you can also write:

FROM tbl
WHERE ( id, 0 ) IN ( SELECT id, MOD( id, N ) FROM tbl );


FROM ( SELECT id FROM tbl ) AS tmp
WHERE MOD(, N ) = 0;

Last updated 14 Feb 2010

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Given a table of source-to-destination paths, each of whose nodes references a row in a nodes table, how do we find the shortest path from one node to another?

One answer is Dijkstra's algorithm ('s_algorithm). Peter Larsson has posted a SQL Server implementation of it on the SQL Team Forum. Here is a MySQL implementation.

The DDL:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dijnodes,dijpaths;
CREATE TABLE dijnodes (
  nodename varchar (20) NOT NULL,
  cost int NULL,
  pathID int NULL,
  calculated tinyint NOT NULL 

CREATE TABLE dijpaths (
  fromNodeID int NOT NULL ,
  toNodeID int NOT NULL ,
  cost int NOT NULL

Here is a stored procedure to populate valid nodes and paths:

  pFromNodeName VARCHAR(20), pToNodeName VARCHAR(20), pCost INT 
  DECLARE vFromNodeID, vToNodeID, vPathID INT;
  SET vFromNodeID = ( SELECT NodeID FROM dijnodes WHERE NodeName = pFromNodeName );
      INSERT INTO dijnodes (NodeName,Calculated) VALUES (pFromNodeName,0);
      SET vFromNodeID = LAST_INSERT_ID();
  SET vToNodeID = ( SELECT NodeID FROM dijnodes WHERE NodeName = pToNodeName );
      INSERT INTO dijnodes(NodeName, Calculated) 
      SET vToNodeID = LAST_INSERT_ID();
  SET vPathID = ( SELECT PathID FROM dijpaths 
                  WHERE FromNodeID = vFromNodeID AND ToNodeID = vToNodeID 
    INSERT INTO dijpaths(FromNodeID,ToNodeID,Cost) 
    UPDATE dijpaths SET Cost = pCost  
    WHERE FromNodeID = vFromNodeID AND ToNodeID = vToNodeID;

Use dijAddpath() to populate the tables:

call dijaddpath( 'a', 'b',  4 );
call dijaddpath( 'a', 'd',  1 );
call dijaddpath( 'b', 'a', 74 );
call dijaddpath( 'b', 'c',  2 );
call dijaddpath( 'b', 'e', 12 );
call dijaddpath( 'c', 'b', 12 );
call dijaddpath( 'c', 'f', 74 );
call dijaddpath( 'c', 'j', 12 );
call dijaddpath( 'd', 'e', 32 );
call dijaddpath( 'd', 'g', 22 );
call dijaddpath( 'e', 'd', 66 );
call dijaddpath( 'e', 'f', 76 );
call dijaddpath( 'e', 'h', 33 );
call dijaddpath( 'f', 'i', 11 );
call dijaddpath( 'f', 'j', 21 );
call dijaddpath( 'g', 'd', 12 );
call dijaddpath( 'g', 'h', 10 );
call dijaddpath( 'h', 'g',  2 );
call dijaddpath( 'h', 'i', 72 );
call dijaddpath( 'i', 'f', 31 );
call dijaddpath( 'i', 'j',  7 );
call dijaddpath( 'i', 'h', 18 );
call dijaddpath( 'j', 'f',  8 );

SELECT * FROM dijnodes;
| nodeID | nodename | cost | pathID | calculated |
|      1 | a        | NULL |   NULL |          0 |
|      2 | b        | NULL |   NULL |          0 |
|      3 | d        | NULL |   NULL |          0 |
|      4 | c        | NULL |   NULL |          0 |
|      5 | e        | NULL |   NULL |          0 |
|      6 | f        | NULL |   NULL |          0 |
|      7 | j        | NULL |   NULL |          0 |
|      8 | g        | NULL |   NULL |          0 |
|      9 | h        | NULL |   NULL |          0 |
|     10 | i        | NULL |   NULL |          0 |
SELECT * FROM dijpaths;
| pathID | fromNodeID | toNodeID | cost |
|      1 |          1 |        2 |    4 |
|      2 |          1 |        3 |    1 |
|      3 |          2 |        1 |   74 |
|      4 |          2 |        4 |    2 |
|      5 |          2 |        5 |   12 |
|      6 |          4 |        2 |   12 |
|      7 |          4 |        6 |   74 |
|      8 |          4 |        7 |   12 |
|      9 |          3 |        5 |   32 |
|     10 |          3 |        8 |   22 |
|     11 |          5 |        3 |   66 |
|     12 |          5 |        6 |   76 |
|     13 |          5 |        9 |   33 |
|     14 |          6 |       10 |   11 |
|     15 |          6 |        7 |   21 |
|     16 |          8 |        3 |   12 |
|     17 |          8 |        9 |   10 |
|     18 |          9 |        8 |    2 |
|     19 |          9 |       10 |   72 |
|     20 |         10 |        6 |   31 |
|     21 |         10 |        7 |    7 |
|     22 |         10 |        9 |   18 |
|     23 |          7 |        6 |    8 |

Now for the stored procedure, a 6-step:
  • null out path columns in the nodes table
  • find the nodeIDs referenced by input params
  • loop through all uncalculated one-step paths, calculating costs in each
  • if a node remains uncalculated, the graph is invalid, so quit
  • write the path sequence to a temporary table
  • query the temp table to show the result
CREATE PROCEDURE dijResolve( pFromNodeName VARCHAR(20), pToNodeName VARCHAR(20) )
  DECLARE vFromNodeID, vToNodeID, vNodeID, vCost, vPathID INT;
  DECLARE vFromNodeName, vToNodeName VARCHAR(20);
  -- null out path info in the nodes table
  UPDATE dijnodes SET PathID = NULL,Cost = NULL,Calculated = 0;
  -- find nodeIDs referenced by input params
  SET vFromNodeID = ( SELECT NodeID FROM dijnodes WHERE NodeName = pFromNodeName );
    SELECT CONCAT('From node name ', pFromNodeName, ' not found.' ); 
      -- start at src node
      SET vNodeID = vFromNodeID;
      SET vToNodeID = ( SELECT NodeID FROM dijnodes WHERE NodeName = pToNodeName );
        SELECT CONCAT('From node name ', pToNodeName, ' not found.' );
          -- calculate path costs till all are done
          UPDATE dijnodes SET Cost=0 WHERE NodeID = vFromNodeID;
          WHILE vNodeID IS NOT NULL DO
                dijnodes AS src
                JOIN dijpaths AS paths ON paths.FromNodeID = src.NodeID
                JOIN dijnodes AS dest ON dest.NodeID = Paths.ToNodeID
              SET dest.Cost = CASE
                                WHEN dest.Cost IS NULL THEN src.Cost + Paths.Cost
                                WHEN src.Cost + Paths.Cost < dest.Cost THEN src.Cost + Paths.Cost
                                ELSE dest.Cost
                  dest.PathID = Paths.PathID
                src.NodeID = vNodeID
                AND (dest.Cost IS NULL OR src.Cost + Paths.Cost < dest.Cost)
                AND dest.Calculated = 0;
              UPDATE dijnodes SET Calculated = 1 WHERE NodeID = vNodeID;

              SET vNodeID = ( SELECT nodeID FROM dijnodes
                              WHERE Calculated = 0 AND Cost IS NOT NULL
                              ORDER BY Cost LIMIT 1
          END WHILE;
      END IF;
    -- problem,  cannot proceed
    SELECT CONCAT( 'Node ',vNodeID, ' missed.' );
      -- write itinerary to map table
        FromNodeName VARCHAR(20),
        ToNodeName VARCHAR(20),
        Cost INT
      WHILE vFromNodeID <> vToNodeID DO
            INTO vFromNodeName, vToNodeName, vCost, vPathID
            dijnodes AS dest
            JOIN dijpaths AS Paths ON Paths.PathID = dest.PathID
            JOIN dijnodes AS src ON src.NodeID = Paths.FromNodeID
          WHERE dest.NodeID = vToNodeID;
          INSERT INTO Map(FromNodeName,ToNodeName,Cost) VALUES(vFromNodeName,vToNodeName,vCost);
          SET vToNodeID = (SELECT FromNodeID FROM dijPaths WHERE PathID = vPathID);
      END WHILE;
      SELECT FromNodeName,ToNodeName,Cost FROM Map ORDER BY RowID DESC;
CALL dijResolve( 'a','i');
| FromNodeName | ToNodeName | Cost |
| a            | b          |    4 |
| b            | c          |    6 |
| c            | j          |   18 |
| j            | f          |   26 |
| f            | i          |   37 |


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Last updated 04 Apr 2010


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A tree is a hierarchy where each node except the root has one parent. A parent-child link is an edge. Edges in a tree of known depth can be queried with n-1 self-joins where n is the number of edges from top to bottom. Here is a simple example of depth 2:

drop table if exists t;
create table t(id int, parent int, ord int, title char(20));
insert into t values
(1, 0, 0, 'Root'),
(2, 1, 0, 'Home'),
(3, 1, 1, 'Projects'),
(5, 1, 2, 'Secret area'),
(4, 1, 3, 'Tutorials'),
(8, 1, 4, 'Example'),
(6, 4, 0, 'Computing'),
(7, 4, 1, 'Life');

To list children under their parents, self-join on left parent = right id and order on left parent, right ord:

SELECT,t1.parent,t2.ord,t1.title,t1.title as parentTitle
FROM t t1
ORDER BY t1.parent,t2.ord;
| id   | parent | ord  | title       | parentTitle |
|    1 |      0 | NULL | Root        | Root        |
|    8 |      1 |    0 | Example     | Example     |
|    2 |      1 |    0 | Home        | Home        |
|    3 |      1 |    0 | Projects    | Projects    |
|    5 |      1 |    0 | Secret area | Secret area |
|    4 |      1 |    0 | Tutorials   | Tutorials   |
|    6 |      4 |    3 | Computing   | Computing   |
|    7 |      4 |    3 | Life        | Life        |

For trees of unknown depth see


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There are two main ways to reconcile payments against charges:
  • Open Item: match payments against individual charges, typically by carrying the charge number in the payments table
  • Statement: list and sum all charges and all payments, and show the difference as the outstanding balance.
The Open Item method needs a foolproof way to match payments to charges, but what if the customer neglected to return a copy of the invoice, or to write the invoice number on the cheque? Reconciliation staff spend much of their time resolving such problems.

Can we help? Yes! It won't be entirely foolproof, but it will drastically cut down the onerous work of reconciliation.

Here is DDL for a test case:

USE approx;
CREATE TABLE charges (
  amount DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE payments (
  amount DECIMAL( 10,2) NOT NULL

Both tables carry a custID column to identify whose charge or payment it is, but there is no foreign key linking payments to specific charges--that is the link we are going to approximate.

Now populate the tables with a few rows of sample charges and payments for customer #1, ensuring that you have a variety of payments – some that match the charge exactly, some that are close but not enough, and some that are slight overpayments.

INSERT INTO approx.charges VALUES 
INSERT INTO approx.payments VALUES 

SELECT * FROM charges;
| ID | custID | amount |
|  1 |      1 | 100.00 |
|  2 |      1 |  12.00 |
|  3 |      1 |  56.00 |
|  4 |      1 |  43.00 |
|  5 |      1 |  59.00 |
|  6 |      1 | 998.00 |
SELECT * FROM payments;
| ID | custID | amount  |
|  1 |      1 |   99.00 |
|  2 |      1 |   62.00 |
|  3 |      1 |   40.00 |
|  4 |      1 |   50.00 |
|  5 |      1 |   12.00 |
|  6 |      1 | 1000.00 |

The first thing to do is define an approximation threshold: how close must the amount paid be to the amount charged before we conclude that the amounts are related? For this example we define the proximity threshold as 2. In a real-world example, it might be 10, or 50, or perhaps percentage of the charge. It all depends on the nature of the organisation and the typical total purchase. A house builder may make frequent purchases valued at $1000 and more. You scale the threshold to the typical situation.

Since the amount paid might be more or less or even equal to the amount charged, to link a payment to a charge we need not an equi-join but a theta-join that tests a range both below and above the charge amount. That might suggest a BETWEEN clause. Here is a better idea: use the ABS() function:

SET  @proximity = 2;   -- change this value to suit your situation
  c.ID AS ChargeNo,
  c.Amount AS Charge,
  p.ID AS PaymentNo,
  p.Amount AS Payment
FROM charges c
JOIN payments p
  ON c.custID = p.custID 
  AND ABS(c.amount - p.amount) <= @proximity
WHERE c.custID = 1;

Before you run this query, look at the data to anticipate the result.

Here it is:

| ChargeNo | Charge | PaymentNo | Payment |
|        1 | 100.00 |         1 |   99.00 |
|        2 |  12.00 |         5 |   12.00 |
|        6 | 998.00 |         6 | 1000.00 |

The solution is correct, as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go far enough. We correctly identified the three situations: underpayment, exact payment and overpayment, but we suppressed all charges that don’t have a matching payment. Reconciliation staff are probably interested in a bigger picture of the situation. Fix this by changing the INNER JOIN to a LEFT JOIN:

SET @proximity = 2;
  c.ID AS ChargeNo, 
  c.amount AS Charge, 
  p.ID AS PaymentNo, 
  p.amount AS Payment
  charges c
LEFT JOIN payments p
  ON c.custID = p.custID 
  AND ABS(c.amount - p.amount) <= @proximity
WHERE c.custID = 1;
| ChargeNo | Charge | PaymentNo | Payment |
|        1 | 100.00 |         1 |   99.00 |
|        2 |  12.00 |         5 |   12.00 |
|        3 |  56.00 |      NULL |    NULL |
|        4 |  43.00 |      NULL |    NULL |
|        5 |  59.00 |      NULL |    NULL |
|        6 | 998.00 |         6 | 1000.00 |

Much better! The reconciliation people now know that three charges have no matching payment.

What if the customer mistakenly pays for something twice? Add a row to the Payments table with an amount of $1000, then re-run the last query:

| ChargeNo | Charge | PaymentNo | Payment |
|        1 | 100.00 |         1 |   99.00 |
|        2 |  12.00 |         5 |   12.00 |
|        3 |  56.00 |      NULL |    NULL |
|        4 |  43.00 |      NULL |    NULL |
|        5 |  59.00 |      NULL |    NULL |
|        6 | 998.00 |         6 | 1000.00 |
|        6 | 998.00 |         7 | 1000.00 |

How convenient! We can see at once that charge number 6 was paid for twice.

