3D Printing - Getting started with Ender 3

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Pick a entry level printer: Creality Ender 3X 3D Printer - includes glass print bed

Ender 3X

Creality Ender 3 Assembly and Quick Start Guide


Order PLA Black: HATCHBOX PLA 3D Printer Filament, Dimensional Accuracy +/- 0.03 mm, 1 kg Spool, 1.75 mm 


Download from MyMiniFactory

QuickLevel Printer Bed Calibration Tool

XYZ 20mm 3D printer Calibration Cube Cube

#3DBenchy - The jolly 3D printing torture-test

Try TinkerCAD Drawing web site, Keyboard short cuts


Slicing the .stl file for the printer


Printing replacement chess pieces

Chess 3d print  Bearing


How to get prints to stick to the plate (I was ready to return my printer)

At first I found I could clean the plate with rubbing alcohol and with a new glass plate most things would stick.  Sometimes I also needed to add a brim in Cura to the slice if there was not Elmers glue stickmuch surface area on the plate.  I asked my friend for advice and he said he usually uses Elmers Purple Glue stick.  I found that works well.  I can sometimes get a couple of prints on the same glue stick application.  Warning: don't try to use a cotton ball with alcohol to clean up the glue stick on the plate.  It results in the cotton fibers stuck to the glue.  I just use warm to wet a wash rag and clean off all the glue.  When dry and the plate is preheated I just put on a fresh coat of glue.  Seems to work very well.

High resolution minis, trick to print every layer as top layer

  1. 100% infill in Cura
  2. Very small layer height 0.08
  3. Go Slow
  4. Plenty of supports choose zig zag

Note: I have had much better success when I just print in standard quality.  Printing in these high resolutions is tricky and often the prints don't adhere to the plate. 

Cura top layer

Pick a entry level printer: Creality Ender 3X 3D Printer

Is the Ender pro worth it?  Ender 3 PRO vs Ender 3 - Detail comparison

Ender 3X

Order PLA Black: HATCHBOX PLA 3D Printer Filament, Dimensional Accuracy +/- 0.03 mm, 1 kg Spool, 1.75 mm 

Creality Ender 3 Upgrades:

Heat-bed insulation -- https://goo.gl/ubu8MJ C

reality spare nozzle -- https://goo.gl/GV3HeG

Printable Creality Ender 3 Upgrades:

3D printer calibration

More to come on the site in future: https://teachingtechyt.github.io/ Website source and place to lodge bugs/feature requests: https://github.com/teachingtechYT/tea... 


0:00 Introduction 0:17 Overview 2:07 Structure and warnings 2:46 Frame check 3:35 PID autotune 4:36 Baseline print 7:02 E-steps 8:23 Slicer flow rate 9:51 Stepper motor driver current 11:09 Retraction 13:25 Temperature 14:32 Acceleration and jerk/junction deviation 17:18 Linear advance 18:28 Summary

How to print flexible prints

PLA and ABS are not flexixible, Nylon is a little flexible and TCP is very flexible

I decided on PCTPE Nylon as a good middle ground not too hard to print, some flexibility.

Dealing with moisture in filaments

absorbentI found that a 2 gallon bucket fits 3 spools of filament and I just throw in some Silica Gel Packets with them to absorb any moisture.  The Gel packets can be can be recharged in the microwave. 

Nylon Filament

  • Max Ender 3 Tip can go is 250 C, better printing at 260 C for Nylon
  • Bed at 100 C
  • Gluestick on Glass for the bed
  • Turn off the layer cooling fan
  • Retract distance 3 mm
  • Slow down print speed

Upgrades for Nylon

Octoprint with Raspberry Pi 4 b


Show Raspberry Pi GPU and ARM CPU temperature

Monitory CPU speed and temp Sample output

$ ./temp.sh 
Date   Time    GPU-C  GPU-F      CPU-C  CPU-F    CPU      Core    Vcore
Jul 29 18:46   80.0'C 176.0'F    80.8'C 177.4'F  1500MHz  500MHz  0.8455V
Jul 29 18:46   79.0'C 174.2'F    79.8'C 175.6'F  1500MHz  500MHz  0.8455V
Jul 29 18:47   81.0'C 177.8'F    81.8'C 179.2'F  1500MHz  500MHz  0.8455V
Edit a file temp.sh and add the following:
DisplayHeader="Date   Time    GPU-C  GPU-F      CPU-C  CPU-F    CPU      Core    Vcore"
while true ; do
  let ++Counter
  if [ ${Counter} -eq 21 ]; then
        echo -e "${DisplayHeader}"

  Clockspeed=$(vcgencmd measure_clock arm | awk -F"=" '{printf ("%0.0f",$2/1000000); }' )
  Corespeed=$(vcgencmd measure_clock core | awk -F"=" '{printf ("%0.0f",$2/1000000); }' )
  CoreVolt=$(vcgencmd measure_volts | cut -f2 -d= | sed 's/000//')
  gpu=$(/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp | awk -F "[=\']" '{print $2}')
  cpu=$(echo "$cpu / 100 * 0.1" | bc)
  cpuf=$(echo "(1.8 * $cpu) + 32" |bc)
  gpuf=$(echo "(1.8 * $gpu) + 32" |bc)
  echo -e "$(date '+%b %d %H:%M')   ${gpu}'C ${gpuf}'F    ${cpu}'C ${cpuf}'F  $(printf '%4s' ${Clockspeed})MHz $(printf '%4s' ${Corespeed})MHz  ${CoreVolt}"
  sleep 10