Tips and Tools for troubleshooting Linux Network
Nslookup – can I resolve the hostname?
/etc/hosts – is the entry in host file?
Ifconfig – or ip add – check network interface configuration
more /etc/network/interaces or /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
auto eth1 – bring up interface at startup
eth1 dhcp
If your address starts with 169.254. Then you are configured for DHCP, but DHCP failed
Ping – see if it is alive
Use telnet or netcat domain port - netcat 443
For example
Sudo /etc/init.d/network restart
netstat –nat – numeric (don’t resolve) t=TCP (not UDP) l=listening
sudo ufw status – uncomplicated firewall
SSH is blocked by default
Sudo ufw allow 22 #before enabling firewall
More /etc/services to see list of services with ports
Sometimes an application will override entries in /etc/services and break things
Opensource network defined software firewalling