Somebody in the reconciliation department owes you lunch.

Last updated 05 May 2010

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Show parents, children and grandchildren including parents without children

       IFNULL(child.parent_id,') AS ChildParentID,
       IFNULL(,') AS ChildID,
       IFNULL(grandchild.child_id,') AS GrandchildChildID
FROM parent
  LEFT JOIN child ON
  LEFT JOIN grandchild ON;


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You have n student classes of known size, and m classrooms of known size, where m>=n. What's the best algorithm for assigning as many classes as possible to rooms of adequate size?

The problem is a version of the combinatorial knapsack problem. It's known to be NP-complete, which means it's possible to verify any correct solution but there is no known algorithm for quickly finding a correct solution. How then to proceed?

Early in 2010 Joe Celko resurrected the problem in a Simple Talk column, and challenged readers to improve on SQL Server solutions he'd published in the third edition of his "SQL for Smarties". Here's his small version of the problem modified for MySQL:

VALUES ('c1', 80),('c2', 70),('c3', 65),('c4', 55),('c5', 50),('c6', 40);
VALUES ('r1', 70),('r2', 40),('r3', 50),('r4', 85),('r5', 30),('r6', 65),('r7', 55);

And here is the best solution posted by his contributors. It works in SQL Server 2005 and 2008:

  Matches AS (
      class_nbr, class_size, room_nbr, room_size, 
      exact_match = CASE WHEN class_size = room_size THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
    FROM Classes, Rooms
    WHERE class_size <= room_size
  Preferences AS (
      class_nbr, class_size, 
      class_room_pref = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
        PARTITION BY class_nbr ORDER BY exact_match, room_size, room_nbr
      room_nbr, room_size, 
      room_class_pref = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
        PARTITION BY room_nbr ORDER BY exact_match, class_size DESC, class_nbr
    FROM Matches m
      SELECT 1 FROM Matches WHERE room_nbr = m.room_nbr AND class_size > m.class_size
  Final AS (
      class_nbr, class_size, room_nbr, room_size,
      final_pref = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY class_nbr ORDER BY class_room_pref)
    FROM Preferences p
      SELECT 1 FROM Preferences
      WHERE room_nbr = p.room_nbr AND class_room_pref = room_class_pref AND   room_class_pref < p.room_class_pref
SELECT c.class_nbr, c.class_size, f.room_nbr, f.room_size
FROM Classes c
LEFT JOIN Final f ON c.class_nbr = f.class_nbr AND f.final_pref = 1

It quickly yields this correct answer:

class_nbr class_size room_nbr room_size
   c1         80        r4       85
   c2         70        r1       70
   c3         65        r6       65
   c4         55        r7       55
   c5         50        r3       50
   c6         40        r2       40

As a MySQL user, you may be unfamiliar with two constructs in this query— ROW_NUMBER() OVER ...[PARTITION]..., and Common Table Expressions (CTEs) introduced by the keyword WITH.

ROW_NUMBER() numbers resultset rows based on row values. This entry shows two MySQL equivalents for it, one relying on user variables, the other on aggregation. For this problem we will use the user variable method.

CTEs provide an elegant syntax for building derived tables. The above SQL Server query builds the derived table Matches, from which it builds the derived table Preferences, from which it builds the table Final, which it joins with Classes for the final result.

Can this be done in MySQL? Yes, but not nearly so elegantly. Here we'll lay out an unoptimised step-by-step. Basically, we build the Matches, Preferences and Final tables, one at a time, then copy the final step of the SQL Server query.

First the Matches table:

  SELECT class_nbr, class_size, room_nbr, room_size, IF(class_size=room_size,1,0) AS exact_match 
  FROM Classes
  JOIN Rooms ON class_size <= room_size;

The Preferences table has two Row_Number() expressions to port, so we build each, then join them:

SET @class_nbr_prev='', @ordPrev=0;
CREATE TABLE room_prefs
  SELECT ID, class_nbr, class_size, room_nbr, room_size, class_room_pref
  FROM (
      ID, class_size, room_nbr, room_size,
      @ordPrev := IF( @class_nbr_prev=class_nbr, @ordPrev+1, 1 ) as class_room_pref, 
      @class_nbr_prev := class_nbr AS class_nbr
    FROM Matches m
    WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM Matches WHERE room_nbr = m.room_nbr AND class_size > m.class_size )
    ORDER BY class_nbr, exact_match, room_size, room_nbr
  ) AS tmp ;

SET @room_nbr_prev = '', @ordPrev=0;
CREATE TABLE class_prefs 
  SELECT ID, room_class_pref
  FROM (
      @ordPrev := IF( @room_nbr_prev=room_nbr, @ordPrev+1, 1 ) as room_class_pref, 
      @room_nbr_prev := room_nbr AS room_nbr
    FROM Matches m
    WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM Matches WHERE room_nbr = m.room_nbr AND class_size > m.class_size )
    ORDER BY room_nbr, exact_match, class_size DESC, class_nbr
  ) AS tmp ;

CREATE TABLE Preferences
  SELECT a.class_nbr, a.class_size, a.room_nbr, a.class_room_pref, a.room_size, b.room_class_pref 
  FROM room_prefs a
  JOIN class_prefs b USING(ID);

Now build the Final table from Preferences:

SET @class_nbr_prev = '', @ordPrev=0;
    room_nbr, room_size, class_size, 
    @ordPrev := IF( @class_nbr_prev=class_nbr, @ordPrev+1, 1 ) as final_pref, 
    @class_nbr_prev := class_nbr AS class_nbr
  FROM Preferences p
    SELECT 1 FROM Preferences
    WHERE room_nbr = p.room_nbr AND class_room_pref = room_class_pref AND room_class_pref < p.room_class_pref
  ORDER BY class_nbr;

The final step is identical to the last step in the SQL Server version:

SELECT c.class_nbr, c.class_size, f.room_nbr, f.room_size
FROM Classes c
LEFT JOIN Final f ON c.class_nbr = f.class_nbr AND f.final_pref = 1
| class_nbr | class_size | room_nbr | room_size |
| c1        |         80 | r4       |        85 |
| c2        |         70 | r1       |        70 |
| c3        |         65 | r6       |        65 |
| c4        |         55 | r7       |        55 |
| c5        |         50 | r3       |        50 |
| c6        |         40 | r2       |        40 |

Looking for a juicy query optimisation problem?

Last updated 04 May 2010

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Data-driven table relationships are hard to maintain, but sometimes they cannot be avoided. How do we build joins for them? One way is to use a CASE statement in the SELECT list to handle the joining possibilities. In this example, the parent.linktable column determines the name of the table where a particular parent row's data is. The method is fine when the number of child tables is small:

USE test;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS parent, child1, child2;

  linktable CHAR(64) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO parent VALUES (1, 'child1'), (2, 'child2');

  data CHAR(10)
INSERT INTO child1 VALUES (1, 'abc');

  data CHAR(10)
INSERT INTO child2 VALUES (2, 'def');

To retrieve all child data for all parents, include in the SELECT list a CASE statement which handles all child table possibilities:

    CASE linktable
      WHEN 'child1' THEN
      WHEN 'child2' THEN
      ELSE 'Error'
    END AS Data
FROM parent AS p
LEFT JOIN child1 AS c1 ON
LEFT JOIN child2 AS c2 ON;
| id | linktable | Data |
|  1 | child1    | abc  |
|  2 | child2    | def  |

When the number of child tables is too large for a convenient CASE statement, PREPARE the query in a stored procedure.

(Based on a MySQL Forum post by Felix Geerinckx)


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A FULL OUTER join between tables a and b retrieves:
  • all rows from a, with matching rows or nulls from b, and
  • all rows from b, with matching rows or nulls from a
so for these tables:

CREATE TABLE a(id int,name char(1));
CREATE TABLE b(id int,name char(1));
INSERT INTO a VALUES(1,'a'),(2,'b');
INSERT INTO b VALUES(2,'b'),(3,'c');
| id   | name |
|    1 | a    |
|    2 | b    |
| id   | name |
|    2 | b    |
|    3 | c    |

a full outer join returns:

| id   | name | id   | name |
|    1 | a    | NULL | NULL |
|    2 | b    |    2 | b    |
| NULL | NULL |    3 | c    |

MySQL does not support FULL OUTER JOIN. How to emulate it? If the joining keys of each table are unique, you can just UNION left and right joins:


But suppose the tables to be joined have duplicate rows, and you wish your result to preserve them. For example, add a duplicate row to table a:


Now UNION removes the duplicate row you want preserved in the result. How to get back the desired duplicates? A FULL OUTER JOIN consists of:
  • an INNER JOIN between a and b to catch row matches between a and b,
  • a LEFT EXCLUSION JOIN from a to b to catch rows that are in a and not in b,
  • a RIGHT EXCLUSION JOIN from b to a to catch rows in b that are not in a.


But the first two joins—the inner join, and the left exclusion join—are logically equivalent to a left outer join, so we can write:

| id   | name | id   | name |
|    1 | a    | NULL | NULL |
|    2 | b    |    2 | b    |
|    1 | a    | NULL | NULL |
| NULL | NULL |    3 | c    |

Why doesn't MySQL implement FULL OUTER JOIN syntax for this? We don't know.


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MySQL implements UNION, but does not directly implement INTERSECTION or DIFFERENCE.

INTERSECTION is just an INNER JOIN on all columns:

drop table if exists a,b;
create table a(i int,j int);
create table b like a;
insert into a values(1,1),(2,2);
insert into b values(1,1),(3,3);
select * from a join b using(i,j);
| i    | j    |
|    1 |    1 |

Get the DIFFERENCE between tables a and b by UNIONing exclusion joins from a to b, and from b to a:

select * from a left join b using(i,j) where b.i is null
select * from b left join a using(i,j) where a.i is null;
| i    | j    |
|    2 |    2 |
|    3 |    3 |

Last updated 30 Jun 2009

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To model a many:many relationship between two tables a and b, you need a bridging table where each row represents one instance of an association between a row in a and a row in b, as in this example:

drop table if exists users,actions,useractions;
create table users(userid int primary key, username char(32));
insert into users values(1, 'James'),(2, 'Alex'),(3, 'Justin');
create table actions(actionid int primary key, action char(32));
insert into actions values(1, 'Login'),(2, 'Logout'),(3, 'Delete'),(4, 'Promote');
create table useractions(uaid int primary key, userid int, actionid int);
insert into useractions values(1,1,1),(2,1,2),(3,3,4);

select u.username, a.action
from useractions ua
join users   u using (userid)
join actions a using (actionid);
| username | action  |
| James    | Login   |
| James    | Logout  |
| Justin   | Promote |

Almost every non-trivial database will have at least one instance of this pattern. We have a collection of articles and users' scores of them. How to report statistics on these scores? We need three tables--one for articles, one for users, and a bridge table where each row represents one score on one article by one user:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS art_articles;
CREATE TABLE art_articles (
  title CHAR(30),
  txt TEXT,
  UNIQUE KEY (title)
INSERT INTO art_articles VALUES (1,'abc',''),(2,'def',''),(3,'ghi',''),(4,'jkl','');

CREATE TABLE art_users(
  name CHAR(20)
INSERT INTO art_users VALUES (1,'A'),(2,'B');

CREATE TABLE art_scores (
  articleID INT NOT NULL, -- references article.articleID
  userID INT NOT NULL,    -- references user.userID
  score DECIMAL(6,2)
INSERT INTO art_scores VALUES (1,1,1,80),(2,1,2,90),(3,2,2,60);

-- find average score for article titled 'abc'
SELECT a.title, AVG( s.score ) AS Art1Avg
FROM art_articles a
JOIN art_scores s ON
WHERE a.title='abc'
GROUP BY a.title;

-- find average score submitted by user 1
SELECT, AVG( s.score ) AS User1Avg
FROM art_users u
JOIN art_scores s ON

Last updated 16 Mar 2010

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We often want to know how certain column values associate with other column values, for example "What else did buyers of x buy?", or "What projects did Sean, Ian and Gerard all work on?"

Start with buyers of x. The table that summarises this information might be a View that encapsulates joins from customers to orders to orderitems to products, perhaps scoped on a recent date range. Here we ignore all such detail. We focus only on the logic of typical problems of this kind:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS userpurchases;
INSERT INTO userpurchases 
VALUES (1,1),(1,2),(2,4),(3,1),(3,2),(4,2),(4,3),(5,1),(5,2),(5,3);
FROM userpurchases
| custID | PurchaseList |
|      1 | 1,2          |
|      2 | 4            |
|      3 | 1,2          |
|      4 | 2,3          |
|      5 | 1,2,3        |

The basic idea is to self-join on the prodID as often as necessary to get the answer. For example, to list all products bought by customers who'd already bought at least one other product, join userpurchases to itself on matching custIDs and non-matching prodIDs:

FROM userpurchases p1
JOIN userpurchases p2 ON p1.custID = p2.custID AND p1.prodID <> p2.prodID;
| prodid |
|      1 |
|      2 |
|      3 |

To find what else buyers of product 1 bought, copy the above join and group by custID:

SELECT p1.custID,GROUP_CONCAT(p2.prodid) as 'Buyers of #1 Also bought'
FROM userpurchases p1
JOIN userpurchases p2 ON p1.custID=p2.custID AND p1.prodID <> p2.prodID 
WHERE p1.prodID = 1
GROUP BY p1.custID;
| custID | Buyers of #1 Also bought |
|      1 | 2                        |
|      3 | 2                        |
|      5 | 2,3                      |

What customers bought both product 1 and product 2?

FROM userpurchases p1
JOIN userpurchases p2 ON p1.custID=p2.custID AND p1.prodID=1 AND p2.prodID=2
| custID |
|      1 |
|      3 |
|      5 |

Here is another solution: customers who bought products 1 and 2 ...
(i) have custIDs in userpurchases where prodID is in (1,2) and
(ii) have a distinct prodID count >= the number of prodIDs in (1,2), which is 2:

  FROM userpurchases
  WHERE prodID IN(1,2)
  HAVING N>=2          -- N of (1,2) = 2
) x;

When the criterion group has more than 2 items, that aggregating solution is easier to implement. For example, you track members and their projects, and you often have to query which members participated in all of a specified list of projects:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS members,project_members;
CREATE TABLE members(emp_id int,emp_name char(5));
INSERT INTO members VALUES (1,'Emp1'),(2,'Emp2'), (3, Emp3'),(4,'Emp4'),(5,'Emp5');
CREATE TABLE project_members (project_id int, emp_id int);
INSERT INTO project_members 
VALUES (1, 1),(1, 2),(1, 3),(2, 1),(2, 2),(3, 1),(4, 3),(5, 1),(5, 2),(5, 3),(5, 4),(6, 1);  
SELECT project_id AS Project, GROUP_CONCAT(emp_id) AS Members
FROM project_members
GROUP BY project_id;
| Project | Members |
|       1 | 1,2,3   |
|       2 | 1,2     |
|       3 | 1       |
|       4 | 3       |
|       5 | 1,2,3,4 |
|       6 | 1       |

What projects did members 1, 2 and 3 work on?

SELECT project_id
  SELECT project_id, COUNT(DISTINCT emp_id) AS N
  FROM project_members
  WHERE emp_id IN(1,2,3)
  GROUP BY project_id
  HAVING N>=3                -- N of (1,2,3) = 3
) x;
| project_id |
|          1 |
|          5 |

Here is a variation on the pattern. You have tables people(id, name), membership(id, name) and people_membership(id, membership_id, people_id). You need to find names of all persons and all their memberships where one of the memberships has id=X. It's another two-step:

1. Assemble the people who have a membership with id=X

2. Join from that derived result to people_memberships to get their other memberships, then to people to get their personal info:

  GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY m.membership_id SEPARATOR ', ') AS 'Member Name',
  FROM people p
  JOIN (
    SELECT id
    FROM people_membership 
    WHERE membership_id=X
  ) pmX ON
) pX
JOIN people_membership pm ON
JOIN membership        m  ON pm.membership_id=m.membership_id

Here is another variation on the pattern. You track companies, their agents, and their sales:

drop table if exists companies,agents,sales;
create table companies( id int,name char(5) );
insert into companies values (1,'a ltd'),(2,'b ltd');
create table agents( id int, agentname char(5), companyID int );
insert into agents values (1,'ann',1),(2,'bill',1),(3,'chad',2),(4,'david',2),(5,'ed',3);
create table sales( itemname char(5), agentID int );
insert into sales values('socks',1),('shoes',2),('shirt',3),('tie',4);

You need a report that lists all items sold by a given agent and by all other agents in that agent's company. It's a three-step:

1. Write a query to retrieve agents and their sales.

2. Join the result of [1] with the agents table on company.

3. Scope the result of [2] on a particular agent's name.

SET @agent='ann';
FROM agents a
  SELECT,x.agentname,x.companyID,y.itemname    -- sales by agent
  FROM agents x
  JOIN sales y ON
) s ON a.companyID=s.companyID                      -- users by company
WHERE a.agentname=@agent;                           -- scope by user
 id   | agentname | companyID | itemname |
    1 | ann       |         1 | socks    |
    2 | bill      |         1 | shoes    |

Last updated 15 Jan 2010

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Usually, a JOIN is faster than an uncorrelated subquery. For example in the sakila test database, customer is a parent of rental (via customer_id) which in turn is a parent of payment (via rental_id). The subquery version of a query for whether a customer has made payments and rentals...

SELECT DISTINCT c.customer_id
FROM customer c
WHERE c.customer_id IN (
   SELECT r.customer_id 
   FROM rental r
   JOIN payment p USING (rental_id) 
   WHERE c.customer_id = 599;

is eight times slower than the join version...
SELECT DISTINCT c.customer_id
FROM customer c
JOIN rental r USING (customer_id)
JOIN payment p USING (rental_id) 
WHERE c.customer_id = 599;

Running EXPLAIN on the two queries reveals why: the subquery version has to read most customer rows, while the join version proceeds inside out and discovers it needs to read just one customer row.


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Given tables parent(id INT), child(id INT,parent_id INT), how do we find parents with no children? It's the All X for which there is no Y problem, which can be written as an exclusion join...

FROM parent 
LEFT JOIN child ON = child.parent_id 
WHERE child.parent_id IS NULL;

or with a NOT EXISTS subquery, which is logically equivalent to the exclusion join, but usually performs much slower:

FROM parent
  FROM parent 
  JOIN child ON parent.ID = child.parent_id


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You have a parties table that holds info on peoples' names etc, and a contracts table where each row has clientID and contractorID value pointing at a parties.partyID value--that is, each contracts row points at two parties rows. You want to list the names of all contractors and their clients.

SELECT clientpartyID, AS Client, 
       contractorpartyID, AS Contractor
FROM contracts
  INNER JOIN parties AS pCli 
    ON contracts.clientpartyID = pCli.partyID
  INNER JOIN parties AS pCon 
    ON contracts.contractorpartyID = pCon.partyID;


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Intuitively, IN() is easier to understand than JOIN, so query beginners often write IN() clauses instead of JOINs, as for example in this query for NorthWind orders having multiple items:

FROM orders
WHERE orderID IN (
  SELECT orderID 
  FROM orderdetails 
  GROUP BY orderID 
  HAVING COUNT(orderID) > 1

IN() implements what is called a semi-join; for each row from the left side of the join, it returns all matching rows from the right side. Unfortunately, without optimisations introduced in MySQL 6.0, IN() queries can be impossibly slow. In MySQL 5.0 and 5.1, the above query is 130 times slower than its JOIN version:

FROM orders o
JOIN orderdetails od USING (orderID)
HAVING COUNT(od.orderID) > 1

You wonder if EXISTS() might be better?

FROM orders o
  SELECT orderID FROM orderdetails
  WHERE orderID = o.orderID
  GROUP BY orderID 

In 5.0 and 5.1, it's twice as slow as the JOIN version.

Why is the JOIN version faster? IN() and EXISTS() subqueries have to execute a table scan for each row in the table. Performance degrades as the square of the number of rows. The JOIN version builds its derived table on one table scan, and quickly picks off its resultset from that.

For NOT IN(...), use a straight exclusion join. The basic pattern is that ...


becomes ...

LEFT JOIN b ON a.x=b.y

In MySQL 6.0, experiment with the new optimizer_switch variable to see whether your semi-join runs faster with IN(), EXISTS() or JOIN.

Last updated 17 Jun 2009

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Given a table employee( employeeID INT, mgr_employeeID INT, salary DECIMAL(10,2)), find the managers who earn less than one or more of their subordinates.

We can write this query directly from the logic of its spec...

FROM employee AS e
  SELECT employeeID
  FROM employee AS m
  WHERE m.mgr_employeeID = e.employeeID AND e.salary > m.salary

...but a JOIN (or decorrelated) version of the logic is usually much faster. This query pattern is simple:
  • Inner join the table (t1) to itself (t2) on the grouping key.
  • Add the condition on which you wish to find existing rows to the Join clause.

FROM employee AS e
INNER JOIN employee AS m ON e.Mgr = m.employeeID AND e.salary > m.salary;

The correlated subquery version of the Not Exists query just inserts a strategic NOT:

FROM employee AS e
  SELECT employeeID
  FROM employee AS m
  WHERE m.Mgr = e.employeeID AND e.salary > m.salary

The decorrelated version of Not Exists uses an exclusion join--a LEFT JOIN with an IS NULL condition imposed on the right side of the join:
  • Left join the table to itself on the grouping key.
  • Add the condition on which you wish to find existing rows to the Join clause.
  • For the condition on which you wish to find missing rows on the right side,
  •   (a) add the value condition to the Join clause, and
  •   (b) in the Where clause, add an 'is null' condition for the right side:

FROM employee AS e
LEFT JOIN employee AS m ON e.Mgr = m.employeeID AND e.salary > m.salary
WHERE m.employeeID IS NULL;


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We have a students table, an exams table, and a registrations table in which each row registers one student for one exam. How do we find the exams for which a particular student is not registered?

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS students, exams, registrations;
CREATE TABLE students (
  sid int(10) unsigned PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,
  firstname varchar(45) NOT NULL default '',
  lastname varchar(45) NOT NULL default ''
(1, 'Jack', 'Malone'),(2, 'Hiro', 'Nakamura'),(3, 'Bree', 'Van de Kamp'),
(4, 'Susan', 'Mayer'),(5, 'Matt', 'Parkman'),(6, 'Claire', 'Bennet');

  eid int(10) unsigned PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,
  exam_name varchar(45) NOT NULL default '',
  active smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'
(1, 'Javascript Expert', 1),(2, 'Lost Survival Course', 0),(3, 'Zend PHP Certification', 1),
(4, 'Superhero Advanced Skills', 1),(5, 'Desperation Certificate', 1);

CREATE TABLE registrations (
  registration_id int(11) PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,
  eid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  sid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  registration_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
INSERT INTO registrations (registration_id, eid, sid, registration_date) VALUES 
(1, 5, 14, '2007-10-25 00:00:00'),(2, 5, 3, '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(3, 5, 4, '2007-10-23 00:00:00'),(4, 4, 2, '2007-10-16 00:00:00'),
(5, 4, 5, '2007-10-22 00:00:00'),(6, 4, 6, '2007-10-23 00:00:00'), 
(7, 5, 2, '2007-10-23 00:00:00');

This is a version of the All X for which there is no Y problem, easily solved with a Not Exists query. But Not Exists queries can be painfully slow. Exclusion join solutions usually perform better, but here there is a wrinkle (thanks to Pascal Mitride for this example): we might expect to join registrations to students to get student info into the result, yet the registrations table will be the object of the exclusion join, so how do we retrieve the required student info?

A solution is to left join exams to a subquery: students left join registrations, restricted by a WHERE clause specifying the target student. The subquery encapsulates conditions on the joined table. Then we can impose the IS NULL condition on the subquery:

SELECT e.exam_name FROM exams AS e       -- all exams
  SELECT eid                             -- Hiro's exams
  FROM students s LEFT JOIN registrations r ON s.sid=r.sid 
  WHERE s.firstname='Hiro' AND s.lastname='Nakamura'
) AS tmp ON e.eid=tmp.eid
WHERE tmp.eid IS NULL;                   -- exclusion
| exam_name              |
| Javascript Expert      |
| Lost Survival Course   |
| Zend PHP Certification |

A query showing Hiro's registration or not for all exams proves our logic correct:

SELECT e.exam_name,IF(tmp.sid IS NULL, 'No', 'Yes') AS 'Hiro registered'
FROM exams e
  SELECT eid 
  FROM students s LEFT JOIN registrations r ON s.sid=r.sid 
  WHERE s.firstname='Hiro' AND s.lastname='Nakamura'
) tmp ON e.eid=tmp.eid;
| exam_name                 | Hiro registered |
| Javascript Expert         | No              |
| Lost Survival Course      | No              |
| Zend PHP Certification    | No              |
| Superhero Advanced Skills | Yes             |
| Desperation Certificate   | Yes             |

Beginners often have trouble working out how to write this kind of query, especially when the LEFT JOIN condition requires comparison with a literal value on the right side, thereby making the LEFT JOIN, effectively, an INNER JOIN and undermining the query design.

The method is to subtract one set (here, the exams Hiro registered for) from another (all exams). Start by writing a query expression for the set to be subtracted, then write the query expression to be subtracted from, then LEFT JOIN the two, then add the IS NULL condition:

1. Write a query expression to retrieve rows which positively match the exclusion condition. In simple cases, this may be a simple table reference. Here we need it to be an inner query for the exams Hiro Nakamura did register for...

  SELECT eid 
  FROM students s LEFT JOIN registrations r ON s.sid=r.sid 
  WHERE s.firstname='Hiro' AND s.lastname='Nakamura'

2. Write a query to retrieve the rows from which the result of [1] is to be subtracted--here, simply all exams...

SELECT e.exam_name FROM exams e 

3. Left join [2] to [1] on the appropriate key...

SELECT e.exam_name FROM exams AS e
  SELECT eid 
  FROM students s LEFT JOIN registrations r ON s.sid=r.sid 
  WHERE s.firstname='Hiro' AND s.lastname='Nakamura'
) AS tmp ON e.eid=tmp.eid

4. Add a WHERE clause condition requiring that some column in the inner query evaluates to NULL.

WHERE tmp.eid IS NULL;


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If ordering by col...

... ORDER BY IF(col IS NULL, 0, 1 ), col ...

Last updated 30 Dec 2009

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You have parties and contracts tables. Every contracts row has a contractorpartyID value which references a row in parties, and a clientpartyID value which also references a row in parties. How to list all parties and their contracts, showing blanks as empty strings rather than NULLs?

SELECT parties.partyID, 
       IFNULL(contractorpartyID,'') AS contractor, 
       IFNULL(clientpartyID,'') AS client
FROM parties 
LEFT JOIN contractor_client ON partyID=contractorpartyID
| partyID | contractor | client |
|       1 |            |        |
|       2 | 2          | 1      |
|       3 |            |        |


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ISO SQL defines a ROW_NUMBER() OVER function with an optional PARTITION clause for generating a derived row number column in a resultset. Several RDBMSs—including DB2, Oracle and SQL Server—implement it. Here is the simplest possible example. Given a table with two columns i and j, generate a resultset that has a derived sequential row_number column taking the values 1,2,3,... for a defined ordering of j which resets to 1 when the value of i changes:

CREATE TABLE test(i int,j int);
VALUES (3,31),(1,11),(4,14),(1,13),(2,21),(1,12),(2,22),(3,32),(2,23),(3,33);

The result must look like this:

| i    | j    | row_number |
|    1 |   11 |          1 |
|    1 |   12 |          2 |
|    1 |   13 |          3 |
|    2 |   21 |          1 |
|    2 |   22 |          2 |
|    2 |   23 |          3 |
|    3 |   31 |          1 |
|    3 |   32 |          2 |
|    3 |   33 |          3 |
|    4 |   14 |          1 |

The SQL Server query for this is:

  i, j,
FROM test;

Can we have this result in MySQL? Here are two ways to get it. First, with user variables:

SET @iprev=0, @jprev=0;
SELECT i, j, row_number
  SELECT j, @jprev := if(@iprev = i, @jprev+1, 1) AS row_number, @iprev := i AS i
  FROM test
  ORDER BY i,j
) AS tmp;

The second method uses a join and aggregation:

SELECT a.i, a.j, count(*) as row_number
FROM test a
JOIN test b ON a.i=b.i AND a.j >= b.j
GROUP BY a.i, a.j ; 

To simplify generalising these query patterns to multiple ordering columns, use self-documenting column names:

CREATE TABLE test(partition int, ord1 int, ord2 int);
VALUES (3,31,55),(1,11,19),(4,14,23),(2,22,8),(2,22,42),(1,13,56),

The user variable solution easily handles multiple ordering columns: just add the ordering column names to the outer query's SELECT list and the inner query's ORDER BY list:

SET @partitionPrev=0, @ordPrev=0;
SELECT partition, ord1, ord2, row_number
    ord1, ord2,
    @ordPrev := If(@partitionPrev = partition, @ordPrev+1, 1) as row_number, 
    @partitionPrev := partition AS partition
  FROM test
  ORDER BY partition, ord1, ord2
) AS tmp;
| partition | ord1 | ord2 | row_number |
|         1 |   11 |   19 |          1 |
|         1 |   12 |   17 |          2 |
|         1 |   13 |   56 |          3 |
|         2 |   21 |    7 |          1 |
|         2 |   21 |   77 |          2 |
|         2 |   22 |    8 |          3 |
|         2 |   22 |   42 |          4 |
|         2 |   23 |   92 |          5 |
|         3 |   31 |   55 |          1 |
|         3 |   32 |   24 |          2 |
|         3 |   33 |   62 |          3 |
|         4 |   14 |   23 |          1 |

In the aggregating solution for multiple columns, the theta join gets more complex as ordering columns are added:

SELECT a.partition, a.ord1, a.ord2, count(*) as row_number
FROM test a
JOIN test b 
  ON a.partition=b.partition 
  AND (a.ord1>b.ord1 OR (a.ord1=b.ord1 AND a.ord2>=b.ord2))
GROUP BY a.partition, a.ord1, a.ord2 ;  

Last updated 03 May 2010

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You have a table of names, you have retrieved a row with name $name, and you want the row for the next name in name order. MySQL LIMIT syntax makes this very easy:

FROM tbl
WHERE name > $name


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To have column values 1abc,10abc,8abc appear in the expected order 1abc,8abc,10abc, take advantage of a trick built into MySQL string parsing ...

SELECT '3xyz'+0;
| '3xyz'+0 |
|        3 |

to write ...

ORDER BY colname+0, colname;


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The MySQL FIELD(str,str1,str2,...,strN) function returns 1 if str=str1, 2 if str=str2, etc., so ...

ORDER BY FIELD(month,'JAN','FEB','MAR',...,'NOV','DEC') .

will order query output from a legacy table in month-number order.


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Given a column type with values 1,2,3,a,b,c, how to get the order 3,2,1,c,b,a?

ORDER BY type RLIKE '^[0-9]+$' DESC, `type` DESC 


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You have tables tracking authors and their books, for example:

  id int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
  name text NOT NULL
INSERT INTO author (id, name) 
VALUES (1,'Brad Phillips'),(2,'Don Charles'),(3,'Kur Silver');
  id int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
  name text NOT NULL
INSERT INTO book (id, name) 
VALUES (1,'MySQL in a bucket '),(2,'Databases for Delinquents'),
       (3,'Design Patterns'),(4,'PHP Professional'),(5,'Java Script Programming');
CREATE TABLE book_author (
  book_id int(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  author_id int(4) NOT NULL default '0'
INSERT INTO book_author (book_id, author_id) 
VALUES (1,1), (1,2), (2,3), (4,1), (3,1), (5,2); 

You want to list authors' books while suppressing repeating authors' names. A simple solution is to use MySQL's extremely useful GROUP_CONCAT() function to group books by author:

FROM book_author AS ba
JOIN book AS b ON
JOIN author AS a ON

For a neater-looking result:
1. Retrieve authors and their books.
2. Order them
3. Use a variable to remember and suppress repeating author names:

SET @last='';
  IF(,'', AS Author, AS Book
  SELECT DISTINCT AS author, AS book
  FROM book_author AS ba
  JOIN book AS b ON
  JOIN author AS a ON
) AS r;
| author        | book                      |
| Brad Phillips | Design Patterns           |
|               | MySQL in a bucket         |
|               | PHP Professional          |
| Don Charles   | Java Script Programming   |
|               | MySQL in a bucket         |
| Kur Silver    | Databases for Delinquents |


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Suppose you have a phone book of names, addresses, etc. You are displaying 20 rows per page, you're on page 100, and you want to display page 99. How do you do this knowing only what page you are on?

  • 1-based page numbers
  • you are on page P
  • each page shows N rows
then the general formula for translating a 1-based page number into a first LIMIT argument is ...

 MAX(0,P-1) * N

which for the 99th 20-row page evaluates to 1960, and the second argument to LIMIT is just N, so to see page 99, write...
 SELECT ... LIMIT (1960, N);

The trouble with this is scaling. MySQL doesn't optimise LIMIT well at all, so the bigger the table, the longer LIMIT takes.

What's the alternative? Build pagination into the WHERE clause, and ensure sure there is a covering index for the paginating column. On a table of 100,000 indexed random integers, SELECT ... WHERE ... for the last 20 integers in the table is twice as fast as the comparable LIMIT query. With a million integers, the ratio is over 500!

Last updated 25 Nov 2009

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From table tbl( class, member ), you want to cross-tabulate all classes with their members. In SQL terms, you aggregate members over classes. In MySQL:

FROM tbl
GROUP BY class;

With that simple query, you're halfway toward cross-tabulation, halfway to implementing a simple CUBE, and halfway to basic entity-attribute-value (EAV) logic. This is easier to see if we have two columns, rather than just one, to tabulate against the grouping column:

CREATE TABLE tbl( id INT, colID INT, value CHAR(20) );
  (1,1,'Sampo'),(1,2,'Kallinen'),(1,3,'Office Manager'),
  (2,1,'Jakko'),(2,2,'Salovaara'),(2,3,'Vice President');

To tabulate all colID and value values against all id values—that is, to write a reporting CUBE for the table—write a GROUP_CONCAT() instruction for each colID found in the table, then GROUP BY id:

  GROUP_CONCAT(if(colID = 1, value, NULL)) AS 'First Name',
  GROUP_CONCAT(if(colID = 2, value, NULL)) AS 'Last Name',
  GROUP_CONCAT(if(colID = 3, value, NULL)) AS 'Job Title'
FROM tbl
| id   | First Name | Last Name | Title          |
|    1 | Sampo      | Kallinen  | Office Manager |
|    2 | Jakko      | Salovaara | Vice President |

Since Paul Spinks first taught a spreadsheet how to do that cross-tabulation trick in 1979, this has also been known as a pivot table: we pivot colID and value against ID.

(Of course for a proper EAV representation, we'd add an attributes table:

CREATE TABLE attrs(colID INT,attr CHAR(12));
INSERT INTO attrs VALUES (1,'First Name'),(2,'Last Name'),(3,'Title');

and write a stored procedure to PREPARE the above query from table-based attribute names.)

More often, crosstab queries calculate. Here is a simple sales table:

CREATE TABLE Sales (empID INT, yr SMALLINT, sales DECIMAL(10,2));
(1, 2005, 12000),(1, 2006, 18000),(1, 2007, 25000),
(2, 2005, 15000),(2, 2006, 6000),(3, 2006, 20000),(3, 2007, 24000);

In Microsoft SQL Server, CUBE/PIVOT syntax for horizontal and vertical totals is:

SELECT EmpId, [2005], [2006], [2007], [ALL]
    SUM(Sales) AS Sales
  FROM Sales
) AS s
PIVOT( SUM(Sales) FOR Yr IN ([2005], [2006], [2007], [ALL]) ) AS p

In MySQL, we write one aggregating expression per reporting column in the inner query, and build the horizontal sums in the outer query:

  IFNULL(empId,'Totals') AS EmpId,
  sums.2005, sums.2006, sums.2007,
  sums.2005 + sums.2006 + sums.2007 AS Sums
    SUM(IF(Yr=2005,sales,0)) As '2005',
    SUM(IF(Yr=2006,sales,0)) As '2006',
    SUM(IF(Yr=2007,sales,0)) As '2007'
  FROM Sales
) AS sums;
| EmpId  | 2005     | 2006     | 2007     | Sums      |
| 1      | 12000.00 | 18000.00 | 25000.00 |  55000.00 |
| 2      | 15000.00 |  6000.00 |     0.00 |  21000.00 |
| 3      |     0.00 | 20000.00 | 24000.00 |  44000.00 |
| Totals | 27000.00 | 44000.00 | 49000.00 | 120000.00 |

That approach works beautifully for the common need to tabulate monthly amounts by year, say from an order history table orderhist(orderdate date,amount decimal(10,2)):

  IfNull(Year,'Totals') Year, 
  Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, `Dec`, 
  Qty AS Count, 
  Yrly as 'Yrly Total'
    year(orderdate) AS 'Year',
    Round(Sum(CASE WHEN Month(orderdate)= 1 THEN amount ELSE 0 END),2) AS Jan,
    Round(Sum(CASE WHEN Month(orderdate)= 2 THEN amount ELSE 0 END),2) AS Feb,
    Round(Sum(CASE WHEN Month(orderdate)= 3 THEN amount ELSE 0 END),2) AS Mar,
    Round(Sum(CASE WHEN Month(orderdate)= 4 THEN amount ELSE 0 END),2) AS Apr,
    Round(Sum(CASE WHEN Month(orderdate)= 5 THEN amount ELSE 0 END),2) AS May,
    Round(Sum(CASE WHEN Month(orderdate)= 6 THEN amount ELSE 0 END),2) AS Jun,
    Round(Sum(CASE WHEN Month(orderdate)= 7 THEN amount ELSE 0 END),2) AS Jul,
    Round(Sum(CASE WHEN Month(orderdate)= 8 THEN amount ELSE 0 END),2) AS Aug,
    Round(Sum(CASE WHEN Month(orderdate)= 9 THEN amount ELSE 0 END),2) AS Sep,
    Round(Sum(CASE WHEN Month(orderdate)=10 THEN amount ELSE 0 END),2) AS Oct,
    Round(Sum(CASE WHEN Month(orderdate)=11 THEN amount ELSE 0 END),2) AS Nov,
    Round(Sum(CASE WHEN Month(orderdate)=12 THEN amount ELSE 0 END),2) AS `Dec`,
    Count(*) AS Qty,
    Round(Sum(amount),2) AS Yrly
  FROM orderhist
  GROUP BY year 
) AS sums ;

More likely the required sums need to be calculated across joins. Build them in using a good text editor. Here is the above query for the orders and orderdetails table in the Northwind database:

  IfNull(Year,'Totals') Year, 
  Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, `Dec`, 
  quantity AS Count, 
  Yrly as 'Yrly Total'
    year(orderdate) AS 'Year',
    Round(Sum(If( Month(o.orderdate)= 1, (d.unitprice*d.quantity), 0 )), 2 ) AS Jan,
    Round(Sum(If( Month(o.orderdate)= 2, (d.unitprice*d.quantity), 0 )), 2 ) AS Feb,
    Round(Sum(If( Month(o.orderdate)= 3, (d.unitprice*d.quantity), 0 )), 2 ) AS Mar,
    Round(Sum(If( Month(o.orderdate)= 4, (d.unitprice*d.quantity), 0 )), 2 ) AS Apr,
    Round(Sum(If( Month(o.orderdate)= 5, (d.unitprice*d.quantity), 0 )), 2 ) AS May,
    Round(Sum(If( Month(o.orderdate)= 6, (d.unitprice*d.quantity), 0 )), 2 ) AS Jun,
    Round(Sum(If( Month(o.orderdate)= 7, (d.unitprice*d.quantity), 0 )), 2 ) AS Jul,
    Round(Sum(If( Month(o.orderdate)= 8, (d.unitprice*d.quantity), 0 )), 2 ) AS Aug,
    Round(Sum(If( Month(o.orderdate)= 9, (d.unitprice*d.quantity), 0 )), 2 ) AS Sep,
    Round(Sum(If( Month(o.orderdate)=10, (d.unitprice*d.quantity), 0 )), 2 ) AS Oct,
    Round(Sum(If( Month(o.orderdate)=11, (d.unitprice*d.quantity), 0 )), 2 ) AS Nov,
    Round(Sum(If( Month(o.orderdate)=12, (d.unitprice*d.quantity), 0 )), 2 ) AS `Dec`,
    Count(*) AS quantity,
    Round(Sum((unitprice*quantity)-discount),2) AS Yrly
  FROM orders o
  JOIN orderdetails d USING(orderID)
  GROUP BY year 
) AS sums ; 

With many columns or subtotals, pivot tables get complicated, time-consuming and error-prone. Automation is needed. Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server have CUBE syntax to simplify the job, especially for big pivot tables. MySQL doesn't. See "Automate pivot table queries" for how to roll your own cube with MySQL.

Last updated 18 May 2010

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You have a sales table listing product, salesperson and amount:

  id int(11) default NULL,
  product char(5) default NULL,
  salesperson char(5) default NULL,
  amount decimal(10,2) default NULL
SELECT * FROM sales;
| id   | product | salesperson | amount |
|    1 | radio   | bob         | 100.00 |
|    2 | radio   | sam         | 100.00 |
|    3 | radio   | sam         | 100.00 |
|    4 | tv      | bob         | 200.00 |
|    5 | tv      | sam         | 300.00 |
|    6 | radio   | bob         | 100.00 |

If you are asked to tabulate sales amount against salesperson and product, you write a pivot table query:

  SUM( CASE salesperson WHEN 'bob' THEN amount ELSE 0 END ) AS 'Bob',
  SUM( CASE salesperson WHEN 'sam' THEN amount ELSE 0 END ) AS 'Sam',
  SUM( amount ) AS Total
FROM sales
| product | Bob    | Sam    | Total  |
| radio   | 200.00 | 200.00 | 400.00 |
| tv      | 200.00 | 300.00 | 500.00 |
| NULL    | 400.00 | 500.00 | 900.00 |

The query generates one product per row and one column per salesperson. The pivoting CASE expressions assign values of sales.amount to the matching salesperson's column. For two products and two salespersons, it's a snap once you've done it a few times. When there are dozens of products and salespersons, though, writing the query becomes tiresome and error-prone.

Some years ago Giuseppe Maxia published a little query that automates writing the pivot expressions. His idea was to embed the syntax for lines like the SUM( CASE ...) lines above in a query for the DISTINCT values. At the time Giuseppe was writing, MySQL did not support stored procedures. Now that it does, we can further generalise Giuseppe's idea by parameterising it in a stored procedure.

Admittedly, it's a little daunting. To write a query with variable names rather than the usual literal table and column names, we have to write PREPARE statements. What we propose to do here is to write SQL that writes PREPARE statements.

Code which writes code which writes code. Not a job for the back of a napkin.

It's easy enough to write the sproc shell. We keep generic queries in a sys database, so the routine needs parameters specifying database, table, pivot column and (in some cases) the aggregating column. Then what? What worked for us was to proceed from back to front:
  • Write the pivot expressions for a specific case.
  • Write the PREPARE statement that generates those expressions.
  • Parameterise the result of #2.
  • Put the result of #3 in an sproc.
Further complicating matters, we soon found that different summary aggregations, for example COUNT and SUM, require different sprocs. Here is the routine for generating COUNT pivot expressions:

USE sys;
CREATE PROCEDURE writecountpivot( db CHAR(64), tbl CHAR(64), col CHAR(64) )
  DECLARE datadelim CHAR(1) DEFAULT '"';
  DECLARE singlequote CHAR(1) DEFAULT CHAR(39);
  DECLARE comma CHAR(1) DEFAULT ',';
  SET @sqlmode = (SELECT @@sql_mode);
  SET @@sql_mode='';
  SET @sql = CONCAT( 'SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(', singlequote,
                     ',SUM(IF(', col, ' = ', datadelim, singlequote, comma,
                     col, comma, singlequote, datadelim, comma, '1,0)) AS `', 
                     singlequote, comma, col, comma, singlequote, '`', singlequote, 
                     ') AS countpivotarg FROM ', db, '.', tbl,
                     ' WHERE ', col, ' IS NOT NULL' );
  -- SELECT @sql; 
  PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
  EXECUTE stmt;
  SET @@sql_mode=@sqlmode;
CALL sys.writecountpivot('test','sales','salesperson');

This generates the SQL ...

  CONCAT(',SUM(IF(salesperson = "',salesperson,'",1,0)) AS `',salesperson,'`') 
  AS countpivotarg 
FROM test.sales 
WHERE salesperson IS NOT NULL |

and returns...

| countpivotarg                              |
| ,SUM(IF(salesperson = "bob",1,0)) AS `bob` |
| ,SUM(IF(salesperson = "sam",1,0)) AS `sam` |

which we plug into ...

  ,SUM(IF(salesperson = "bob",1,0)) AS `bob` 
  ,SUM(IF(salesperson = "sam",1,0)) AS `sam`
  ,COUNT(*) AS Total
FROM test.sales
| product | bob  | sam  | Total |
| radio   |    2 |    2 |     4 |
| tv      |    1 |    1 |     2 |
| NULL    |    3 |    3 |     6 |

Not overwhelming for two columns, very convenient if there are 20. (Yes, it could also be written with COUNT( ... 1, NULL)).

One point to notice is that the two levels of code generation create quotemark nesting problems. To make the double quotemark '"' available for data value delimiting, we turn off ANSI_QUOTES during code generation, and put it back afterwards.

SUM pivot queries need different syntax:

USE sys;
CREATE PROCEDURE writesumpivot( db CHAR(64), tbl CHAR(64), pivotcol CHAR(64), sumcol CHAR(64) )
  DECLARE datadelim CHAR(1) DEFAULT '"';
  DECLARE comma CHAR(1) DEFAULT ',';
  DECLARE singlequote CHAR(1) DEFAULT CHAR(39);
  SET @sqlmode = (SELECT @@sql_mode);
  SET @@sql_mode='';
  SET @sql = CONCAT( 'SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(', singlequote, 
                     ',SUM(IF(', pivotcol, ' = ', datadelim, singlequote, comma,
                     pivotcol, comma, singlequote, datadelim, comma, sumcol, ',0)) AS `', 
                     singlequote, comma, pivotcol, comma, singlequote, '`', singlequote,  
                     ') AS sumpivotarg FROM ', db, '.', tbl, 
                     ' WHERE ', pivotcol, ' IS NOT NULL' );
   -- SELECT @sql;
   PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
   EXECUTE stmt;
   SET @@sql_mode=@sqlmode;
CALL writesumpivot('test','sales','salesperson','amount');
| sumpivotarg                                     |
| ,SUM(IF(salesperson = "bob",amount,0)) AS `bob` |
| ,SUM(IF(salesperson = "sam",amount,0)) AS `sam` |

which forms the guts of our report query:

 ,SUM(IF(salesperson = "bob",amount,0)) AS `bob`
 ,SUM(IF(salesperson = "sam",amount,0)) AS `sam`
 ,SUM(amount) AS Total
FROM test.sales
GROUP BY product;
| product | bob    | sam    | Total  |
| radio   | 200.00 | 200.00 | 400.00 |
| tv      | 200.00 | 300.00 | 500.00 |

There are higher levels of generality beckoning---say, a routine that generates a complete pivot table query, not just the pivot expressions.


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A pivot (or crosstab, or contingency) table aggregates sets of column values into rows of statistics, and pivots target value statistics on partitioning criteria defined by any available data.

Spreadsheet applications have intuitive point-and-click interfaces for generating pivot tables. RDBMSs generally do not. The task looks difficult in SQL, though, only until you have coded a few.

If you ported the Microsoft sample database Northwind to your MySQL database (as described in chapter 11 of Get It Done with MySQL), you can execute this example step by step. Even if you haven't ported Northwind, the example is easy to follow.

Amongst the tables in the Northwind database are:

employees(employeeID, lastname, firstname, ...)
orders(orderID, customerId, employeeID, orderdate, ...) 

There are nine employees, and 803 orders dated from 1996 through 1998. Each order points to an employeeID. Suppose we wish to report counts of orders taken by employees pivoted on year--how would we proceed?

We do the pivot table 3-step:

1. Write the basic aggregating query, a GROUP BY query to aggregate the data on desired variables (in this case, employee and year).

2. Write the pivoting query as an outer query that creates a column for each pivot value (year) from #1 written as an inner subquery. (Sometimes it is more efficient to write the results of #1 to a temp table and write #2 to refer to the temp table.)

3. Fix a ROLLUP display glitch by encapsulating #2 in a new outer query that labels the ROLLUP row meaningfully.

Here are the three steps in more detail:

1. Group the joined counts by the two criteria, employee and order year, yielding one result row per employee per year:

  CONCAT(firstname,' ',lastname) AS 'Employee',
  YEAR(OrderDate) AS col,
  COUNT(*) AS Data
FROM Employees e
JOIN Orders o ON e.EmployeeID = o.EmployeeID
GROUP BY e.employeeID, YEAR(o.OrderDate);
| Employee         | col  | Data |
| Nancy Davolio    | 1996 |   26 |
| Nancy Davolio    | 1997 |   55 |
| Nancy Davolio    | 1998 |   42 |
| Andrew Fuller    | 1996 |   16 |
| Andrew Fuller    | 1997 |   41 |
| Andrew Fuller    | 1998 |   39 |
| Janet Leverling  | 1996 |   18 |
| Janet Leverling  | 1997 |   71 |
| Janet Leverling  | 1998 |   38 |
| Margaret Peacock | 1996 |   31 |
| Margaret Peacock | 1997 |   81 |
| Margaret Peacock | 1998 |   44 |
| Steven Buchanan  | 1996 |   11 |
| Steven Buchanan  | 1997 |   18 |
| Steven Buchanan  | 1998 |   13 |
| Michael Suyama   | 1996 |   15 |
| Michael Suyama   | 1997 |   33 |
| Michael Suyama   | 1998 |   19 |
| Robert King      | 1996 |   11 |
| Robert King      | 1997 |   36 |
| Robert King      | 1998 |   25 |
| Laura Callahan   | 1996 |   19 |
| Laura Callahan   | 1997 |   54 |
| Laura Callahan   | 1998 |   31 |
| Anne Dodsworth   | 1996 |    5 |
| Anne Dodsworth   | 1997 |   19 |
| Anne Dodsworth   | 1998 |   19 |

Nine employees for three years yield 27 aggregated rows.

2. We want one summary row per employee, and one count column for each year when an employee took an order. We pivot the rows of the above resultset on year by querying the above resultset, defining a colunn for every year found, for example:

  SUM( CASE col WHEN '1996' THEN data ELSE 0 END ) AS '1996',

grouping the result by row WITH ROLLUP to provide a row of column sums at the bottom. This gives the following query:

  SUM( CASE col WHEN '1996' THEN data ELSE 0 END ) AS '1996',
  SUM( CASE col WHEN '1997' THEN data ELSE 0 END ) AS '1997',
  SUM( CASE col WHEN '1998' THEN data ELSE 0 END ) AS '1998',
  SUM( data ) AS Total    -- sums across years by employee
  SELECT                  -- the query from step #1
    CONCAT(firstname,' ',lastname) AS 'Employee', 
    YEAR(OrderDate) AS 'col', 
    COUNT(*) AS Data
  FROM Employees e
  JOIN Orders o ON e.EmployeeID = o.EmployeeID 
  GROUP BY e.employeeID, YEAR(o.OrderDate)
) AS stats
| Employee         | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | Total |
| Andrew Fuller    |   16 |   41 |   39 |    96 |
| Anne Dodsworth   |    5 |   19 |   19 |    43 |
| Janet Leverling  |   18 |   71 |   38 |   127 |
| Laura Callahan   |   19 |   54 |   31 |   104 |
| Margaret Peacock |   31 |   81 |   44 |   156 |
| Michael Suyama   |   15 |   33 |   19 |    67 |
| Nancy Davolio    |   26 |   55 |   42 |   123 |
| Robert King      |   11 |   36 |   25 |    72 |
| Steven Buchanan  |   11 |   18 |   13 |    42 |
| NULL             |  152 |  408 |  270 |   830 |

3. The result of #2 is correct except that sums ought not to be reported as NULL! We fix that bit of weirdness by writing query #2 as a derived table, and having the new outer query alias the yearly sums row:

  IFNULL( employee, 'SUMS') AS Employee, 1996, 1997, 1998, Total
    SUM( CASE col WHEN '1996' THEN data ELSE 0 END ) AS '1996',
    SUM( CASE col WHEN '1997' THEN data ELSE 0 END ) AS '1997',
    SUM( CASE col WHEN '1998' THEN data ELSE 0 END ) AS '1998',
    SUM( data ) AS Total
  FROM (
      CONCAT(firstname,' ',lastname) AS 'Employee', 
      YEAR(OrderDate) AS 'col', 
      COUNT(*) AS Data
    FROM Employees e
    JOIN Orders o ON e.EmployeeID = o.EmployeeID 
    GROUP BY e.employeeID, YEAR(o.OrderDate)
  ) AS stats
) AS stats2;
| Employee         | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | Total |
| Andrew Fuller    | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |    96 |
| Anne Dodsworth   | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |    43 |
| Janet Leverling  | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |   127 |
| Laura Callahan   | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |   104 |
| Margaret Peacock | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |   156 |
| Michael Suyama   | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |    67 |
| Nancy Davolio    | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |   123 |
| Robert King      | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |    72 |
| Steven Buchanan  | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |    42 |
| Sums             | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |   830 |

With multiple statistics and pivot layers, a pivot table query can get complex, but following this 3-step will keep things clear.


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Here is a MySQL pivot table query for room bookings by weekday:

  , max(if(day=1, concat(subject,' ',room), '')) as day1
  , max(if(day=2, concat(subject,' ',room), '')) as day2
  , max(if(day=3, concat(subject,' ',room), '')) as day3
  , max(if(day=4, concat(subject,' ',room), '')) as day4
  , max(if(day=5, concat(subject,' ',room), '')) as day5
from schedule
group by slot

MAX(...) decides between an entry and a blank (the entry will win if one exists) while the group by lines everything up on the same row. Friendly caution: If more than one entry exists for the same day and time, you will only see the one that is alphabetically "greater".

To see how many classes are scheduled by day for each slot (to check for conflicts) try:

  , sum(if(day=1,1,0)) as day1
  , sum(if(day=2,1,0)) as day2
  , sum(if(day=3,1,0)) as day3
  , sum(if(day=4,1,0)) as day4
  , sum(if(day=5,1,0)) as day5
from schedule
group by slot

There is a pattern:
  • Columns you want as "row headers" are listed both in the SELECT _and_ in the GROUP BY clauses
  • Values you want as columns are selectively chosen by IF() functions to return something or nothing so that one of the aggregate functions (MIN, MAX, SUM,AVG, etc) can condense those rows and columns into single values
What to count in any column can be as complex as you like. If you don't like the IF() function you can use CASE statements or anything else to help you provide the correct set of values for the aggregate function you are using on that column. You can mix and match aggregate functions to be what you need. Let's say you join the appropriate tables together to form a data set that looks like:

day, slot, subject, student, grade

and you wanted to build a chart showing the statistics of grades vs. days and subject. You could use this type of query to work that out:

SELECT day, subject
  , AVG(grade) as average
  , MIN(grade) as lowest
  , MAX(grade) as highest
from <necessary tables>
group by day, subject

Now while one needn't choose values for columns, to "pivot" that table by days (each column representing statistics for just one day) change the query to:

SELECT subject
  , AVG(IF(day=1, grade,null)) as D1_average
  , MIN(IF(day=1, grade, null)) as D1_lowest
  , MAX(IF(day=1,grade,null)) as D1_highest
  , AVG(IF(day=2, grade,null)) as D2_average
  , MIN(IF(day=2, grade, null)) as D2_lowest
  , MAX(IF(day=2,grade,null)) as D2_highest
  , .... (repeat for rest of the days)
FROM <necessary tables>
GROUP BY day, subject

The IF ... NULL test prevents AVG() from counting all other grades for the same subject from different days. The same trick works for MIN and MAX functions.


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Data designs often require flexibility in numbers and names of data points per instance row: instead of saving all the data points belonging to a key value in a single row, you save each data point as a name-value pair in its own row.

Thus given table user_class(user_id INT, class_id CHAR(20), class_value CHAR(20)) with these rows:

user_id  class_id   class_value
1        firstname  Rogier
1        lastname   Marat
2        firstname  Jean
2        lastname   Smith

and you wish a resultset that links first names to last names for each ID...

user_id  firstname  lastname
1        Rogier     Marat
2        Jean       Smith

the following query accomplishes the required pivot via an INNER SELF-JOIN:

  class_value AS firstname,
FROM user_class AS u1
    class_value AS lastname 
  FROM user_class
  WHERE class_id='lastname'
) AS u2 
ON u1.user_ID=u2.user_ID AND u1.class_id='firstname'


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We have tables for recipes (r), ingredients required for recipes (ri), and ingredients now available in the pantry (p). In table p there may be many rows for a given recipe, each specifying one ingredient.

drop table if exists r,p,ri;
create table r(id int);
insert into r values(1),(2),(3);
create table p(id int);
insert into p values(1),(2),(3);
create table ri(rid int,pid int);
insert into ri values (1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(2,4),(3,5),(3,6),(3,7); 
select id as recipes from r;
| recipes |
|       1 |
|       2 |
|       3 |
select id as 'available ingredients' from p;
| available ingredients |
|                     1 |
|                     2 |
|                     3 |
select rid as recipe, pid as ingredient from ri;
| recipe | ingredient |
|      1 |          1 |
|      1 |          2 |
|      2 |          1 |
|      2 |          4 |
|      3 |          5 |
|      3 |          6 |
|      3 |          7 |

Given our ingredients, what recipes can we make? Inspection shows the answer is recipe #1.

SQL has no universal quantifier, so how do we proceed? 'All A is B' is logically equivalent to the double negative 'there is no A that is not B', so we can reformulate the requirement ...

list the recipes for which we have all ingredients

into terms SQL can handle ...

list the recipes for which there is no ingredient we do not have

A double negative, so a double query. One inner query, one outer. Tackle the inner one first: find the recipes for which we are missing an ingredient.

That's a straight exclusion join, i.e., a left join on ingredient from 'required' to 'available', plus a where clause that restricts the resultset to nulls on the right ('available') side of the join:

SELECT DISTINCT rid AS 'Recipes for which the pantry is missing some ingredients'
| Recipes for which the pantry is missing some ingredients |
|                                                        2 |
|                                                        3 |

Our outer query has to find the recipes which are not in this list. That's another exclusion join, this time from recipes to the above derived table:

  FROM ri
) AS rno ON = rno.rid
WHERE rno.rid IS NULL;
| id   |
|    1 |

It's an example of relational division, one of Codd's eight basic relational operations. Dividing a divisor table into a dividend table yields a quotient or results table:

dividend ÷ divisor = quotient

As in arithmetic, multiplication reverses it:

divisor * quotient = dividend

      +-----+     +------+     | table AxB |
      |  A  |     |  B   |     +-----+-----+
      +-----+     +------+     |key_a|key_b|
      |key_a|     |key_b |     +-----+-----+
      +-----+     +------+     |  2  |  1  |
      |  2  |     |  1   |     |  2  |  7  |
      |  4  |     |  7   |     |  2  |  3  |
      +-----+     |  3   |     |  4  |  1  |
                  +------+     |  4  |  7  |
                               |  4  |  3  |

When we multiply (CROSS JOIN) tables A and B to yield AxB, AxB gets a row combining every row of A with every row of B, and all the columns from A and B. When we reverse that operation, dividing AxB by B, we get back A by listing distinct B values associated with A values in AxB.


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You have an election database with tables listing political parties, election districts, and candidates running for parties in those districts. You want to know which parties have candidates running in all districts. Under Aggregates we show a GROUP BY solution (here).

If there are reasons not to aggregate, relational division can solve the problem. The basic idea in relational division is that, aside from aggregation, SQL has no direct way to express "all Xs for which all Y are Z", but does have a NOT EXISTS operator, so we can express "all Xs for which all Y are Z" in SQL as a double negative: "all Xs for which no Y is not Z". Once you think of formulating the question this way, the query almost writes itself:

  SELECT * FROM districts 
    SELECT * FROM candidates
    WHERE AND candidates.district=districts.district

Why is it called relational division? See the All possible recipes with given ingredients entry. Here the dividend is candidates, the divisor is districts and the quotient is a party count.

Most NOT EXISTS() queries can be translated into exclusion joins, which are often much faster. An exclusion join from A to B excludes A rows for which the LEFT JOIN condition finds NULLs in B. The query we are translating has two NOT EXISTS clauses, so we need two exclusion joins:

FROM parties p
  FROM ( 
    SELECT DISTINCT party,district
    FROM parties CROSS JOIN districts
  ) a
  LEFT JOIN candidates c ON AND a.district=c.district
) b ON

Like numeric division, relational division has a gotcha: divide by zero. If the divisor table has zero rows, the quotient counts all distinct dividend instances. If that is not what you want, use aggregation.

Most "all Xs for which all Y are Z" queries can be written in any of these three ways. Try each one to see which performs best for your problem.


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One way to arrive at the answer is by asking: What are the assembly-supplier pairs such that no part of the assembly is not made by the supplier? That's relational division again, formulated for two tables by Stephen Todd. Given assemblyparts(assembly,part) and partsuppliers(part,supplier) tables, here is a query that Joe Celko credits to Pierre Mullin.

FROM AssemblyParts AS AP1, PartSuppliers AS SP1
  FROM AssemblyParts AS AP2
  WHERE AP2.assembly = AP1.assembly
    SELECT SP2.part
    FROM PartSuppliers AS SP2
    WHERE SP2.part = AP2.part AND SP2.supplier = SP1.supplier


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In a table of sequential IDs with no missing values, some are used and some are not. Find the blocks of unused IDs, if any:

INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (1,1),(2,1),(3,0),(4,1),(5,0),(6,1),(7,1),(8,1),
| id   | used |
|    1 |    1 |
|    2 |    1 |
|    3 |    0 |
|    4 |    1 |
|    5 |    0 |
|    6 |    1 |
|    7 |    1 |
|    8 |    1 |
|    9 |    0 |
|   10 |    0 |
|   11 |    1 |
|   12 |    1 |
|   13 |    0 |
|   14 |    0 |
|   15 |    0 |

The first ID in any unused sequence has used=0 and either no immediate predecessor, or an immediate predecessor where used=1. The last ID of any unused sequence either has no successor or the successor has used=1. So:

1. Find the first first ID of every unused sequence by left joining each row with used=0 to the immediate predecessor row, conditioning the result on the predecessor row not existing or having used=1.

2. As a basis for finding the last ID of every unused sequence that is followed by a row with used=1, left join first unused rows to rows with larger IDs and used=1.

3. As a basis for finding the last ID of an unused sequence which is also the largest ID in the table, left join first unused rows to rows with larger IDs and used=0.

4. For each first unused ID, the last unused ID in its sequence is one less than the smallest used ID greater than the first ID if it exists, otherwise it is the maximum unused ID greater than the first ID.

SELECT firstUnused, IF(mincid IS NULL, IFNULL(did,firstUnused),mincid-1) AS lastUnused
  SELECT AS firstUnused, MIN( AS mincid, MAX( AS did 
  FROM (
    FROM tbl a 
    LEFT JOIN tbl b ON + 1
    WHERE a.used=0 AND ( IS NULL OR b.used=1)
  ) AS first
  LEFT JOIN tbl c ON< AND c.used=1
  LEFT JOIN tbl d ON< AND d.used=0 
  GROUP BY firstUnused
) AS e;
| firstUnused | lastUnused |
|           3 |          3 |
|           5 |          5 |
|           9 |         10 |
|          13 |         15 |

Thanks to Don Armstrong for finding a case where our previous algorithm failed.

Last updated 25 Sep 2009

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You have a table tbl(id int) with values (1,2,4,18,19,20,21), and you wish to find the first missing number in its sequence of id values:

FROM tbl AS t1
LEFT JOIN tbl AS t2 ON =
| Missing |
|       3 |

For all the gaps, including gaps of more than 1 value, you need something a little more baroque...

SELECT AS 'Missing From',
  MIN( - 1 AS 'To'
FROM tbl AS a, tbl AS b
HAVING `Missing From` < MIN(;
| Missing From | To   |
|            3 |    3 |
|            5 |   17 |

We often need such lists, so the query is a natural for a stored procedure that finds missing sequence values in any table:

CREATE PROCEDURE MissingInSeq( db VARCHAR(64), tbl VARCHAR(64), col VARCHAR(64) )
  SET @sql = CONCAT( "SELECT  a.", col, 
                     "+1 AS 'Missing From',", 
                     ") - 1 AS 'To' FROM ",
                     " AS a,", 
                     " AS b WHERE a.", 
                     " < b.", 
                     " GROUP BY a.", 
                     " HAVING a.", 
                     " < MIN(b.", 
                     ") - 1" 
  -- SELECT @sql;
  PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
  EXECUTE stmt;


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Given a table t(ID int, ...), how would we display each ID and its next highest value? A simple method uses aggregation on a non-equi-self-join to find the smallest value of all greater values for each value:

SELECT id, MIN( AS Next 
FROM t AS a 
JOIN t AS b ON >

The same logic can retrieve next lowest values.

Suppose we wish to track daily changes in closing price:

drop table if exists t;
create table t (date date, closing_price decimal(8,2) );
insert into t values
('2009-01-02', 5),('2009-01-03', 5.5),('2009-01-04', 4),('2009-01-05', 6);

We can use the above non-equi-self-join to compute the ratios:

  seq.Next AS date, t.closing_price/seq.closing_price AS ChangeRatio
  SELECT, a.closing_price, MIN( AS Next 
  FROM t AS a 
  JOIN t AS b ON >
) seq ON;
| date       | ChangeRatio |
| 2009-01-03 |    1.100000 |
| 2009-01-04 |    0.727273 |
| 2009-01-05 |    1.500000 |

Here is another algorithm, by Baron Schwartz (, for retrieving the previous and next column values in a sequence, given a particular column value thisvalue. The previous value is the maximum value less than thisvalue, and the next value is the minimum value greater than thisvalue:

  IF(col > thisvalue,'next','prev') AS Direction,
  IF(col > thisvalue,MIN(col),MAX(col)) AS 'Prev/Next' 
FROM tablename 
WHERE col <> thisvalue
GROUP BY SIGN(col - thisvalue);

So, to find the previous and next order ids in the Northwind database table orders (nwib.orders), starting from order number 10800:

  IF(orderid > 10800,'next','prev') AS Direction,
  IF(orderid > 10800,MIN(orderid),MAX(orderid)) AS 'Prev/Next' 
FROM nwib.orders 
WHERE orderid <> 10800
GROUP BY SIGN(orderid - 10800);
| Direction | Prev/Next |
| prev      | 10799     |
| next      | 10801     |

This is a natural for a stored procedure:

  IN db CHAR(64), IN tbl CHAR(64), IN col CHAR(64), IN seq INT 
  IF db IS NULL OR db = '' THEN
    SET db = SCHEMA();
  SET @sql = CONCAT( "SELECT ", 
                     " IF(", col, " > ", seq,",'next','prev') AS Direction,",
                     " IF(", col, " > ", seq, ",MIN(", col, "),MAX(", col, ")) AS 'Prev/Next'",
                     " FROM ", db, ".", tbl, 
                     " WHERE ", col, " <> ", seq,
                     " GROUP BY SIGN(", col, " - ", seq, ")" );
  PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
  EXECUTE  stmt;

Or, it can be embedded in the FROM clause of another query, for example ...

SELECT o2.OrderID,o2.Value,o.customerid
FROM orders o
  SELECT 'This' AS 'OrderId', 10800 AS 'Value'
    IF( orderid > 10800, 'Next', 'Prev') AS Which,
    IF( orderid > 10800, MIN(orderid), MAX(orderid )) AS 'Value' 
  FROM orders 
  WHERE orderid <> 10800
  GROUP BY SIGN( orderid - 10800 )
) AS o2 ON o.orderid=o2.value 
ORDER BY o.orderid;
| OrderID | Value | customerid |
| Prev    | 10799 | KOENE      |
| This    | 10800 | SEVES      |
| Next    | 10801 | BOLID      |

Last updated 22 May 2009

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Sometimes we need next values of a column on a given row ordering. Oracle has a LEAD(...) OVER(...) construct which simplifies this query. MySQL does not. The logic is:

1. Form a resultset consisting of all relevant rows joined with all relevant rows that have greater values in the ordering columns. For example, if the table has these rows:

|    2 |
|    4 |
|    6 |
|    8 |
|   10 |

Then the resultset is

|    2 |    4 |
|    2 |    6 |
|    2 |    8 |
|    2 |   10 |
|    4 |    6 |
|    4 |    8 |
|    4 |   10 |
|    6 |    8 |
|    6 |   10 |
|    8 |   10 |

2. For each row in this resultset, find the row with the lowest ordering value amongst the higher values. For the example the result of this from the above resultset is

|   2 |   4 |
|   4 |   6 |
|   6 |   8 |
|   8 |  10 |

The fastest way to do step #2 is a self-exclusion join (see self-exclusion join examples elsewhere on this page).

Put it together:

drop table if exists t;
create table t(id int);
insert into t values(2),(4),(6),(8),(10);
select x.aid as id, as nextvalue
from (
  select as aid, as bid
  from t a
  join t b on<
) x
left join (
  select as aid, as bid
  from t a
  join t b on<
) y on x.aid=y.aid and>
where is null
order by x.aid,;
| id   | nextvalue |
|    2 |         4 |
|    4 |         6 |
|    6 |         8 |
|    8 |        10 |

Modify the algorithm to suit for next lowest. Modify the algorithm to suit for next lowest. Here is an example where the sequencing column is a timestamp:

drop table if exists t;
create table t(d timestamp,i int);
insert into t values
('2009-12-1 00:00:00',1),('2009-12-3 00:00:00',3),('2009-12-5 00:00:00',5),('2009-12-8 00:00:00',8);

select x.*
from (
  select a.d as thisdate, a.i as thisvalue, b.d as nextdate, b.i as nextvalue
  from t a
  join t b on a.d < b.d
) x
left join (
  select a.d as thisdate, b.d as nextdate
  from t a
  join t b on a.d < b.d
) y on x.thisdate = y.thisdate and x.nextdate > y.nextdate
where y.nextdate is null
order by x.thisdate, x.nextdate; 
| thisdate            | thisvalue | nextdate            | nextvalue |
| 2009-12-01 00:00:00 |         1 | 2009-12-03 00:00:00 |         3 |
| 2009-12-03 00:00:00 |         3 | 2009-12-05 00:00:00 |         5 |
| 2009-12-05 00:00:00 |         5 | 2009-12-08 00:00:00 |         8 |

Last updated 11 Dec 2009

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To find the first and last values of column value sequences in a table like this ...

drop table if exists t;
create table t(id int);
insert into t values(1),(2),(3),(4),(6),(7),(8);

... an exclusion join on the previous sequential value finds the first value of each sequence, and the minimum next value from a left join and an exclusion join on the previous sequential value finds the end of each sequence:

  MIN( ) AS End 
FROM tbl AS a
LEFT JOIN tbl AS b ON = + 1
LEFT JOIN tbl AS c ON <=
LEFT JOIN tbl AS d ON = - 1
| Start | End  |
|     1 |    4 |
|     6 |    8 |

Thanks to Scott Noyes for noticing that< fails to pick up sequences of 1 followed by skips of 1, but< does.

To see how that query works, look at the output of this version of the query with exclusion and aggregation clauses removed:

SELECT AS aid, AS bid, AS, d.di AS did
FROM tbl AS a
LEFT JOIN tbl AS b ON = + 1
LEFT JOIN tbl AS c ON <=
LEFT JOIN tbl AS d ON = - 1
| aid  | bid  | cid  | did  |
|    1 | NULL |    1 |    2 |
|    1 | NULL |    2 |    3 |
|    1 | NULL |    3 |    4 |
|    1 | NULL |    4 | NULL |  <-- end of sequence starting with 1
|    1 | NULL |    6 |    7 |
|    1 | NULL |    7 |    8 |
|    1 | NULL |    8 | NULL |
|    2 |    1 |    2 |    3 |
|    2 |    1 |    3 |    4 |
|    2 |    1 |    4 | NULL |
|    2 |    1 |    6 |    7 |
|    2 |    1 |    7 |    8 |
|    2 |    1 |    8 | NULL |
|    3 |    2 |    3 |    4 |
|    3 |    2 |    4 | NULL |
|    3 |    2 |    6 |    7 |
|    3 |    2 |    7 |    8 |
|    3 |    2 |    8 | NULL |
|    4 |    3 |    4 | NULL |
|    4 |    3 |    6 |    7 |
|    4 |    3 |    7 |    8 |
|    4 |    3 |    8 | NULL |
|    6 | NULL |    6 |    7 |
|    6 | NULL |    7 |    8 |
|    6 | NULL |    8 | NULL |  <-- end of sequence starting with 6
|    7 |    6 |    7 |    8 |
|    7 |    6 |    8 | NULL |
|    8 |    7 |    8 | NULL |

A variant of the problem: when some IDs are used and some are not, find blocks of unused IDs:

INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(1,1),(2,0),(3,0),(4,1),(5,0),(6,0);
SELECT AS Start, MIN( ) AS End
FROM tbl AS a
LEFT JOIN tbl AS b ON + 1 AND a.used=0 AND b.used=0
LEFT JOIN tbl AS c ON< AND a.used=0 AND c.used=0
LEFT JOIN tbl AS d ON AND c.used=0 AND d.used=0
| Start | End  |
|     2 |    3 |
|     5 |    6 |

Here's another variation on the pattern from a MySQL forum. You have a history of prescription dose changes ...

CREATE TABLE dose_change (
  dose_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO dose_change (dose_date, dose) values
('2000-01-01', 10),('2000-01-02', 10),('2000-01-03', 20),('2000-01-04', 20),
('2000-01-05', 10),('2000-01-06', 10),('2000-01-07', 10),('2000-01-08', NULL),
('2000-01-09', NULL),('2000-01-10', 30),('2000-01-11', 30),('2000-01-12', 30),
('2000-01-13', 10),('2000-01-14', 20),('2000-01-15', 10),('2000-01-16', NULL),
('2000-01-17', 10);
SELECT * FROM dose_change;
| oid | dose_date           | dose |
|   1 | 2000-01-01 00:00:00 |   10 |
|   2 | 2000-01-02 00:00:00 |   10 |
|   3 | 2000-01-03 00:00:00 |   20 |
|   4 | 2000-01-04 00:00:00 |   20 |
|   5 | 2000-01-05 00:00:00 |   10 |
|   6 | 2000-01-06 00:00:00 |   10 |
|   7 | 2000-01-07 00:00:00 |   10 |
|   8 | 2000-01-08 00:00:00 | NULL |
|   9 | 2000-01-09 00:00:00 | NULL |
|  10 | 2000-01-10 00:00:00 |   30 |
|  11 | 2000-01-11 00:00:00 |   30 |
|  12 | 2000-01-12 00:00:00 |   30 |
|  13 | 2000-01-13 00:00:00 |   10 |
|  14 | 2000-01-14 00:00:00 |   20 |
|  15 | 2000-01-15 00:00:00 |   10 |
|  16 | 2000-01-16 00:00:00 | NULL |
|  17 | 2000-01-17 00:00:00 |   10 |

... and you want the dosage history:

2000-01-01 - 2000-01-03, 10
2000-01-03 - 2000-01-05, 20
2000-01-05 - 2000-01-08, 10
2000-01-10 - 2000-01-13, 30
2000-01-13 - 2000-01-14, 10
2000-01-14 - 2000-01-15, 20
2000-01-15 - 2000-01-16, 10
2000-01-17 - null      , 10

Forum contributor "laptop alias" posted this solution:

SELECT a.dose_date AS start
     , MIN(DATE(c.dose_date)) + INTERVAL 1 DAY AS end
     , a.dose
     ( SELECT x.dose_date, x.dose, COUNT(*) id 
         FROM dose_change x
         JOIN dose_change y
           ON y.dose_date <= x.dose_date
        GROUP BY x.oid
     ) AS a
     ( SELECT x.dose_date, x.dose, COUNT(*) id 
         FROM dose_change x
         JOIN dose_change y
           ON y.dose_date <= x.dose_date
        GROUP BY x.oid
     ) AS b ON = + 1 AND b.dose = a.dose
     ( SELECT x.dose_date, x.dose, COUNT(*) id 
         FROM dose_change x
         JOIN dose_change y
           ON y.dose_date <= x.dose_date
        GROUP BY x.oid
     ) AS c ON <= AND c.dose = a.dose
     ( SELECT x.dose_date, x.dose, COUNT(*) id 
         FROM dose_change x
         JOIN dose_change y
           ON y.dose_date <= x.dose_date
        GROUP BY x.oid
     ) AS d ON = - 1 AND d.dose = c.dose
GROUP BY start;
| start               | end        | dose |
| 2000-01-01 00:00:00 | 2000-01-03 |   10 |
| 2000-01-03 00:00:00 | 2000-01-05 |   20 |
| 2000-01-05 00:00:00 | 2000-01-08 |   10 |
| 2000-01-10 00:00:00 | 2000-01-13 |   30 |
| 2000-01-13 00:00:00 | 2000-01-14 |   10 |
| 2000-01-14 00:00:00 | 2000-01-15 |   20 |
| 2000-01-15 00:00:00 | 2000-01-16 |   10 |
| 2000-01-17 00:00:00 | 2000-01-18 |   10 |

Tom Melly found this simpler but slower solution:

  a.dose_date AS StartDate, 
  a.dose AS Dose,
  ( SELECT b.dose_date 
    FROM dose_change AS b 
    WHERE b.dose_date > a.dose_date AND (b.dose <> a.dose OR b.dose IS NULL) 
    ORDER BY b.dose_date ASC LIMIT 1
  ) AS StopDate
FROM dose_change AS a
WHERE Coalesce(
               (SELECT c.dose 
                FROM dose_change AS c 
                WHERE c.dose_date <= a.dose_date 
                ORDER BY c.dose_date DESC LIMIT 1,1 
               ), -99999 
              ) <> a.dose
  AND a.dose IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY a.dose_date ASC;

Last updated 05 May 2010

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You have a table which tracks hits on named web pages...

  page CHAR(128) DEFAULT '',
  PRIMARY KEY(id, time)

where id is unique to a session. Here is a bit of sample data:


You desire a count of the number of sessions where a user moved from one particular page directly to another, for example from 'A' to 'C'.

To find the next hit in a given session, scope on id, order by time, and limit the output to one row. Then simply count the rows meeting the page criteria:

  COUNT(DISTINCT AS 'Moves from A to C'
FROM hits AS h1
  AND 'C' = (
    FROM hits AS h2
    WHERE = 
      AND h2.time > h1.time
    ORDER BY h2.time LIMIT 1
| Moves from A to C |
|                 3 |


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Advanced time series analysis generally requires custom software, but straightforward SQL queries can answer simple time series questions. You have a jobtimes table with columns ID, job, machine, start_time, and stop_time. You wish to know which machines have had gaps between activity periods.Here is a query that shows the start times following breaks in activity for a given machine.

  machine AS thismachine,
  start_time AS StartAfterGap
FROM jobtimes
  SELECT stop_time 
  FROM jobtimes
  WHERE machine=thismachine
    AND start_time < StartAfterGap 
    AND stop_time >= StartAfterGap 


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You have a table tbl with an integer primary key column keycol which is not a key in another table, and which you wish to make perfectly sequential starting with 1.

SET @i=0;
UPDATE tbl SET keycol=(@i:=@i+1); 


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A master table has one row for each project, and the number of sequential steps required to complete each project. A detail table has one row per project per completed step:

  id INT, projectname CHAR(2), projectsteps INT
(1, 'xx', 3), 
(2, 'yy', 3),
(3, 'zz', 5);

  id INT, projectID INT, xid INT
(1, 1, 1),
(2, 1, 2),
(3, 2, 1),
(4, 1, 3),
(5, 3, 2),
(6, 1, 2),
(7, 2, 1),
(8, 2, 1);

The requirement is for a query which, for every project, reports 'OK' if there is at least one detail row for every project step, or otherwise reports the number of the last sequential completed step:

Here is one way to build such a query:

1. Join t1 to t2 on projectID.

2. Left Join t2 to itself on projectID and integer succession.

3. Add a WHERE condition which turns the left self-join into an exclusion join that finds the first missing sequential xid value.

4. To the SELECT list add this item:

  IF( a.xid < p.projectstep,a.xid,'OK' ) AS StepState

so when the first sequential missing xid is not less than the number of project steps, display 'Ok', otherwise display the xid value before the first missing xid value.

5. Remove dupes with a GROUP BY clause.

  IF(a.xid < p.projectsteps, a.xid, 'OK') AS CompletionState
FROM t1 p
JOIN t2 a ON = a.projectID
LEFT JOIN t2 AS b ON a.projectID = b.projectID AND a.xid+1 = b.xid
GROUP BY p.projectname;
| projectname | projectsteps | xid  | CompletionState |
| xx          |            3 |    3 | OK              |
| yy          |            3 |    1 | 1               |
| zz          |            5 |    2 | 2               |


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Given a table of IDs and won-lost results, how do we find the longest winning streak?

drop table if exists results;
create table results(id int,result char(1));
insert into results values
select * from results;
| id   | result |
|    1 | w      |
|    2 | l      |
|    3 | l      |
|    4 | w      |
|    5 | w      |
|    6 | w      |
|    7 | l      |
|    8 | w      |
|    9 | w      |

We can find streaks of two with a left join on To count streak lengths, initialise a counter to 0 then increment it for every hit:

set @count=0;
select, a.result, b.result, @count := IF(a.result = b.result, @count + 1, 1) as Streak
from results a 
left join results b on = + 1 
where a.result = 'w';

The longest winning streak is the longest such streak found:

set @count=0;
select MAX(@count:=IF(a.result = b.result, @count + 1, 1)) as LongestStreak
from results a 
left join results b on = + 1 
where a.result = 'w';
| LongestStreak |
|             3 |

That solution is from a response by Jon Roshko to a question by Ed Ball on the MySQL Newbie Forum. Scott Noyes points out that our query pattern for sequence starts and ends also works for winning streaks:

SELECT MIN( ) - + 1 as LongestStreak
FROM results AS a
LEFT JOIN results AS b ON = + 1 AND b.result = 'w'
LEFT JOIN results AS c ON <= AND c.result = 'w'
LEFT JOIN results AS d ON = - 1 AND d.result = 'w'
  a.result = 'w'
ORDER BY LongestStreak DESC LIMIT 1;


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Find the distance in kilometres between two points on the surface of the earth. This is just the sort of problem stored functions were made for. For a first order approximation, ignore deviations of the earth's surface from the perfectly spherical. Then the distance in radians is given by a number of trigonometric formulas. ACOS and COS behave reasonably:

             COS(lat1-lat2)*(1+COS(lon1-lon2)) - COS(lat1+lat2)*(1-COS(lon1-lon2))
rads = ACOS( --------------------------------------------------------------------- )

We need to convert degrees latitude and longitude to radians, and we need to know the length in km of one radian on the earth's surface, which is 6378.388. The function:

set log_bin_trust_function_creators=TRUE;

  DECLARE pi, q1, q2, q3 FLOAT;
  SET pi = PI();
  SET lat1 = lat1 * pi / 180;
  SET lon1 = lon1 * pi / 180;
  SET lat2 = lat2 * pi / 180;
  SET lon2 = lon2 * pi / 180;
  SET q1 = COS(lon1-lon2);
  SET q2 = COS(lat1-lat2);
  SET q3 = COS(lat1+lat2);
  SET rads = ACOS( 0.5*((1.0+q1)*q2 - (1.0-q1)*q3) ); 
  RETURN 6378.388 * rads;

-- toronto to montreal (505km):
select geodistkm(43.6667,-79.4167,45.5000,-73.5833);
| geodistkm(43.6667,-79.4167,45.5000,-73.5833) |
|                           505.38836669921875 |

(Setting log_bin_trust_function_creators is the most convenient way to step round determinacy conventions implemented since 5.0.6.)


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Given a table of dates and daily values, retrieve their moving 5-day average:

INSERT INTO t VALUES ('2007-1-1',5),
  ( SELECT SUM(t2.qty) / COUNT(t2.qty)
    FROM t AS t2
    WHERE DATEDIFF(t1.dt, t2.dt) BETWEEN 0 AND 4
  ) AS '5dayMovingAvg'
FROM t AS t1
ORDER BY t1.dt;

This generalises easily to moving averages for multiple items:

CREATE TABLE t (item int, dt DATE, qty INT);
INSERT INTO t VALUES (1,'2007-1-1',5),
  ( SELECT SUM(t2.qty) / COUNT(t2.qty)
    FROM t AS t2
    WHERE item=t1.item AND DATEDIFF(t1.dt, t2.dt) BETWEEN 0 AND 4
  ) AS '5dayMovingAvg'
FROM t AS t1
GROUP BY t1.item,t1.dt;
| item | dt         | 5dayMovingAvg |
|    1 | 2007-01-01 |        5.0000 |
|    1 | 2007-01-02 |        5.5000 |
|    1 | 2007-01-03 |        6.0000 |
|    1 | 2007-01-04 |        6.5000 |
|    1 | 2007-01-05 |        7.0000 |
|    1 | 2007-01-06 |        8.0000 |
|    1 | 2007-01-07 |        9.0000 |
|    1 | 2007-01-08 |       10.0000 |
|    1 | 2007-01-09 |       11.0000 |
|    2 | 2007-01-01 |        6.0000 |
|    2 | 2007-01-02 |        6.5000 |
|    2 | 2007-01-03 |        7.0000 |
|    2 | 2007-01-04 |        7.5000 |
|    2 | 2007-01-05 |        8.0000 |
|    2 | 2007-01-06 |        9.0000 |
|    2 | 2007-01-07 |       10.0000 |
|    2 | 2007-01-08 |       11.0000 |
|    2 | 2007-01-09 |       12.0000 |

or more simply...

SELECT t1.item,t1.dt, AVG(t2.qty) AS 5DayAvg
FROM t t1
JOIN t t2 ON t1.item=t2.item AND DATEDIFF(t1.dt, t2.dt) BETWEEN 0 AND 4
GROUP BY t1.item,t1.dt; 


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You have a parties table that holds info on peoples' names etc, and a contracts table in which each row defines one contract, identifying a client as clientpartyID and a contractor as contractorpartyID, each of these a foreign key referencing parties.partyID. You want a list of parties showing how many contracts they have participated in as client, and how many they've participated in as contractor.

  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contractor_client c1 WHERE c1.clientpartyID = p.partyID )
  AS ClientDeals,
  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contractor_client c2 WHERE c2.contractorpartyID = p.partyID)
  AS ContractorDeals
FROM parties p


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In the Sakila table film, retrieve a top-down percentile ranking of film lengths:

  a.film_id ,
  ROUND( 100.0 * ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM film AS b WHERE b.length <= a.length ) / total.cnt, 1 ) 
  AS percentile
FROM film a 
  FROM film 
) AS total
ORDER BY percentile DESC;

If there are NULLs, filter them out before computing percentiles.

On his blog, Roland Bouman shows a much faster query; here is a version retrieving the first film at or above the 90th percentile:

  SUM(g1.r) sr,
  g2.length l,
  SUM(g1.r)/(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM film) p
  SELECT COUNT(*) r, length 
  FROM film 
  GROUP BY length
) g1
  SELECT COUNT(*) r, length 
  FROM film 
  GROUP BY length
) g2 ON g1.length < g2.length
GROUP BY g2.length
HAVING p >= 0.9

Last updated 07 Oct 2009

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When your web page loads it is to provide a randomly selected Murphy's Law from your murphy table (id int, text law)):

FROM murphy 


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A user variable can maintain a per-row cumulative sum of column values:

SET @total=0;
SELECT id, value, @total:=@total+value AS RunningSum
FROM tbl;

If your platform does not permit multiple queries per connection, and if you can tolerate the O(N2) inefficiency of a self-join, this does the same job:

SELECT, c.value, d.RunningSum
FROM tbl c
  SELECT, SUM(b.value) AS RunningSum
  FROM tbl a
  LEFT JOIN tbl b ON <=
) d USING (id);

Last updated 17 Jun 2009

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You often need to sum across several categories to total customer purchase amounts, salesperson sales amounts, political party election spending, etc.

For this example assume three tables: candidates, parties and ridings. You want to get the total amount spent in all ridings by every party in one output row. Here is the schema:

CREATE TABLE candidates (
  id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `name` char(10) ,
  riding char(12) ,
  party char(12) ,
  amt_spent decimal(10,0) NOT NULL default '0',

INSERT INTO candidates 
  VALUES (1,'Anne Jones','Essex','Liberal','5000'),
         (2,'Mary Smith','Malton','Liberal','7000'),
         (3,'Sara Black','Riverdale','Liberal','15000'),
         (4,'Paul Jones','Essex','Socialist','3000'),
         (5,'Ed While','Essex','Conservative','10000'),
         (6,'Jim kelly','Malton','Liberal','9000'),
         (7,'Fred Price','Riverdale','Socialist','4000');

CREATE TABLE ridings (
  riding char(10) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (riding)

INSERT INTO ridings VALUES ('Essex'),('Malton'),('Riverdale');

CREATE TABLE parties (
  party char(12) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (party)

INSERT INTO parties VALUES ('Conservative'),('Liberal'),('Socialist');

And here is the query that does it:

  SUM(amt_spent) AS Total,
  (SUM(amt_spent)-SUM(CASE WHEN'Conservative' THEN NULL ELSE amt_spent END)) AS Cons,
  (SUM(amt_spent)-SUM(CASE WHEN'Liberal' THEN NULL ELSE amt_spent END)) AS Lib,
  (SUM(amt_spent)-SUM(CASE WHEN'Socialist' THEN NULL ELSE amt_spent END)) AS Soc
  (SELECT * FROM candidates
  INNER JOIN parties ON
  INNER JOIN ridings ON candidates.riding=ridings.riding) AS data

 ------- ------- ------- ------ 
| Total | Cons  | Lib   | Soc  |
 ------- ------- ------- ------ 
| 53000 | 10000 | 36000 | 7000 |
 ------- ------- ------- ------ 


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We often want to know the top 1, 2, 10 or whatever values from a query. This is dead simple in MySQL. However many JOINs and WHEREs the query has, simply ORDER BY the column(s) whose highest values are sought, and LIMIT the resultset:

  SELECT (somecolumn), (othercolumns) ...
  FROM (some tables) ...
  ORDER BY somecolumn DESC
  LIMIT 10;


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You have photos (id INT, photo BLOB, tally INT) and votes(id INT, userID INT, photoID INT) tables. You wish to update photos.tally values from counts per photo in the votes table. You can use a cursor to walk the photos table, updating the tally as you go:

CREATE TABLE photos (id INT, photo BLOB, tally INT); 
INSERT INTO photos VALUES(1,'',0),(2,'',0);
INSERT INTO votes VALUES (1,1),(2,1),(2,2);

CREATE PROCEDURE updatetallies()
  OPEN cur1;
  FETCH cur1 INTO pid;
  WHILE done = 0 DO
    UPDATE photos 
      SET tally = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM votes WHERE photoid = pid ) 
      WHERE id = pid;
    FETCH cur1 INTO pid;
  CLOSE cur1;
  SELECT id,tally FROM photos;
END //
CALL updatetallies();
| id   | tally |
|    1 |     2 |
|    2 |     1 |

but a simple join does exactly the same job at much less cost:

UPDATE photos 
SET tally = (
  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM votes WHERE votes.photoid =

Before you burden your app with a cursor, see if you can simplify the processing to a straightforward join.


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Sometimes it is desirable to call multiple stored procedures in one command. In SQL Server this can be done with sp_exec. In MySQL we can easily write such an sproc that calls as many sprocs as we please, for example...

USE sys;
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_exec( p1 CHAR(64), p2 CHAR(64) )
  -- permit doublequotes to delimit data
  SET @sqlmode=(SELECT @@sql_mode);
  SET @@sql_mode='';
  SET @sql = CONCAT( "CALL ", p1 );
  PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
  EXECUTE stmt;
  SET @sql = CONCAT( "CALL ", p2 );
  PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
  EXECUTE stmt;
  SET @@sql_mode=@sqlmode;


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To have an sproc accept a variable-length parameter list for an IN(...) clause in a query, code the sproc to PREPARE the query statement:

CREATE PROCEDURE passInParam( IN qry VARCHAR(100), IN param VARCHAR(1000) )
  SET @qry = CONCAT( qry, param, ')' );
  PREPARE stmt FROM @qry;
  EXECUTE stmt;

For this example, the query string should be of the form:

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... IN ( 

but so long as it has those elements, it can be as complex as you like. When you call the sproc:
1. Quote each argument with a pair of single quotes,
2. Separate these quoted arguments with commas,
3. Surround the whole param string with another set of single quotes:

CALL passInParam( 'SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE colval IN (', ('''abc'',''def'',''ghi''' ));


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Here is a function to count substrings delimited by a constant delimiting string:

SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;
CREATE FUNCTION strCount( pDelim VARCHAR(32), pStr TEXT) RETURNS int(11)
  DECLARE strRemain TEXT;
  SET strRemain = pStr;
  SET pos = LOCATE( pDelim, strRemain );
  WHILE pos != 0 DO
    SET n = n + 1;
    SET pos = LOCATE( pDelim, strRemain );
    SET strRemain = SUBSTRING( strRemain, pos+1 );

-- example call:
SET @str  = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"; 
SET @delim = " "; 
SELECT strCount(@delim,@str);



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To count instances of a search string in a target string ...
  • in the target string, replace the search string with a single character,
  • subtract the length of the modified target string from the length of the original target string,
  • divide that by the length of the search string:

SET @str  = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"; 
SET @find = "the";
SELECT ROUND(((LENGTH(@str) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LCASE(@str), @find, '')))/LENGTH(@find)),0) 
|     2 |

Note that REPLACE() does a case-sensitive search; to get a case-insensitive result you must coerce target and search strings to one case.

To remove decimals from the result:



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The Levenshtein distance between two strings is the minimum number of operations needed to transform one string into the other, where an operation may be insertion, deletion or substitution of one character. Jason Rust published this MySQL algorithm for it.

CREATE FUNCTION levenshtein( s1 VARCHAR(255), s2 VARCHAR(255) )
    DECLARE s1_len, s2_len, i, j, c, c_temp, cost INT;
    DECLARE s1_char CHAR;
    -- max strlen=255
    DECLARE cv0, cv1 VARBINARY(256);
    SET s1_len = CHAR_LENGTH(s1), s2_len = CHAR_LENGTH(s2), cv1 = 0x00, j = 1, i = 1, c = 0;
    IF s1 = s2 THEN
      RETURN 0;
    ELSEIF s1_len = 0 THEN
      RETURN s2_len;
    ELSEIF s2_len = 0 THEN
      RETURN s1_len;
      WHILE j <= s2_len DO
        SET cv1 = CONCAT(cv1, UNHEX(HEX(j))), j = j + 1;
      END WHILE;
      WHILE i <= s1_len DO
        SET s1_char = SUBSTRING(s1, i, 1), c = i, cv0 = UNHEX(HEX(i)), j = 1;
        WHILE j <= s2_len DO
          SET c = c + 1;
          IF s1_char = SUBSTRING(s2, j, 1) THEN 
            SET cost = 0; ELSE SET cost = 1;
          END IF;
          SET c_temp = CONV(HEX(SUBSTRING(cv1, j, 1)), 16, 10) + cost;
          IF c > c_temp THEN SET c = c_temp; END IF;
            SET c_temp = CONV(HEX(SUBSTRING(cv1, j+1, 1)), 16, 10) + 1;
            IF c > c_temp THEN 
              SET c = c_temp; 
            END IF;
            SET cv0 = CONCAT(cv0, UNHEX(HEX(c))), j = j + 1;
        END WHILE;
        SET cv1 = cv0, i = i + 1;
      END WHILE;
    END IF;
    RETURN c;

Helper function:
CREATE FUNCTION levenshtein_ratio( s1 VARCHAR(255), s2 VARCHAR(255) )
    DECLARE s1_len, s2_len, max_len INT;
    SET s1_len = LENGTH(s1), s2_len = LENGTH(s2);
    IF s1_len > s2_len THEN 
      SET max_len = s1_len; 
      SET max_len = s2_len; 
    END IF;
    RETURN ROUND((1 - LEVENSHTEIN(s1, s2) / max_len) * 100);


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The basic idea is...
  • lower-case the string
  • upper-case the first character if it is a-z, and any other a-z character that follows a punctuation character
Here is the function. To make it work with strings long than 128 characters, change its input and return declarations accordingly:

SET GLOBAL  log_bin_trust_function_creators=TRUE;
CREATE FUNCTION proper( str VARCHAR(128) )
  DECLARE punct CHAR(18) DEFAULT ' ()[]{},.-_!@;:?/'; -- David Rabby added \\'
  SET s = LCASE( str );
  WHILE i <= LENGTH( str ) DO -- Jesse Palmer corrected from < to <= for last char
      SET c = SUBSTRING( s, i, 1 );
      IF LOCATE( c, punct ) > 0 THEN
        SET bool = 1;
      ELSEIF bool=1 THEN 
          IF c >= 'a' AND c <= 'z' THEN 
              SET s = CONCAT(LEFT(s,i-1),UCASE(c),SUBSTRING(s,i+1));
              SET bool = 0;
          ELSEIF c >= '0' AND c <= '9' THEN
            SET bool = 0;
          END IF;
      END IF;
      SET i = i+1;
select proper("d'arcy");
| proper("d'arcy") |
| D'Arcy           |

But there are always exceptions, for example some guy with that name will want it spelled "d'Arcy".

Last updated 10 Nov 2009

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If ip is for the form N.N.N.N where N may be 1, 2 or 3 digits, how to group and count by just the first three octets, ie the ip class?

  LEFT(ip, CHAR_LENGTH(ip) - LOCATE('.', REVERSE(ip))) as ipclass,
FROM tbl
GROUP BY ipclass; 

Hamilton Turner notes we can find the first octet with LEFT(ip,LOCATE('.',ip)-1).


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Return only the digits from a string:

SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;
  SET len = CHAR_LENGTH( str );
      SET c = MID( str, i, 1 );
      IF c BETWEEN '0' AND '9' THEN 
        SET ret=CONCAT(ret,c);
      END IF;
      SET i = i + 1;
  RETURN ret;
SELECT digits('123ab45cde6789fg');
| digits('123ab45cde6789fg') |
| 123456789                  |

Return only the alphabetic characters from a string:

  SET len = CHAR_LENGTH( str );
      SET c = MID( str, i, 1 );
      IF c REGEXP '[[:alpha:]]' THEN
        SET ret=CONCAT(ret,c);
      END IF;
      SET i = i + 1;
  RETURN ret;
SELECT alphas('123ab45cde6789fg');
| alphas('123ab45cde6789fg') |
| abcdefg                    |


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Ported from a T-SQL function by Robert Davis:

SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;
CREATE FUNCTION fnStripTags( Dirty varchar(4000) )
RETURNS varchar(4000)
  DECLARE iStart, iEnd, iLength int;
  WHILE Locate( '<', Dirty ) > 0 And Locate( '>', Dirty, Locate( '<', Dirty )) > 0 DO
      SET iStart = Locate( '<', Dirty ), iEnd = Locate( '>', Dirty, Locate('<', Dirty ));
      SET iLength = ( iEnd - iStart) + 1;
      IF iLength > 0 THEN
          SET Dirty = Insert( Dirty, iStart, iLength, '');
      END IF;
  RETURN Dirty;

SELECT fnStripTags('this is a test, nothing more') AS Test;
| Test                         |
| this is a test, nothing more |

